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Women Build at Habitat for Humanity Armenia:- for immediate release

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  • Women Build at Habitat for Humanity Armenia:- for immediate release


    Haykuhi Khachatryan
    Communications Coordinator HFH Armenia
    Aygestan 8th Street, bld 5,
    Yerevan-070; Armenia
    (374 1) 556-114
    [email protected]

    Women build at Habitat for Humanity Armenia

    Habitat For Humanity builds more than homes. It connects hearths and
    souls of people to do better for the people living next to us.

    Nani Oskanyan, the president of Diplomatic Spouse Association is one of
    HFH Armenia's local supporters who invited and organized the spouses
    of the Ambassadors in the Republic of Armenia to join Habitat For
    Humanity Armenia and to build in the frames of Women Build program,
    for the family of Khachatryans in Voskehat village, Aragatsotn marz,
    on April 9, 2005. This family of 6 lived in a barn for many years.
    They later finished just one room of their house and moved into that
    room in order to simply survive. In 2004, they were selected as an
    HFH Armenia partner family.

    The participants at the build were the wives of several countries'
    ambassadors to Armenia. They were the Iranian Ambassador's wife--Mrs.
    Faranak Mojharban, Lebanese Ambassador's wife--Mrs. Tigresse Chidiac,
    Ukrainian Ambassador's wife--Valentina Tiaglo, Romanian Ambassador's
    wife-Mrs. Ana Iordache, Turkmenian Ambassador's wife-Mrs. Durdieva,
    Estonian Ambassador's wife--Mrs. Barkhudaryan, UNISEF Representative's
    wife-Mrs. Yett. They all joined the Women's Build event at Habitat
    For Humanity Armenia to a build simple, decent, affordable and healthy
    home. This is the second time that Nani Oskanyan is building with
    Habitat in Armenia in Voskehat village.

    Women Build even is inspiring women to be more active and get involved
    in community development. Construction is not only men's job but
    women can do it as well and help our communities.

    "This is the first time I am doing volunteering work but I am
    really glad
    that am able to help Armenia and Armenian people to have better lives
    and healthy homes", -- Mrs Faranak Mojharban said.

    Habitat for Humanity Armenia is an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity
    International and supports community development in the Republic of
    Armenia by assisting in the construction and renovation of simple,
    decent and affordable homes. The purpose of the organization is to
    help families in need improve their living conditions, to raise funds
    to support the vital work, and to give hope to thousands of people
    across the country. The organization was formed in March of 2000 and,
    to date, has dedicated 100 homes and given shelter to 575 people.

    Sub-standard housing is all too common in Armenia. Many families live
    in deteriorated housing, in cramped quarters with inadequate water
    and heat. HFH Armenia's selected target group is families living in
    substandard, over-crowded and unacceptable living quarters. This group
    comprises more than 50-60% of the country's current population. These
    families are unable to purchase their own homes, as they do not have
    sufficient income to save to pay for the entire house cost up front,
    nor can they risk, or would they be eligible for, a high-interest
    loan from a commercial lender.

    Habitat for Humanity Armenia has found a way to solve the
    problem. Families, with two or three wage earners, pay back a
    no-interest loan for a simple, decent, affordable, and healthy home,
    and are still able to feed their families. Habitat for Humanity Armenia
    is using a combination of two approaches to help Habitat families
    solve their housing problems:

    1) Completing half-built homes, which are numerous in
    Armenia. This approach enables families to fulfill their
    dream of completing their own home. Utilizing existing
    core structure reduces costs and prevents the disruption
    of relocating.

    2) Purchasing apartments to make use of Armenia's existing
    under-utilized housing stock. Purchased homes are resold at
    no-profit, interest-free, to Habitat families who renovate
    their apartments and help in the construction of other
    families' homes.

    For more information please email Haykuhi Khachatryan, Communication
    Coordinator for Habitat for Humanity Armenia [email protected] .
    See also .

    Founded in 1976, Habitat for Humanity International is a
    non-denominational Christian, non-governmental, non-profit housing
    organization that has helped more than 700,000 people of all races,
    religions and backgrounds to have a simple, decent and affordable
    place to live. Habitat for Humanity has built or renovated more
    than 175,000 homes throughout the world, becoming a global leader
    in addressing poverty housing. Habitat for Humanity is active in 100
    countries worldwide, including 19 in Europe and Central Asia.
