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US Troops in Azerbaijan? Moscow says No, but Baku says Maybe

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  • US Troops in Azerbaijan? Moscow says No, but Baku says Maybe

    By Taleh Ziyadov

    Eurasia Daily Monitor, DC
    The Jamestown Foundation
    Aug 15 2005

    Monday, August 15, 2005

    Reports of potential U.S. military bases in Azerbaijan have intensified
    in the wake of another expected visit to Baku by the U.S. Secretary
    of Defense. Donald H. Rumsfeld is expected to arrive in Baku sometime
    this month, but this information has not yet been confirmed. While in
    Azerbaijan, Rumsfeld would likely meet with local military officials
    and possibly President Ilham Aliev himself.

    In recent months, a number of high-ranking U.S. political figures
    have visited Azerbaijan, including former secretary of state
    Madeline Albright, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs
    Paula Dobriansky, as well as various diplomats and congressional
    representatives. Dobriansky delivered a special invitation from U.S.
    Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to the Azerbaijani Foreign
    Minister, Elmar Mammadyarov. Last week Mammadyarov flew to Washington
    and held talks with Secretary Rice.

    The State Department's increasing attention to Azerbaijan is not
    surprising, as the U.S. government has been actively trying to ensure
    that the November parliamentary elections will be free and fair. In
    addition, the Pentagon stepped up its contacts with the Azerbaijani
    Army after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

    But the growing U.S. presence in Azerbaijan has alarmed some officials
    in the Azerbaijani government. Their argument for caution is based on
    U.S. support for the "color revolutions" that toppled the governments
    of Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan. The Azerbaijani government
    has been suspicious of the activities of some U.S.-based NGOs that
    allegedly sponsor Azerbaijani opposition parties.

    Another worry is the consequences of a potential deployment of U.S.
    troops in Azerbaijan. Until now, President Aliev, like his predecessor
    and late father, Heidar Aliev, has called for a balanced foreign
    policy, in which the interests of several powers are played against
    each other, but relations with all remain non-conflictual. However,
    the possibility of having U.S. bases or troops in Azerbaijan runs
    counter to the interests of two other regional powers: Russia and
    Iran. Giving preference to one power over the other would change the
    geopolitical balance in the region, a development that the Azerbaijani
    government sees as destabilizing.

    Finding itself in a very uncomfortable situation, Baku has been trying
    to maneuver within the limited space available. The non-aggression
    pact with Iran signed in May 2005 seeks to mitigate potential damage
    to Azerbaijani-Iranian relations should there be a U.S. deployment in
    Azerbaijan. The pact prohibits the use of either country's military
    bases by a third country in order to attack the other.

    More importantly, while official Baku has slowly distanced itself from
    Washington, it has started to move closer to Moscow. Relations between
    Azerbaijan and Russia have improved in recent years and increased
    since the beginning of this year. Several high-ranking officials
    from Russia, including former president Boris Yeltsin, have visited
    Baku. In addition, Azerbaijani officials have also promoted increased
    Russian involvement in the upcoming parliamentary elections. There
    will be Russian exit polls along American exit polls on election day.

    Several opposition newspapers have argued that the warming relations
    between Baku and Moscow are a result of holdovers from the Soviet
    government who continue to hold important positions in the Azerbaijani
    government. These officials are the ones who feel the most insecure
    about the growing U.S. presence in the South Caucasus and want to
    secure their interests, both national and personal, playing Russia
    against the United States.

    Even the recent scandal in which the leader of an opposition youth
    organization, Ruslan Bashirli, was caught on videotape receiving
    a $2,000 donation from representatives of supposedly Georgian
    and Armenian democratic movements reflected the concern over U.S.
    involvement (see EDM, August 8). In the videotape, Bashirli claimed
    that it was the United States -- specifically the National Democratic
    Institute (NDI, which Albright chairs) -- that is preparing a
    revolution in Azerbaijan. Some in Azerbaijan believe that the Russian
    security services helped their Azerbaijani counterparts secretly
    film this meeting, which was later used to discredit the leader of
    the main opposition party, Ali Kerimli.

    There are also reports that if Washington secures its main demands or
    gets a green light for the deployment of American troops, it will not
    support a color revolution in Azerbaijan. However, the Azerbaijani
    government is not willing to say "yes" to the Pentagon, unless the
    United States offers substantial help in solving the territorial
    conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the Karabakh region.
    Although the United States is one of the co-chairs in the OSCE's Minsk
    Group that mediates the conflict, many in Azerbaijan say that Russia
    holds the keys to solving this long-standing conflict.

    In any case, demands from the Pentagon and Rumsfeld have never
    been easy to satisfy, nor easy to ignore. Azerbaijan's involvement
    in NATO's Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP) may help the
    Azerbaijani government in reaching a compromise, at least for the
    short-term. The parties could likely reach some sort of an agreement
    that would allow for the short-term deployment of American troops in
    Azerbaijan. However, the prospects for a permanent U.S. military base
    in Azerbaijan remain questionable.

    Whatever the outcome of Rumsfeld's upcoming visit to Baku, the
    geopolitical battle between the United States and Russia in the South
    Caucasus and Azerbaijan's struggle to accommodate both will continue
    to intensify. The main question is whether or not the Azerbaijani
    government will be able to balance the interests of both states
    effectively or will simply favor one power over the other. The second
    choice would involve some geopolitical risks and would have critical
    consequences for the future of Azerbaijan.