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Turkey's enthusiasm for EU membership declining

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  • Turkey's enthusiasm for EU membership declining

    Turkey's enthusiasm for EU membership declining
    By Seth Rosen

    The Washington Times
    Aug 14 2005

    ANKARA, Turkey -- Turks are becoming increasingly disillusioned with
    the European Union's stringent stipulations for membership and are
    rethinking entering a club they have yearned to join for 40 years.

    After the initial jubilation in December 2004 of securing an October
    date to begin accession talks, the need to make concessions on
    politically sensitive issues has engendered a tide of uncertainty in
    this expanding nation of 70 million.

    In a poll conducted in May, 63 percent of the Turks who responded
    said that they would like to see their country attain membership --
    down from 75 percent in December.

    "The general enthusiasm about membership is eroding, and as the EU
    demands become clearer, the public will shy away more and more,"
    said Hasan Unal, a professor of international relations at Bilkent
    University in Ankara.

    French and Greek officials called last week for Turkey to recognize the
    Greek Cypriot government in Cyprus or risk derailing its EU bid. This
    is part of a mounting list of demands from EU members that challenge
    Turkish identity and fundamental values, politicians and analysts
    here said.

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    "Europeans don't fully understand the limits to patience on this
    side," said Suat Kiniklioglu, director of the Ankara office of the
    German Marshall Fund of the United States. "We're not yet counting
    on Plan B, but the euphoria is gone."

    Expectations were raised after the December decision, as Turks
    anticipated an immediate flood of foreign investment and a decrease
    in unemployment. A disappointment has permeated the nation as no real
    benefits have accrued to date, said Emine Sirin, an independent member
    of Parliament.

    Since December, many Turks have seen a significant change in the
    attitude of Europeans. As public opinion in most EU countries has
    crystallized against Turkish accession, European politicians have
    started taking a firmer stance as well.

    One of the central reasons cited for the rejection of the European
    constitution in France and the Netherlands in May was disgruntlement
    with past and future enlargement of the bloc, especially for
    predominantly Muslim Turkey.

    More worrying for Turkey is the German election scheduled for
    September, in which the Christian Democrats are favored to win. Their
    leader, Angela Merkel, is an adamant opponent of Turkish membership and
    instead advocates a "privileged partnership." French President Jacques
    Chirac has vowed to hold a separate referendum on Turkey's membership.

    This is part of an increasingly unjust treatment of Turkey's
    application, said Onur Oymen, the vice chairman of the Turkey-European
    Union Joint Parliamentary Committee, who points out that French
    citizens did not vote when Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania applied.

    Some European politicians, emphatically led by the French, have called
    on Turkey to recognize the mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman
    Turks in 1915 as "genocide," a red line for all Turkish politicians.

    "People are disappointed with the double standards we are facing,"
    said Hasan Ali Karasar, a researcher at Ankara's Center for Eurasian
    Strategic Studies. "What they ask for is against our tradition,
    culture, history and strategic location."

    Others are more cynical and think that the European Union is meddling
    in Turkey's internal affairs to dissuade it from continuing with

    "What the EU is trying to do is frustrate us with unacceptable
    demands so that Turkey will say 'We give up and don't want to be a
    member,'?" said Mr. Unal, the professor at Bilkent University. "This
    way, they don't have to turn us down."

    A growing chorus of pundits in Turkey, frustrated with perceived EU
    interference in internal matters, is beginning to see a "privileged
    partnership" as an attractive measure. A special status would pull
    the country closer economically to the European Union but allow it
    to retain its sovereignty.

    It would also restore a sense of balance to Turks, who currently
    possess little leverage in their discussion with the European Union,
    Mr. Unal said.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress