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Lighting Candles Against Jehovah's Witnesses

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  • Lighting Candles Against Jehovah's Witnesses


    A1 Plus

    'Rebelling against `Jehovah's Witnesses' comes to prove love of people
    towards the Armenian Apostolic Church and does not oppose the
    sectariansâ=80=9D, Clergyman Zohrab Kostanyan, Vice-Director of
    `Shoghakat' TVCompany said at the round table in Araratian Diocese.

    Registration of JW caused his anxiety. `Law is imperfect. There aren't
    instruments to control activity of JW', he says.

    Robert Makaryan, Chairman of Student Board of Academy of Agricultural
    Sciences, thinks JW was registered because there was the connivance
    atmosphere of the society. He is sure marches and demonstrations must
    be held to struggle against JW.

    Karen Avagyan, Chairman of Student Board of Medical University
    suggests launching student pickets. `As a result of them a committee
    from social organizations must be set up, which will control all
    these', he said. Karen suggests holding pickets mainly in front of
    Justice Ministry that registered â=80=9CJehovah's Witnesses'.

    Hayk Akarmazyan, Chair of Student Board of Polytechnic University has
    another point of view. `We must not have any demand from our
    Authorities and Justice Ministry regarding the problem. It's the CE
    demand to register them', he says. Hayk is against the version of a
    picket or a demonstration since he thinks the society is sick and
    tired of it. The young activist has his own suggestion: `We will fight
    against Jehovah's Witnesses and any kind of sects through our belief'.

    Emin, a young man had a concrete proposal: `We can hold a peaceful
    march to Saint Sargis Church and light candles there'.

    Young people together with Press Service of Araratian Diocese will
    work out the common strategy of fighting and the results will later be
    made public.