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Cholakian Lectures at Haigazian U on Armenians in the Orontes River

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  • Cholakian Lectures at Haigazian U on Armenians in the Orontes River

    Department of Armenian Studies, Haigazian University
    Beirut, Lebanon
    Contact: Ara Sanjian
    Tel: 961-1-353011
    Email: [email protected]


    BEIRUT, LEBANON, Friday, 28 January 2005 (Haigazian University
    Department of Armenian Studies Press Release) - Hagop Cholakian, a
    seasoned Armenian educator and author based in Aleppo, Syria, was the
    guest of Haigazian University on the evening of Friday, 5 November 2004.
    He delivered a public lecture entitled 'The History of the Armenians in
    the Orontes River Middle Valley'. The talk was organized by the
    university's Department of Armenian Studies.

    Alongside his distinguished career as a teacher and author of a number
    of textbooks of the Armenian language, Cholakian is a poet and has a
    number of academic publications in the field of Armenian Studies. He
    received his university education in Yerevan. His lecture was the
    summary of his doctoral dissertation defended at the Institute of
    Archeology and Ethnography in the Armenian National Academy of Sciences
    in 2002.

    Cholakian told the audience, at the beginning of his lecture, that
    classical sources attest that Armenians lived in the city of Antioch, as
    well as in nearby villages scattered throughout the Orontes River
    Valley, as early as late Roman times. Armenians continued to live in the
    area in the Byzantine era, and the Armenian population of the area
    actually increased during the period of Arab domination. When the
    Byzantine Empire recovered the area as a consequence of decline of Arab
    military might, it transferred there new waves of Armenians. Some
    governors of Antioch were Armenians in the 10-11th centuries. Philaretus
    Varazhnuni, a former Armenian commander in the Byzantine army, briefly
    captured Antioch in 1078, before the city passed on to the Seljuks.

    Citing mostly contemporary Arab sources, Cholakian spoke in detail about
    the assistance rendered to the Crusaders in 1097-98 by the Armenian
    population of Antioch and the neighboring villages and fortresses. The
    lecturer surmised that these Armenians were probably hoping to establish
    an Armenian state with the help of the Crusaders, for, once they
    witnessed the confiscation of their fortresses by the Crusaders and
    realized that the latter had come to Antioch to stay, the Armenians of
    Artah rebelled and got in touch with the Rawan, the Muslim ruler of
    Aleppo, as early as 1103, seeking on this occasion the latter's
    assistance against the Crusaders. During the ensuing decades, some
    Armenians fought as mercenaries for the Crusader Principality of
    Antioch, and when Saladin advanced into the area in 1188, the fortresses
    of Kifr Tebbin (modern Hamameh) in the Shughr area, which was controlled
    by an Armenian, surrendered without a fight. Some scholars believe that
    the present Muslim inhabitants of Hamameh are the descendants of
    Islamized Armenians. Armenian sources refer to three separate dioceses
    of the Armenian Church in this area in the twelfth century, based
    respectively in Laodicea (modern Lattakia), Apamea and Antioch.

    Cholakian outlined how the Armenians of the region suffered during the
    period of Mamluk and Ottoman dominion. Many villages vanished and their
    inhabitants migrated. All Armenian monasteries disappeared during this
    period. By the mid-nineteenth century, Armenians of the area had
    retreated into five relatively small enclaves: around the town of Beilan
    near the Bay of Alexandretta; the region of Musa Dagh; around the
    village of Kessab; on the Nusayri mountains east of the town of Lattakia
    (including the villages of Aramo and Ghnaymiyyah); and along the Orontes
    Valley (including the villages of Qnay and Yaqubiyyah). Armenians in
    these clusters shared a common dialect and many similar customs.
    Although the Armenians of the Orontes River Middle Valley had adopted
    Arabic as their mother tongue by the mid-nineteenth century, they still
    used a number of Armenian words in their vocabulary and children's play

    In the second half of the nineteenth century, said Cholakian, the apathy
    of the Armenian Church leaders in Cilicia, Jerusalem and Aleppo made it
    relatively easy for Protestant and Catholic missionaries to convert a
    significant number of Armenians in the area. The lecturer cited a number
    of instances where individuals manipulated the opportunities for
    conversion to push for their material interests. Cholakian argued that
    these conversions also caused assimilation among many Armenians living
    in the area.

    The region was heavily affected during the massacres of Armenians in
    Cilicia in 1909, said the lecturer. However, the Roman Catholic
    missionaries in Yaqubiyyah and Qnay managed to prevent massacres in
    those villages by arranging for the arrival of Ottoman troops from
    Antioch, an event which encouraged a new wave of Latinization among the
    local Armenians.

    Cholakian stated that all Armenians in the region were deported during
    the genocide of 1915, except a few villages in Musa Dagh, which resisted
    until their rescue by Allied ships. The Armenians of Yaqubiyyah and Qnay
    were not deported. The exact reason behind their avoiding the sad fate
    of their ethnic kin in the region is not known. The local Roman Catholic
    priests claim that these Armenians escaped deportation because they were
    registered as Christians of the Latin rite. Other Armenians of Latin
    rite from Kessab and Beilan were deported, however. The deportees, who
    survived the ordeal, returned to their villages after the armistice
    signed in late 1918, only to clash with the local Muslims, who made them
    scatter into the neighboring Christian villages until 1923.

    The last part of Cholakian's lecture dealt with the attempts of the
    Armenian Church to reassert its presence in the area. In 1923, for
    example, Catholicos Sahak II of Cilicia, now based in the new state of
    Syria, tried to revive the activity of the Armenian Church in Kessab. In
    1928, the Armenian Prelacy of Aleppo sent an Arabic-speaking priest to
    Yaqubiyyah. He reopened the old Armenian church in the village and
    helped the majority of the local Armenians return to the fold of their
    old Church. Yaqubiyyah soon got an Armenian school as well, and, in
    1954, a new church was built. A number of Armenian students from
    Yaqubiyyah studied in Soviet Armenia from the mid-1950s and played an
    important role in reviving Armenian cultural life in the village after
    their return. Today, speaking the Armenian language has again become the
    norm for the Armenians living in Yaqubiyyah. Some Armenian villagers of
    Latin rite in Qnay, too, are now sending their children to an Armenian
    school nearby, and the speaking of the Armenian language is also on the
    increase in Qnay. Past Armenian migrants of Latin rite from these two
    villages have not undergone similar re-Armenization, however. Finally,
    the Armenians of Beilan and Musa Dagh (except the village of Vakif) all
    migrated when the French mandatory authorities ceded the sanjak of
    Alexandretta to Turkey in 1939.

    During the question-and-answer session that followed, Cholakian surveyed
    a number of suggested etymologies regarding the place names Ghnaymiyyah,
    Qnay and Yaqubiyyah that are in circulation today. He also pointed out
    that Armenians from Yaqubiyyah are active in the cultural life of Syria.
    Cholakian commended the role played by Cardinal Gregory Peter Agagianian
    in 1946 when he arranged that the Armenians of Latin rite living in
    Kessab should join the Armenian Catholic Church, which uses the Armenian
    language in its church services. Since the Armenian language is now
    taught in Syria as a language of religious rites, Latin rite schools
    cannot teach the Armenian language, because the Latin Church does not
    use Armenian in church services. Moreover, all Armenians of Latin rite
    from Kessab and Musa Dagh who had migrated to South America before 1946,
    have not maintained links with the Armenian Catholic churches on that
    continent. Cholakian also praised the work of Sister Marie Jeanne
    Topalian, an Armenian Catholic nun, who teaches Armenian songs to
    children among the Arabic-speaking Armenians in Qnay and encourages
    parents to send their children to the nearest Armenian school. He
    concluded that the Armenian Church should learn lessons from the fate of
    the Armenians of the Orontes River Valley and become more active among
    its flock so as to preserve Armenian national unity. Finally, a member
    of the audience pointed out that the first ever Armenian Diasporan
    student to study in a Soviet Armenian institution of higher learning in
    the post-Stalin period was from Yaqubiyyah.

    Haigazian University is a liberal arts institution of higher learning,
    established in Beirut in 1955. For more information about its activities
    you are welcome to visit its web-site at <>.
    For additional information on the activities of its Department of
    Armenian Studies, contact Ara Sanjian at <[email protected]>