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BAKU: Azerbaijan to adhere to independent policy if USA attacks Iran

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan to adhere to independent policy if USA attacks Iran

    Azerbaijan to adhere to independent policy if USA attacks Iran - aide

    Ekspress, Baku
    29 Jan 05

    Azerbaijan will adhere to its independent policy if the USA invades
    Iran, Azerbaijani presidential aide Novruz Mammadov has said. In his
    interview with Ekspress newspaper, Mammadov said that Azerbaijan gives
    priority to neighbourly relations with Iran. Azerbaijan and Iran have
    historic religious and cultural relations, Iran supports Azerbaijan's
    territorial integrity and economic cooperation with Iran is of benefit
    to Azerbaijan, he said. Given the situation of the Azerbaijani exclave
    of Naxcivan, cooperation with Iran is very important to us, Mammadov
    added, praising the Azerbaijani president's recent visit to Tehran.
    The following is an excerpt from Alakbar Raufoglu's report by
    Azerbaijani newspaper Ekspress on 29 January headlined "If the USA
    invades Iran" and subheaded "Novruz Mammadov: 'Azerbaijan will give
    priority to neighbourly relations'". Subheadings have been inserted

    "If the USA takes action against Iran, Azerbaijan will adhere to its
    independent policy," the head of the foreign relations department of
    the Azerbaijani Presidential Executive Staff, Novruz Mammadov, told
    Ekspress newspaper yesterday. Baku's approach to relations with Tehran
    is based only on neighbourliness, and any ideological or other
    elements are ruled out, he said.

    Relations with Iran beneficial

    Mammadov A number of factors determine the high-level development of
    Azerbaijan's relations with Iran. First, there are ancient historical,
    religious, cultural and other links between our states and peoples.
    Second, Iran has always supported Azerbaijan's territorial integrity,
    demonstrating its unequivocal position on the Karabakh conflict.
    Third, our relations are beneficial economically, i.e. Iran and
    Azerbaijan are close to each other and there is no need to bring
    equipment from afar or engage in any other activities. In addition,
    given the situation of the Naxcivan Autonomous Republic Azerbaijani
    exclave , Iranian aid is very important for us.

    Finally, we maintain relations with Iran simply as two states because
    we are their neighbours, have a very long border and there are no
    ideological or other elements in our relations. At the same time, we
    have to use Iran's opportunities for Azerbaijan's state and national
    interests in a positive sense. From this viewpoint, one can speak
    highly about the Azerbaijani president's recent visit to Iran. The
    main issue that characterizes our relations is that documents which we
    have signed are implemented in a short time. The attitude to the
    Azerbaijani president both in Tehran and Tabriz demonstrates that this
    country is very interested in expanding and intensifying its relations
    with us, and we realize this. In addition, we have an interest of this
    kind, too.

    Visa regime

    Correspondent Tehran proposes repealing the visa regime between the
    two countries. How is this issue being resolved?

    Mammadov All issues are first examined by experts to learn their
    positive and negative sides both for Iran and Azerbaijan. The visa
    regime is about to be examined now. We have to bear in mind that
    Azerbaijan is a young state and its geopolitical and geographic
    situation is complicated. Our decisions have to be appropriate to
    this. Speaking about the complicated situation, I mean the border
    because at different times there have been various circles that used
    Azerbaijan as a transit route. Given this, the aforesaid issue should
    be thoroughly examined to make a correct decision.

    A simplified visa regime between the countries is currently operating
    within 45 km on both sides of the border and this is normal because
    Azerbaijan's territory is not very large. Those who want to travel
    beyond these 45 km can apply for a visa and there are no restrictions
    in this regard. Our general consulate has already opened in Tabriz and
    it is not very difficult to get a visa.

    Defence minister's visit linked to border problems

    Correspondent During his recent visit to Baku, Iranian Minister of
    Defence and Armed Forces Logistics Ali Shamkhani invited Azerbaijani
    Defence Minister Safar Abiyev to Tehran. Is any agreement expected
    between Iran and Azerbaijan in this strategic sphere in the near

    Mammadov In fact, visits of this kind are mainly connected with
    security issues between the two countries, i.e. guaranteeing the
    security of our borders means guaranteeing the security of our
    country. The issues discussed in the talks with Shamkhani are mostly
    of this nature.

    Correspondent The US leadership announced again its plans with regard
    to Tehran in the run-up to the Azerbaijani president's visit to
    Iran. Some people describe this as Washington's specific attitude to
    Baku-Tehran relations.

    Mammadov This is not a correct position. In any case, the US
    president, the Department of State and the National Security Council
    are very well aware of Azerbaijan's location and its neighbours. The
    establishment of good relations with the neighbouring states is a
    priority in Azerbaijan's foreign policy. Second, if this is viewed as
    a message, in the run-up to the Azerbaijani president's visit to Iran,
    President Bush sent a message on the occasion of Id al-Adha and
    stressed his interest in developing friendly relations with

    Azerbaijan is a member of the anti-terror coalition

    Correspondent Generally speaking, has Azerbaijan signed any agreement
    on the use of Azerbaijan's air space, territorial waters and territory
    within the framework of the anti-terror coalition?

    Mammadov There is no such official agreement even between the USA and
    Britain. We are simply a member of the anti-terror coalition and have
    declared this ourselves. We had a verbal agreement on the Afghanistan

    Passage omitted: about Azerbaijan's involvement in the fight on terror
    in Afghanistan

    Correspondent In any case, there was a verbal agreement. If the USA
    starts military operations against Iran, which it has described as
    part of the "axis of evil", what position will Azerbaijan take?

    Mammadov First, no US invasion of Iran, as was the case with Iraq, is
    on the agenda at the moment. For our part, we give priority to
    neighbourly relations in such cases, i.e. we adhere to our independent
    policy during operations of this kind.

    Passage omitted: about Iran's policy on Armenia; talks on the Karabakh