Batumi News
March 20 2004
Blackout in Georgia may linger on over parliamentary elections
Din White, director general of the Georgian Unified Energy
Distributing Company fails to set the date for the power crisis
reduction. Meanwhile, he stressed on the measures taken to reach the
goal. Mr. White said the blackout results from the decrepit system,
mismanagement and absence of investments.
`The Caucasioni high voltage power transmission link has been
switched off since March, we have no dates for restoring it. We are
posed to the deficit of water supplies in the `Engurhes' power
station, instead of 200 mgwt. it can aggregate 50 mgwt. power
presently', - Din White said.
Mr. White said they are relying hopes the power deficit will slacken
in some regions after they reach negotiations with Armenia on power
import; however, most Georgian regions are going to remain blackout.
`We have no outlook yet for having better power supply by the
Parliamentary elections March 28, the crisis is in its critical phase
for the week on, we depend on better weather conditions and restoring
of the `Caucasioni' transmission wire, - the director general quoted.
March 20 2004
Blackout in Georgia may linger on over parliamentary elections
Din White, director general of the Georgian Unified Energy
Distributing Company fails to set the date for the power crisis
reduction. Meanwhile, he stressed on the measures taken to reach the
goal. Mr. White said the blackout results from the decrepit system,
mismanagement and absence of investments.
`The Caucasioni high voltage power transmission link has been
switched off since March, we have no dates for restoring it. We are
posed to the deficit of water supplies in the `Engurhes' power
station, instead of 200 mgwt. it can aggregate 50 mgwt. power
presently', - Din White said.
Mr. White said they are relying hopes the power deficit will slacken
in some regions after they reach negotiations with Armenia on power
import; however, most Georgian regions are going to remain blackout.
`We have no outlook yet for having better power supply by the
Parliamentary elections March 28, the crisis is in its critical phase
for the week on, we depend on better weather conditions and restoring
of the `Caucasioni' transmission wire, - the director general quoted.