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The Eurasia Daily Monitor - 01/20/2005

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  • The Eurasia Daily Monitor - 01/20/2005

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    From: Vladimir Socor <[email protected]>
    Subject: The Eurasia Daily Monitor - 01/20/2005

    The Jamestown Foundation
    Thursday, January 20, 2005 -- Volume 2, Issue 14
    The Eurasia Daily Monitor

    *Uzbeks need reassurance of national military preparation
    *Yukos predicament affecting Lithuania
    *Tbilisi proposes new autonomy for Abkhazia within Georgian federation
    *Is Moscow planning to influence Azerbaijan 's coming elections?



    President Islam Karimov, delivering a key speech on the eve of Army
    Day in Uzbekistan , declared that the Uzbek army must be prepared to
    launch pre-emptive strikes against international terrorists and the
    centers that direct them. Alluding to the attacks within Uzbekistan in
    2004, Karimov used the opportunity of addressing the military to focus
    on the country's security threats and pointedly raised the prospect of
    taking pre-emptive action (Uzbek Television First Channel, January

    President Islam Karimov, delivering a key speech on the eve of Army
    Day in Uzbekistan , declared that the Uzbek army must be prepared to
    launch pre-emptive strikes against international terrorists and the
    centers that direct them. Alluding to the attacks within Uzbekistan in
    2004, Karimov used the opportunity of addressing the military to focus
    on the country's security threats and pointedly raised the prospect of
    taking pre-emptive action . Yet underlying Karimov's public stance on
    the issue of using force against Tashkent 's radical adversaries are
    attempts to talk up military and intelligence capabilities to detect
    and carry out such operations. Moreover, growing unease over the
    rivalry of the United States and Russia in the region facilitates a
    political imperative to convince a domestic audience that he can
    adequately deal with the terrorist threat.

    First, Karimov has been regarded by Washington as a stalwart supporter
    of U.S. deployment into Central Asia in the aftermath of 9/11. He sees
    the potential rivalry between these powers as a negative factor in the
    region, highlighting the existence of American and Russian military
    deployments in Kyrgyzstan , within 30 kilometers of each other, as
    "unnatural." Conscious of the controversy surrounding the
    U.S. military presence in Uzbekistan, vehemently opposed as a
    long-term option by Moscow, the Uzbek leader believes the
    U.S. military will leave after Afghanistan has stabilized; leaving
    open the thorny question of future U.S. Air Force basing
    rights. Karimov told Nezavisimaya gazeta, "Regrettably, under the
    guise of fighting international terrorism, the main geostrategic
    players in the world are engaged in a struggle for influence in
    Central Asia , an all-important part of the world. As a consequence,
    the true fight against terrorism may find itself outside the framework
    of real processes" (Interfax, Moscow , January 14). Such publicly
    voiced suspicion about whether Washington and Moscow prefer to pursue
    self-interests rather than engage in genuine efforts to enhance
    regional security serve to convince Karimov that Uzbekistan must seek
    security independently, while continuing to receive international
    assistance from these powers.

    Next, raising the prospect of an Uzbek army tasked with such
    pre-emptive missions entails assessing the current military
    capabilities to execute such plans. One indication of improvements in
    the course of continued military reform has appeared in the army's
    rations. The outdated Soviet rations, introduced in the early 1980s
    and offering only low nutritional value, have given way to the
    appearance of elements of the national cuisine, meat, vegetables,
    fruit juices, milk, honey, and vitamin supplements; all geared towards
    the good health of military personnel and thus raising morale and
    combat capabilities (Uzbek Television First Channel, January
    9). Uzbekistan 's Defense Minister, Qodir Gulomov, inspected the
    Tashkent Higher Combined-Arms Command School on January 1 specifically
    to oversee the implementation of these rations plans. Though such
    alterations are evidently long overdue and a clear improvement in the
    lifestyle of the ordinary soldier, Uzbekistan suffers from other
    problems associated with a Soviet legacy force; low-technology
    equipment, lack of adequate intelligence assets needed to fix and
    locate enemy targets, and Special Forces units resembling more closely
    Western-style infantry units. In short, there is a long way to go in
    Uzbekistan 's efforts to develop armed forces capable of meeting the
    challenges of responding to the threats posed by international

    There is no evidence to suggest that the Uzbek authorities had any
    real understanding of exactly who was responsible for the attacks in
    Tashkent in 2004, let alone being able to discover the intentions of
    those responsible beforehand. Instead, the familiar suspect groups,
    including Hizb-ut-Tahrir came under official scrutiny, and it is
    possible that the Uzbek army, were it to be used in a pre-emptive
    manner, would attack political targets instead of identifying actual
    terrorists. In simple terms the army and intelligence services do not
    currently posses the capability to act pre-emptively against
    terrorists with any degree of precision. It is in this sense that
    Karimov's adoption of the language of pre-emption marks a dangerous
    moment in the development of counter-terrorist policies in Central
    Asia .

    Karimov's adoption of the language of pre-emption can clearly unsettle
    his immediate neighbors, who are entitled to ask where these centers
    of terrorism are located and on whose territory. Yet, the successful
    development of such military capabilities seems inextricably linked to
    pursuing closer relations with Western militaries and governments able
    to plug the technology gaps in the Uzbek military. However, echoing
    Russian President Vladimir Putin's recent talk about pre-emptive
    strikes against terrorists, Karimov may have calibrated his remarks to
    a domestic audience and more significantly towards the armed forces
    themselves. The population needs reassurance that there are options at
    Karimov's disposal that can offer a level of security from future acts
    of terrorism not guaranteed by the U.S. military presence within the
    country. Genuine pre-emption, aimed against genuine terrorist targets,
    does not equate with Karimov's understanding of what is politically

    --Roger N. McDermott


    The Russian government's ongoing seizure of the private Yukos oil
    company threatens to extend into Lithuania . There, a Yukos subsidiary
    is the majority-owner and operator of the oil-processing and
    oil-transport industry, Lithuania 's largest industrial asset. The
    country seeks to prevent, or limit the adverse consequences of, a
    takeover by the Russian government or government-connected companies.

    President Islam Karimov, delivering a key speech on the eve of Army
    Day in Uzbekistan , declared that the Uzbek army must be prepared to
    launch pre-emptive strikes against international terrorists and the
    centers that direct them. Alluding to the attacks within Uzbekistan in
    2004, Karimov used the opportunity of addressing the military to focus
    on the country's security threats and pointedly raised the prospect of
    taking pre-emptive action .

    The Dutch-registered Yukos Finance holds a 53.7% stake and operating
    rights in Lithuania 's Mazeikiu Nafta complex. This consists of the
    eponymous oil refinery, a supply pipeline, the Butinge oil-loading
    maritime terminal, and some distribution outlets. Yukos is the main
    supplier of crude oil from its Russian extractive operations to the
    Lithuanian refinery and terminal. The Lithuanian government holds a
    40.66% stake in the complex.

    Mazeikiai is the only refinery in the three Baltic states , and the
    only major non-Russian refinery in the eastern Baltic basin. It
    processed almost 9 million tons of crude oil in 2004, up 21% on 2003,
    earning record profits of more than $200 million (by GAAP criteria) in
    2004. The Butinge terminal exported more than 7 million tons of crude
    oil in 2004 (almost the same amount as in 2003 when the rival Primorsk
    terminal became operational in Russia ).

    Yukos acquired the majority stake and operating rights in 2002. Within
    one year it upgraded the refinery's equipment and product quality,
    enabling it to meet European Union standards and compete in EU
    markets. It also expanded the operation of the maritime terminal,
    originally built by the American company Williams International in the
    late 1990s. The Butinge terminal possesses both export and import
    capability, thus giving Lithuania the option to import North Sea or
    other non-Russian oil, as a hedge against possible disruptions in
    Russian supply.

    Yukos came to Lithuania during the heyday of the company's overall
    performance as a model for Russia 's energy industry. The privately
    owned Yukos rescued Mazeikiai from the stranglehold of the Russian
    government-connected company Lukoil. Using its government-awarded
    position as coordinator of Russian oil supplies to Lithuania , Lukoil
    reduced those supplies to a trickle, pushing Mazeikiai toward
    bankruptcy, in order to force Williams out and acquire the majority
    stake at a fraction of its value. It was at that point that Lithuania
    made the agreement with the privately owned Yukos, which then turned
    Mazeikiai into a thriving enterprise as well as top taxpayer to the
    country's budget. Yukos guaranteed stable supplies of crude oil -- the
    key to that success.

    The destruction of Yukos in Russia is now forcing the Lithuanian
    government to consider precautionary measures, in anticipation of
    possible takeover attempts by Russian government-connected
    companies. One precautionary step is to ensure a Lithuanian majority
    stake and operating rights in Mazeikiai and the associated
    enterprises. Under arrangements dating back to the 1999 Williams
    contract, Yukos has a preemptive right to increase its stake by 9.72%
    to 63.4%, for a price of $75 million. Should it decline to exercise
    that option -- or should it be prevented by the Russian
    government-organized bankruptcy -- Lithuania can acquire that
    additional stake, thus raising the total Lithuanian stake to 50.48%
    and obtaining the operating rights.

    Economics Minister Viktor Uspaskikh has initiated that move, and he
    discussed it in early January in Israel with senior Yukos managers who
    had found refuge in that country. According to Lithuanian press
    reports, Uspaskikh did not clear this initiative with Prime Minister
    Algirdas Brazauskas. The latter agrees in principle with the proposal,
    on the strict condition that Lithuania should not pay for that
    additional stake in cash, but rather through capitalization of
    debt. Under the 1999 Williams contract, Lithuania had loaned $288
    million to Mazeikiai. The $75 million price of the 9.72% stake can
    come off that debt.

    However, Brazauskas argues that ensuring stable supplies of crude oil
    is more important than acquiring a majority stake and operating
    rights. Brazauskas says that he would favor -- if necessary -- selling
    Lithuania 's shares, "even at half-price," to any [i.e., most probably
    Russian] oil company that would guarantee the long-term continuity of
    supplies. Ensuring that Mazeikiai operates at capacity and profitably,
    without disruption of fuel supplies on the market, is the overriding

    How much longer Yukos and its Russian subsidiaries, primarily
    Samaraneftegaz, may be able to continue supplying Mazeikiai with crude
    oil is far from certain. Local analysts suggest that the predicament
    of Yukos will open the way for an as-yet-unidentified Russian oil
    company to take over a large ownership stake in Mazeikiai; and that
    Lithuania should retain a substantial stake as well as bringing in a
    major Western investor. Such a three-sided arrangement could guarantee
    crude oil supplies, ensure product access to markets, and avoid any
    disproportionate Russian influence.

    (BNS, ELTA,, January 10-18).

    --Vladimir Socor


    The Georgian government has crafted a new framework to facilitate the
    reintegration of Abkhazia and South Ossetia into the Georgian state. A
    special blueprint drafted by the National Security Council reportedly
    proposes an asymmetric federation with an unprecedented degree of
    sovereignty for Abkhazia.

    Giorgi Khaindrava, Georgian State Minister for Conflict Resolution,
    said on January 3 that the government is developing a new statement on
    the status for breakaway Abkhazia and South Ossetia . He said that
    that the section regarding Abkhazia is actually based on an existing
    concept. Prior to the Rose Revolution, five liberal Georgian experts
    had developed a model at the initiative of several members of the
    National Security Council and with technical support provided by
    Conciliation Resources, a British NGO. The current National Security
    Council planned to consider the blueprint by January 10, the deadline
    that Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili had set for the Georgian
    think tanks and national Security Council for elaborating a
    blueprint. As predicted by many think tanks, the time allotted was not
    sufficient to work out a sound, mutually acceptable document (Imedi
    TV, January 3).

    The pre-2004 model creating a special status for Abkhazia within the
    Georgian state first came to light last summer (24 Saati, June 30,
    2004), and Khaindrava announced it would serve as his main guideline.

    Kote Kublashvili, a lawyer and co-author of the project, admits that
    the concept is leading Georgia toward a federal state where Abkhazia
    must have all the rights of a sovereign state except of the right of
    internationally recognized independence. He refers to the structures
    of the United States , Spain , Germany , and Switzerland and
    conclusions of foreign experts about the model, which, they argue,
    would not give Abkhazia any legal leverage to secede. However,
    Kublashvili allowed that Abkhazia could still violate any federal
    agreement (24 Saati, January 12).

    Georgian Minister of Justice Giorgi Papuashvili said, "Not everyone
    will be satisfied with this blueprint." As he explained, "Everyone
    should understand that the Abkhaz have their own legitimate
    interests." Papuashvili forecast "resistance from various political
    groups" but said the authorities should overcome this obstacle by
    using the mandate of the people's trust. He also implied that a
    referendum might be called on the matter (24 Saati, December 29).

    The comments and actions by some Georgian officials and
    representatives of civil society indicate that some Georgians are
    becoming less rigid in their views regarding the Abkhaz conflict.

    On January 6, 16 Georgian NGOs and several individuals who have been
    long engaged in "public diplomacy" with the Abkhaz sent an open letter
    to Saakashvili containing four preconditions that they believe Tbilisi
    must follow to regain Abkhazia. The letter called on the government to
    abandon military rhetoric and recognize peaceful means as the sole
    method of conflict settlement; provide an unbiased and comprehensive
    assessment of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict; treat the Abkhaz side as
    an equal partner in the talks; and lift economic sanctions on
    Abkhazia, including restoration of railway links and investments to
    the region's economy.

    Pro-governmental and Western-leaning analysts argue that, for the sake
    of reconciliation, Georgia must bow before the Abkhaz and publicly
    acknowledge that the military campaign against Abkhazia in 1992 was a
    grave mistake. Moreover, these analysts emphasize the absolute
    necessity of recognizing the legitimacy of the Abkhazians' right of
    self-determination. "We [Georgians] have found ourselves captives of
    our own truth and didn't think about the Abkhaz truth," one analyst
    argued. These analysts advocate, apart from granting Abkhazia a high
    degree of sovereignty and symbols of respect, the creation of special
    economic zones in the trans-border areas of Abkhazia and Georgia under
    joint Georgian-Abkhaz administration and financial support and
    security guarantees from international organizations. They also
    suggest supplanting Russia as mediator (24 Hours, January 12-13;
    Resonance, January 12).

    Abkhaz leaders have responded cautiously to the proposal. Alexander
    Ankvab, the anticipated nominee as prime minister in the new Bagapsh
    government, supports peace talks but is worried about the bellicose
    statements that sometimes emanate from Tbilisi . "Yes, we certainly
    support peace initiatives. However, we have recently been hearing
    Mr. Saakashvili and his ministers make threats against us," he said in
    a phone interview with Imedi TV on January 3.

    There are also reports that part of the Abkhaz establishment is ready
    to make peace with the Georgians so long as the Georgian government
    publicly apologizes to the Abkhaz for the 1992 military invasion
    (Asaval Dasavali, January 17).

    Meanwhile Tbilisi 's liberal model incurred sharp criticism from
    Abkhaz refugee organizations at an Institute of Political Science
    roundtable discussion on January 5. Malkhaz Pataraya, chair of the
    public movement Dabruneba ("Return") said, "It's not difficult to
    understand where the idea of federalization is coming from" alluding
    to Russia . Some representatives of the Abkhaz government-in-exile
    dismissed the model as "discriminative for Georgians" and paving the
    way for a "velvet," and this time legitimate, secession of Abkhazia.

    Georgian hardliners advocate a tough policy. The editorial "What will
    the President choose, 'political fancies' or real politics?" (24
    Saati, January 11) says the peace concept ignores vital interests of
    ethnic Georgians. It calls on the government to triple the Georgian
    army and intelligence budgets instead of flirting with unrealistic
    peace initiatives.

    The newly created "Unitary Georgia" movement argues that
    federalization of Georgia is a Russian scheme and "national suicide"
    that will lead to the further fragmentation of the country (24 Saati,
    January 11).

    The Union of Georgian Veterans of the Abkhaz War said that if the
    government accepts the NGO's concept, the Union would oppose it "by
    all legal means (Akhali Taoba, January 15).

    The Georgian government likely prefers to remain on good terms with
    both sides. Saber rattling by the hawkish Defense Minister Irakli
    Okruashvili alternates with conciliatory gestures to the
    separatists. An ethnic Ossetian, Alana Gagloyeva, has become
    Saakashvili's spokesperson and an ethnic Abkhaz, Leila Avidzba, has
    been appointed as government spokesperson (Prime News, Rustavi-2,
    January 11).

    --Zaal Anjaparidze


    Two newly formed election coalitions have awakened Azerbaijan 's
    seemingly indifferent political scene, promising heated parliamentary
    elections later this year. On January 10, 26 NGOs and representatives
    from various political parties formed a new election coalition,
    "Solidarity and Trust." Ilgar Gasimov, chairman of the public movement
    " Alliance in the Name of Azerbaijan " was elected head of this
    alliance. Interestingly, the alliance also includes several prominent
    Azerbaijani oppositionists, coalition can be portrayed as one crossing
    party lines. For example, the deputy chairman of the Azerbaijan
    National Independence Party, Maharram Zulfugarly, and the
    editor-in-chief of the Baki Xeber newspaper and ideological secretary
    of the Azerbaijan Democratic Party, Aydin Guliyev, both signed up for
    the new coalition, as did the Amal intelligentsia movement (which is
    closely linked to Musavat, another opposition party), the Agridag NGO,
    and the Institute of Peace and Democracy (Turan News Agency, January

    Turan quoted Gasimov as saying that the alliance "would contest all
    125 seats in the Parliament, but that he had no intentions to run for
    Parliament himself." Alliance members pledged to strive for free and
    fair elections in the country and declared the alliance open to all
    interested parties. "We already have many members of YAP [the ruling
    New Azerbaijan Party] and opposition parties who have joined us,
    especially in the rural areas," said Gasimov.

    Local media and political analysts rushed to label the new coalition
    as pro-Russian. The independent daily Zerkalo, in its lead article on
    January 12, described the situation as "The shadow of the Russian
    eagle hanging over the Azerbaijani parliament." Gasimov, who worked
    in Russian Ministry of Justice until his retirement, is somewhat of a
    "dark horse" in Azerbaijani politics. His organization has been
    increasingly vocal in the past few years on the issue of Karabakh, and
    it has organized numerous street rallies in Azerbaijan , Russia , and
    various European countries, protesting the Armenian occupation. This
    new move to strengthen his position prior to the parliamentary
    elections was interpreted by some as the establishment of a new
    opposition or a sign of Russia 's increasing influence in the
    country. Zerkalo, in the same article, linked the creation of the
    alliance to the recent events in Ukraine in which the political battle
    between the two political forces was very much perceived as part of
    the battle between the West and Russia .

    Yet there are also those who scoff at a link between Gasimov and
    Russia . One opposition member, who knows Gasimov very closely but
    preferred to stay anonymous, told EDM that Gasimov "is a puppet in the
    hands of the [Azerbaijani] authorities and that Russia will never put
    its bets on him."

    Meanwhile, leaders of ADP, Musavat, and the Popular Front met on
    January 12 to discuss the possibility of forming a joint coalition
    prior the parliamentary elections and came out of the meeting saying,
    "In principle, an agreement has been reached" (Echo, January 12). The
    Azerbaijani opposition has long been known for its inability to unite,
    which has caused them serious defeats in previous elections, most
    lately in presidential elections in 2003. Yet, the recent success
    stories from Georgia and Ukraine seem to have changed the attitude of
    opposition leaders in the country. "As a result of negotiations
    [between the Popular Front, Musavat, and ADP parties] it has been
    agreed to consolidate the opposition and submit unified candidates"
    Zerkalo quoted Ali Kerimli, chairman of the Popular Front, on January

    It is likely that several more coalitions, willing to run for
    Parliament, will emerge in the next months. Jumshud Nuriyev, a former
    member of the opposition, has also stated that in March he plans to
    announce the creation of broad-based political alliance. In this
    situation, the ability of the ruling party, also known for its
    internal rivalries, to unite and form a common list of candidates will
    matter considerably. In any case, the upcoming elections in November
    promise much life in the once near-dead Azerbaijani political scene.

    --Fariz Ismailzade


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    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress