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Leading European Electoral Candidates Meet With Armenian Community

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  • Leading European Electoral Candidates Meet With Armenian Community

    for Justice and Democracy
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    For Immediate Release
    May 14th, 2004
    Contact: Talline Tachdjian
    Tel.: +32 (0)2 732 70 27


    Lyon, France - On May 9th, the leading candidates for the European
    Parliament elections from the southeast region of France addressed
    the topic of Turkey's accession to the European Union during a Europe
    Day event organized by the Armenian National Committee of France and
    the Armenian Revolutionary Federation.

    Speaking at the event held at the Bourse du Travail in Lyon were
    Thierry Cornillet (Union of French Democrats), Gérard Benhamias
    (Greens), and Patrick Louis (Union for France). The debate was
    moderated by France Inter Radio journalist Frederic Bourgade, with
    participation of Franck Bianchieri from Think Tank Europe 2002 and
    Hilda Tchoboian from the European Armenian Federation. Absent due
    to the launching of their parties' electoral campaigns, Françoise
    Grossetête (Union for the Presidential Majority) and Michel Rocard
    (Socialist Party) issued filmed statements.

    Franck Bianchieri commented on the growing concern and opposition to
    Turkey' s accession that he noticed during the debates he moderated
    in 100 European cities. Before an attentive audience of more than
    a thousand attendees, Thierry Cornillet and Patrick Louis declared
    their official opposition to Turkey's accession for geographical,
    cultural and demographic reasons, promising to uphold this position
    when they are elected to the European Parliament. Likewise, Françoise
    Grossetête, whose party recently made a dramatic shift in position on
    the issue, favored a privileged partnership status for Turkey. From
    the left, Gérard Benhamias from the Greens party stated that in his
    opinion we should quickly integrate Turkey and that we should trust
    the Turkish democrats to improve the Human Rights situation as well
    as recognize the Armenian Genocide, which should result from the
    country's democratisation.

    Expressing his viewpoint, Michel Rocard discussed the strategic
    importance of Turkish accession because of Turkey's ethnic and
    cultural links with Turkish-speaking countries of central Asia that
    have oil reserves from which Europe could benefit; according to him,
    the recognition of the Armenian Genocide would naturally come when
    Turkey would feel "ridicule" for its denial.

    Hilda Tchoboian recalled that it is since the European Parliament
    began the examination of Turkey's candidacy in 2000 that it started
    to consider the genocide and blockade issues, at the urging of the
    European Armenian Federation. Recalling the Morillon and Lamassoure
    reports, she denounced the inconsistencies between the declaration of
    parties opposed to Turkish accession and their refusal to speak firmly
    and truthfully to Turkey in the European Parliament annual reports.

    Regarding the positions of the Left, Tchoboian refuted the exemplary
    nature of Turkey's accession for the Muslim world, because of Turkey's
    poor relations with its Arab neighbours. She also denounced the
    argument of secularism, which in Turkey is not based on plurality and
    on the separation of religion and State, but on the Turkish State's
    protection of the Muslim religion, which became the majority religion
    after the extermination of Turkey's non-Muslim citizens.

    "If Europe does not require Turkey to adhere to its values as a
    pre-condition to its accession, Europe will be forced to integrate
    Turkey's denialist values, and to give free rein to the denial of
    other genocides," affirmed the Chairperson of the European Armenian

    She emphasized that beyond a formal recognition, Europe must bring
    about Genocide reparations, requiring in particular that Turkey give to
    Armenia and to Armenian people guarantees of security. "Turkey must
    promise to abolish its aggressive policy towards Armenia; this policy
    is not the act of a regime, but rather follows from a State doctrine
    that has continued under military, civil and Islamist regimes,"
    concluded Tchoboian.

    Concluding the first portion of the event, Georges Kepenekian declared
    that Armenians would remain watchful, and would not give parties carte
    blanche regarding matters that remain at the centre of attention
    for European citizens. The second portion of the event included a
    concert by the band Bratsch.
