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ANCA: Armenian Campaign Contributions Hit All-Time High - Over $5mil

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  • ANCA: Armenian Campaign Contributions Hit All-Time High - Over $5mil

    Armenian National Committee of America
    888 17th St., NW, Suite 904
    Washington, DC 20006
    Tel: (202) 775-1918
    Fax: (202) 775-5648
    E-mail: [email protected]

    January 4, 2004
    Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
    Tel: (202) 775-1918


    -- ANCA Study Reveals Well Over $5 Million in Donations
    to Federal Candidates and Committees during 2004 Elections

    WASHINGTON, DC - Armenian American campaign contributions hit a
    record high this election cycle, with more than $3.9 million in
    documented donations and an estimated $5 million in total campaign
    contributions to federal level candidates and committees, according
    to a study released today by the Armenian National Committee of
    America (ANCA).

    "These findings confirm what we see across the country every day:
    the steady growth of Armenian American involvement in the American
    political process - as campaign contributors, policy advocates,
    party activists, and informed voters," said ANCA Executive Director
    Aram Hamparian. "Even more than in years past, the depth and scope
    of Armenian American campaign contributions this election cycle
    reflect our community's broad reach across the political spectrum."

    Among the findings in the ANCA study of higher-level (over $200)
    campaign donations by Armenian Americans with common Armenian

    * Federal candidates/committees: $3,942,106 (4754 donations)

    * Republican candidates/committees: $1,506,706 (1548 donations)

    George W. Bush: $347,105 (350)
    Republican National Committee: $429,746 (209)
    Nat'l Republican Congressional Committee: $139,699 (277)
    Nat'l Republican Senatorial Committee: $23,740 (26)

    * Democratic candidates/committees: $1,396,833 (1585 donations)

    John Kerry: $336,578 (395)
    John Edwards: $55,350 (59)
    Howard Dean: $31,495 (71)
    Wesley Clark: $17,500 (22)
    Dick Gephardt: $15,500 (18)
    Democratic Nat'l Committee: $121,718 (84)
    Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee: $61,402 (14)
    Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee: $40,857 (25)

    Among the Members of Congress who received the highest levels of
    campaign contributions from Armenian Americans were Armenian Caucus
    Co-Chairs Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Rep. Joe Knollenberg (R-
    MI), Senate Majority Whip Mitch McConnell (R-KY), "Schiff
    Amendment" author Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), and Genocide Resolution
    lead sponsor Rep. George Radanovich (R-CA).

    Terms of the ANCA study:

    The ANCA examined public records of contributions by donors with
    common Armenian surnames in Federal Election Commission filings for
    the first seven quarterly reporting periods of the 2004 election

    Left out of the study, for technical reasons, were two important
    categories: 1) Armenian American donors who do not have common
    Armenian last names and 2) Armenian American donors whose
    contributions to a particular federal candidate or committee did
    not aggregate to $200 during the 2004 election cycle. This latter
    category covers a large number of smaller-dollar donors, including
    many who contributed via the internet. While it is not possible to
    compile totals for these two categories, they can safely be
    estimated, based on past Armenian American giving patterns and
    overall U.S. political campaign demographics, at over two million
    dollars. Contributions to state and local candidates or committees
    were not covered by this survey.