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A father's place is in the classroom

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  • A father's place is in the classroom, UK

    Schools news

    A father's place is in the classroom

    Men urged to pitch in at school as studies show their involvement improves
    children's behaviour and grades

    Amelia Hill and Yvonne Roberts
    Sunday April 3, 2005
    The Observer

    Men could soon be sweating over sewing, trying to cook a Sunday roast with
    laughing five-year-olds, or helping a class with weaving. For the government
    is to back a major scheme to encourage fathers into schools after fresh
    evidence that visiting their children in the classroom increases academic
    achievement and leads to better behaviour.

    At a major conference on the role of fathers in the family this week,
    Margaret Hodge, the Children's Minister, will back projects which include
    fathers hosting Sunday roasts for children, helping with sports sessions and
    children's reading clubs.

    Hodge will cite a series of projects across the country where the role of
    fathers has increased pupils' achievement. Children talked of being proud of
    'their dads' coming into school, raising their enthusiasm for classes.

    The announcement on Tuesday will coincide with the publication of the most
    comprehensive study ever made of fathers' involvement in their children's

    The government-backed survey, conducted by the charity Fathers Direct,
    looked at dozens of schools which have pioneered ways to involve fathers in
    their children's schooling.

    In one example, Gareth Todd-Jones, head of the Pen Pych community primary
    school in Mid-Glamorgan, asked fathers to meet him in the local rugby club
    after studying research showing a child's education could be transformed by
    the active involvement of their father.

    'The valley, one of the most deprived areas in Europe, is an old mining town
    and a lot of people have a rough, tough image of what it is to be a man,'
    said Todd-Jones. 'They were not meant to do anything with their children.

    'But they are now going camping with their children, doing cooking classes,
    making cards for Mothers' Day, woodwork, sewing and making weaving frames,'
    he said.

    There are now 20 fathers and grandfathers in the Pen Pych Superdads group,
    and Todd-Jones is planning to print beer mats with 'Superdads Pen Pych' on
    one side and an invitation to join on the other.

    'I have touched a nerve here with these young children,' he added. 'There
    has been a definite improvement in performance in the classroom. Children
    with active fathers tend to have good social skills and their overall
    behaviour has improved.'

    Robert Davies, the father of three children under 11, was a founding member
    of Superdads. 'Most men in this area, like me, didn't even know how to
    interact with their children before this group came along,' he said.

    'What I've learnt has transformed our whole family: I am closer to my
    children than I have ever been and their behaviour both at home and at
    school is unrecognisable.

    'It's amazing that something as simple as me being involved in their
    lessons, should make them think of school as fun. They are now ahead in all
    their classes.'

    The study looked at other examples, including cookery sessions designed to
    improve communications skills between dads and their children at Bungay high
    school in Suffolk and a Bring Dad to School Day at Kensal Rise primary
    school, north London, which more than two-thirds of the fathers attended.

    At South Haringey infants school, also in north London, a Share for Dads
    scheme has been created to give fathers an insight into school life.

    'The children say they feel special and like it when their father visits the
    school,' said Adrienne Burgess, co-founder of Fathers Direct, which studied
    South Haringey's project.

    'Teachers noted widespread pride and greater confidence among the "Share
    dads" children; the positive impact of male role models made them much
    happier, calmer and better motivated.'

    The fathers who became involved were able to talk to teachers more
    confidently and reported becoming far closer to their children.

    Publication of the survey will coincide with the announcement that Britain's
    most prominent public champion of sex equality is to lead Fathers Direct,
    which lobbies for 'father-friendly' policies.

    Julie Mellor, head of the Equal Opportunities Commission since 1999, will
    take the same role at Fathers Direct. Her prime aim, she said, would be to
    highlight the fact that 'a crucial piece of the jigsaw' is missing from the
    family agenda of all three of the major political parties.

    'Men have already changed on an unprecedented scale, but politicians have
    yet to properly acknowledge that.

    'In 21st-century families, fathers are doing a third of the parental
    childcare. That's eight times what it was 30 years ago. Then they spent 15
    minutes a day on childcare; now it's two hours..'

    Mellor said 40 per cent of fathers were stressed at having too little time
    with their children, and 10 per cent had given up, or not taken, a job they
    couldn't reconcile with family life.

    'Whichever party wins the general election, fathers will continue to be
    pushed unwillingly into the role of main breadwinner, and mothers will
    largely be left holding the baby while working for less than fair wages,'
    she said.

    Choices for men and women on how to share childcare were severely limited,
    Mellor said, because men earned two-thirds of the family income and low pay
    often blighted women.

    The right to two weeks' paternity leave was introduced in 2003, but the
    take-up has been poor because the pay is so low men that prefer instead to
    take holiday leave.

    'If public policy did more to support fathers in the care of their children,
    women's choices would also widen,' Mellor said. In addition to much improved
    paternity rights she will also push for a review of the benefits system for
    separated families.

    She backed the greater involvement of fathers in schools. 'We also have
    evidence that fatherhood, given the right support, will motivate young men
    coming out of prison to find work and stop offending,' she added.

    Dads who make a difference

    · Pottery primary school in Belper runs an 'It's a Man Thing' project,
    focusing on reading, writing and helping encourage fathers to become more
    active in their children's learning. The project has been run in Derbyshire,
    Dudley, Hereford, Bradford, Coventry, Newham and Portsmouth.

    · The Youth Sports Trust has joined community learning charity ContinYou to
    develop a Top Dads project in schools across the country to introduce young
    fathers to sport-related play, while offering one-to-one and small group
    mentoring guidance on positive parenting.

    · A group of secondary schools in Hampshire has started Lads and Dads Book
    Clubs for boys aged from 11 to 15. The teenagers read with their fathers
    twice a term.

    · ContinYou's Active Dads project runs in schools across Britain to help
    fathers and other male carers engage with their children through a variety
    of activities including reading, walking, and going on trips to leisure
    centres or places of local interest.

    · A cricket programme in Lancashire tries to involve dads more closely in
    their teenage sons' education. Cricket-loving boys and their fathers are
    loaned cricket kit, books and activity cards, and encouraged to read
    together as well as play sport.

    · South Haringey infant school in north London aims to give fathers an
    insight into school life through a Share for Dads project, in which a group
    of fathers from Zambia, Somalia, Turkey, Armenia, Bangladesh, Italy and the
    Caribbean meets weekly at the school for a range of activities, with and
    without their children.

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