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ASBAREZ Online [05-06-2004]

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  • ASBAREZ Online [05-06-2004]


    1) Council of Europe Not the Politburo, Says Kocharian
    2) Parliament and Opposition Leaders Meet
    3) Hardliner Abashidze Flees Ajaria
    4) Azerbaijan Not Ready for Risks or Responsibilities
    5) ANC Praises Republicans for Advancing Genocide Reaffirmation

    1) Council of Europe Not the Politburo, Says Kocharian

    YEREVAN (Armenpress/RFE/RL)--President Robert Kocharian said on Thursday said
    that while he finds the recommendations of last week's Parliamentary Assembly
    of the Council of Europe (PACE) resolution "normal," he disagrees with its
    assessment of the Armenian authorities' response to the street protests
    launched by the opposition one month ago.
    The April 28 resolution warns Armenian authorities that PACE will consider
    stripping the Armenian delegation's voting rights in the Assembly, unless it
    remedies, by September, abuses addressed in the resolution.
    "We are reviewing [the document]. I see no particularly big problems in its
    content," he told journalists. "But there are quite serious inaccuracies in
    description and chronology of events."
    He said that a response to the descriptive segment of the resolution will
    in a few days, while an official response will be submitted to the June
    of PACE. He also said that a PACE monitoring delegation will arrive in
    soon to examine the situation first-hand.
    "The Council of Europe is an organization of which we are also a member. We
    have a right to vote and express our opinion there. We are there to defend our
    common interests, not to clear domestic matters," stressed Kocharian, adding
    that the Council of Europe should not be perceived as the Soviet Union's
    governing Communist Party Politburo. "You must not regard the Council of
    as the former Politburo where they made and imposed decisions."
    Though important, the decisions of PACE are not binding for the Council of
    Europe leadership.
    Kocharian also downplayed fears that international focus on Armenia's
    political instability would affect foreign investment into the country.
    "Armenia's economy will suffer greater damage if investors begin to question
    the ability of authorities to establish order in the country." He admitted,
    however, that recent tensions will bear some negative impact. "Those people
    attempting to escalate tensions do not realize that negative repercussions
    eventually be felt by all Armenian citizens."

    2) Parliament and Opposition Leaders Meet

    YEREVAN--Opposition leaders and 13 senior representatives of all parliament
    factions met behind closed doors late Thursday to try to defuse political
    tensions sparked by the month-long opposition campaign against President
    Initiated by parliament speaker Artur Baghdasarian, the talks began late in
    the afternoon and lasted for about five hours.
    A brief statement issued by the participants afterward said they agreed on
    "necessity to create a new situation in the country" and that a 32-point
    for further "consultations" was formulated.
    According to one of the negotiators for the Justice party Victor Dallakian,
    the agenda will be disclosed by Friday.

    3) Hardliner Abashidze Flees Ajaria

    BATUMI (AFP)--Georgia's President Mikhail Saakashvili triumphantly arrived in
    the Black Sea region of Ajaria after the province's renegade leader resigned
    and flew into exile in dramatic scenes overnight.
    Georgian officials announced new elections to choose a replacement for ousted
    leader Aslan Abashidze and appointed an interim administration to run
    Ajaria--site of the region's biggest oil terminal--until a new leader is
    "I congratulate you all," a jubilant Saakashvili said as he arrived in Ajaria
    to chair a meeting of his ministers.
    "We have shown the world that we are a great people. Only we could have
    two bloodless revolutions in six months," he said.
    Abashidze's departure in the early hours of Thursday morning was the final
    of last year's revolution, in which Saakashvili led weeks of protests which
    forced then President Eduard Shevardnadze to go into retirement.
    But the Ajarian chief, a member of Shevardnadze's old guard, stayed on, and
    until Thursday, had defied the authority of the capital, Tbilisi, and shown
    growing separatist tendencies.
    Russian news agencies reported that Abashidze had landed in Moscow,
    accompanied by Russia's Security Council Secretary Igor Ivanov, who had
    flown to Ajaria to help mediate the conflict.
    His departure avoided what many feared would be a bloody separatist war,
    causing turmoil in Georgia just as Western oil companies are building a
    multi-billion-dollar pipeline through the country to export oil from the
    Caspian Sea to world markets.
    With Abashidze's 12-year rule over Ajaria suddenly over and his feared
    paramilitaries handing in their weapons, Saakashvili's administration set
    filling in the power vacuum.
    Georgian Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania said on Ajarian television that new
    elections would be called and announced the creation of a commission, made up
    of Saakashvili aides and local figures, to run the region in the interim.
    But he said that Ajaria's autonomous status within Georgia, enshrined in law
    since the start of the last century, would be respected.
    "The new elections will be held with due account taken of Ajaria's special
    status, which will now be finally clarified by a special constitutional law,"
    Zhvania said.
    On the streets of Ajaria's palm tree-lined capital Batumi Thursday, the last
    vestiges of Abashidze's rule were being swept away.
    Special forces troops from Tbilisi were in position outside government
    buildings, instead of the masked men in camouflage fatigues who had propped up
    Abashidze's regime.
    Drop-off points were set up around the city where civilians could hand in the
    weapons they were given by Abashidze's security forces to defend against an
    invasion from Tbilisi.
    Meanwhile some 2,000 Saakashvili supporters were holding a celebratory rally
    outside the local administration building chanting "Misha!,
    Misha!"--Saakashvili's affectionate nickname.
    It was a token of their new freedom. Previous opposition rallies in Batumi
    been brutally dispersed by police loyal to Abashidze, with dozens of people
    Abashidze is a former Communist official who had ruled his corner of Georgia
    with a rod of iron and appointed his own relatives to key positions.
    His fate was sealed this week when thousands of his opponents took to the
    streets to demand his resignation, defying the police.
    At the same time Saakashvili, the 36-year-old who came to power in last
    "rose revolution" in the Georgian capital, introduced direct presidential rule
    and Georgian special forces were dropped in to Ajaria by helicopter.
    Abashidze appeared to have made use of an offer from the Georgian
    president of
    safe passage out of the country for him and his family if he agreed to go

    4) Azerbaijan Not Ready for Risks or Responsibilities

    YEREVAN (Armenpress/Yerkir)--Karabagh leader Arkady Ghukasian reiterated that
    the Mountainous Karabagh conflict cannot be resolved unless Stepanakert
    a full party to negotiations.
    "Sooner or later, Azeri leaders will have to agree to negotiate with
    and I am confident that the international community shares this very
    viewpoint," said Ghukasian, citing an OSCE Budapest summit resolution
    identifying Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Mountainous Karabagh as the parties to
    Citing Azeri "distrust, enmity, and war rhetoric," Ghukasian said that the
    "package solution" must be sought, rather than the "step-by-step approach."
    While the first proposes settling key problems, including status, security
    guarantees, and troop withdrawal, with a single, comprehensive agreement, the
    latter calls for Armenia to surrender specific buffer zones to Azerbaijan, in
    exchange of deployment of international peacekeepers in Mountainous Karabagh.
    "We have the resources to resolve the conflict in one to two years, but we
    should also realize that resolution and peace contain certain risks;
    Azerbaijan's leaders do realize this, and are not ready today to take the
    and shoulder responsibilities."
    In a reversal of previous opinion on the effectiveness of the Minsk Group,
    which spearheads the Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe's
    (OSCE) efforts to find a political solution to this conflict, Azeri president
    Ilham Aliyev said earlier this week that the Group's activity is apparent, and
    that "the co-chairmen are determined to deal with the problem."

    5) ANC Praises Republicans for Advancing Genocide Reaffirmation

    LOS ANGELES--The largest Armenian-American grassroots public affairs
    organization in the Western US praised a number of Republican legislators in
    the US Congress for their outstanding support on issues of concern to tens of
    thousands of Armenian-American voters throughout California, Nevada, and other
    western states.
    In a statement, the Armenian National Committee of America--Western Region
    also commended Republican Governors of Idaho, Montana, and Nebraska for
    officially acknowledging the Armenian Genocide.
    A record number of Governors issued proclamations this April acknowledging
    Armenian Genocide and April 24 as a Day of Remembrance. The list includes
    Republican Governors Dirk Kempthorne of Idaho, Judy Martz of Montana, and Mike
    Johanns of Nebraska.
    The ANCA-WR also applauded California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's move
    designating April 24 a Day of Remembrance for the Genocide, as well as
    Republican State Senator Chuck Poochigian's powerful proclamation at the April
    24 Commemoration in Montebello, California.
    "We appreciate the work of our Republican friends, particularly the Governors
    and members of Congress who support the ANC's initiatives to raise awareness
    about the Armenian Genocide and urge Congress to pass resolutions
    this crime against humanity," said ANCA-WR Government Relations Director Armen
    Last week, the Nevada ANC honored Senator John Ensign (R-NV) as the "ANC Man
    of the Year" for his staunch support of Armenian-American issues. Senator
    Ensign introduced Senate Resolution 164, reaffirming US's commitment to
    preventing genocides and punishing perpetrators of genocide. The legislation
    also clearly identifies the mass murder of Armenians from 1915 to 1923 as a
    case of genocide. The bill is currently backed by 39 Senators, nine of whom
    Several months ago, ANC-Orange County honored Congressman Ed Royce
    (R-Fullerton) with its Freedom Award for his consistent support of issues that
    concern Armenian-American constituents. Just last week, Royce, who serves on
    the influential International Relations Committee, reaffirmed his pledge to
    fight for official acknowledgment of the Armenian Genocide while addressing
    ANCA Capitol Hill Armenian Genocide Observance.
    At its largest annual event, the ANCA-WR presented Congressman George
    Radanovich (R-Fresno) its "Man of the Year" honor several months ago for his
    dedication and commitment. Radanovich is the principal author and sponsor of
    H.R. 193, which acknowledges the Armenian Genocide. The legislation passed
    unanimously in the House Judiciary Committee on May 21, 2003 and awaits a vote
    on the House Floor.

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