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Primate washes feet on Holy Thursday

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  • Primate washes feet on Holy Thursday

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Jake Goshert, Coordinator of Information Services
    Tel: (212) 686-0710 Ext. 60; Fax: (212) 779-3558

    April 12, 2005


    By Florence Avakian

    It has always been the symbol of the ultimate act of humility: Christ's
    washing of His disciples' feet before the Last Supper.

    On Thursday, March 24, 2005, at New York City's St. Vartan Cathedral,
    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian
    Church of America (Eastern), used the solemn occasion to pay tribute to
    12 young adult leaders of the church. Standing in perfect formation on
    the altar, the 12 participants each took their turn sitting, as the
    Primate knelt before them performing this profound ritual.

    Included in the group were Joseph Ariyan of the St. Mary Church of
    Livingston, NJ; Jason Demerjian of the Diocesan College Ministry
    Program; Alex Derderian of the Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Armenian Church of
    Wynnewood, PA; Ara Janigian of the St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Church of
    Providence, RI; Antranig Garibian of the Holy Trinity Church of
    Cheltenham, PA; Aleksandr Gevorkyan and Charles Simonian of the St.
    Vartan Cathedral; Raffi Gulbenk of the Church of the Holy Ascension of
    Trumbull, CT; and Ara Hallajian, Diran Jebejian, Armenian Jesralyan, and
    Nubar Kasaryan of the St. Leon Church of Fair Lawn, NJ.

    "We are passing the torch to a new generation of Armenian-Americans, 12
    young men who exemplify the present and future leadership of our
    Diocese," said the Primate in his homily during the Holy Thursday
    service. "I have known these young men at St. Nersess Seminary, at St.
    Vartan Cathedral, serving on our church altars, and becoming the
    wonderful leaders of our parishes."

    The moving message of the service did not pass by the young
    participants, such as Antranig Garibian who described the experience as
    "very humbling."

    "It was much more powerful than I ever imagined it," he said. "For
    Christ to wash the feet of His disciples, is the most powerful act of

    This was also the case for Nubar Kasaryan and Armen Jesralyan who were
    "emotionally uplifted". And for Alex Derderian and Raffi Gulbenk who
    saw it as a "once in a lifetime opportunity," both felt "very
    privileged" to have participated.


    Praising not only the young leaders but the dedicated parents,
    clergymen, and lay ministers who light the fire of faith in them, the
    Primate stressed that living a faith-filled life is important.

    "This year and in the following years the focus of the Diocese will be
    on the Armenian spirit, and the understanding of what that spirit means
    in its fullness," the Primate said. "If we are empowered with that
    spirit, we will be able to fulfill our duties."

    Honoring the next generation of Armenian Church leaders was made all the
    more powerful when the Primate reflected on the upcoming 90th
    anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, speaking of the challenges
    Armenian immigrants and survivors went through to rebuild their faith
    and community here in America.

    "Their spirit rejoices today as they see the young future generation of
    Armenian-Americans continuing the Armenian Christian spirit. God bless
    our youth," the Primate said.


    Preceding the "Washing of the Feet" ceremony, a group of young people
    and deacons had recited in Armenian the religious scrolls which related
    the significance of the occasion. The service was officiated by
    Archbishop Barsamian and sung by the St. Vartan Cathedral choir, under
    the direction of Khoren Mekanejian with organist Florence Avakian. It
    was just one of the Holy Week services coordinated by Fr. Mardiros
    Chevian, dean of St. Vartan Cathedral.

    Following the church services, a reception was held for all the faithful
    in attendance. Barbara Lorincie, who travels each year from San Diego,
    CA, to attend Easter week services at St. Vartan Cathedral because they
    are "so spiritual," called this special evening "very touching, very
    moving in my faith."

    Juan Carlos Merdinian, originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina, saw "the
    special sacrifice of Christ's pain and love as deeply significant for
    all of Christianity. He cleansed all the sins of mankind, and we should
    not only thank Him but respect His greatness," he said.

    -- 4/12/05

    E-mail photos available on request. Photos also viewable in the News
    and Events section of the Eastern Diocese's website,

    PHOTO CAPTION (1): Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese
    of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), washes the feet of Antranig
    Garibian from the Holy Trinity Church of Cheltenham, PA, during the
    "Washing of the Feet" ceremony on Holy Thursday at New York City's St.
    Vartan Cathedral on Thursday, March 24, 2005.

    PHOTO CAPTION (2): Ara Janigian of the Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church of
    Providence, RI, kisses the hand of Archbishop Barsamian following his
    participation in the "Washing of the Feet" ceremony on Thursday, March
    24, 2005.

    PHOTO CAPTION (3): The Primate is joined by 12 young men in New York
    City's St. Vartan Cathedral for the "Washing of the Feet" ceremony on
    Holy Thursday, March 24, 2005.