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BAKU: Bush-Putin meeting to form new policy on Karabakh problem

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  • BAKU: Bush-Putin meeting to form new policy on Karabakh problem

    Bush-Putin meeting to form new policy on Karabakh problem - Azeri ex-minister

    Yeni Azarbaycan, Baku
    26 Jan 05

    Azerbaijan's former foreign minister has said the USA's policy on the
    South Caucasus will undergo fundamental changes under the new US
    Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. In his interview with the
    pro-government newspaper Yeni Azarbaycan, Tofiq Zulfuqarov said that
    the USA now realizes that the "frozen" conflicts are hampering
    economic development, as well as social and political reforms in the
    region. Zulfuqarov added that US President George W. Bush and Russian
    President Vladimir Putin will adopt a new policy on the settlement of
    the conflicts in the South Caucasus during their forthcoming meeting
    in Bratislava. The following is the text of Rufat Ahmad's report by
    Azerbaijani newspaper Yeni Azarbaycan on 26 January headlined "Neither
    the USA, nor Russia are happy with the situation in the South
    Caucasus" and subheaded "America insists on resolving the
    conflicts". Subheadings have been inserted editorially:

    The White House is not happy with Russia's position on the frozen
    conflicts in the South Caucasus. The US stand has become even tougher
    since the former national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, took
    over as secretary of state. The Bush administration's serious
    criticism of Russia over the last week has become even harsher in
    Rice's statements. She said that the no war no peace situation in the
    region poses a serious threat to the development of democracy.

    On the other hand, the fact that the Kremlin has come under criticism
    ahead of the Bush-Putin meeting in Bratislava next month has given
    political analysts serious food for thought. The discussions on the
    South Caucasus between the two world centres of power will help
    improve the situation in any case, because Russian Foreign Minister
    Sergey Lavrov who commented on Rice's critical remarks has said that
    his country is ready to hear constructive criticism.

    What kind of effect can Rice's statement have on the situation in the
    South Caucasus? We asked Azerbaijan's former foreign minister, Tofiq
    Zulfuqarov, to comment on this.

    New South Caucasus policy

    Correspondent Does this criticism mean that the White House is trying
    to take the initiative in the region?

    Zulfuqarov The USA and Russia have said at different levels that they
    share a common position on the settlement of conflicts in the region
    and that they are trying to resolve the conflicts peacefully. The
    statement made by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is a new
    factor. At least it shows that cooperation between the USA and Russia
    in mediating the settlement of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict, which
    emerged as a result of the Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan,
    will undergo certain changes. In that respect, the Bratislava meeting
    will form a new policy on the conflicts in the South Caucasus.

    Correspondent Russia stepped up its activities immediately after the
    statement of the US secretary of state. What do you think is the link
    between Lavrov's visit to the South Caucasus and this statement?

    Zulfuqarov To be honest, the long-lasting cooperation between the USA
    and Russia has not resolved the conflicts. In fact, there is no
    progress in these conflicts. The only achievement is that the
    cease-fire has been secured. However, the sides are still far from a
    political settlement to the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict. From this
    point of view, it cannot be ruled out that some political circles in
    Russia have realized the importance of changing the current policy.

    After Condoleezza Rice's statement, Sergey Lavrov was also expected to
    criticize the opposite side. From this point of view, mutual criticism
    shows that both countries are not happy with the current
    situation. And this is a positive factor, because the mutually
    critical statements are expected to be followed by discussions that
    will clarify the situation. I think that some approaches and a more
    active position will emerge during these discussions, which is in our

    Conflicts hamper reforms

    Correspondent The Astana meeting was followed by some activity
    regarding Nagornyy Karabakh. The Bratislava meeting will cover a
    broader aspect. What possible changes may Russia and the USA make to
    their policies after discussing the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict in

    Zulfuqarov Under Colin Powell, the Department of State and the
    Department of Defence had different views on different issues,
    including the South Caucasus. The Security Council gave more
    prominence to Donald Rumsfeld's position on the South Caucasus. From
    this point of view, Rice's appointment as secretary of state will lead
    to fundamental changes in US policy on our region. US political
    circles already realize that other goals will be difficult to achieve
    until the conflicts are resolved. The White House is not hiding its
    intentions. Economic development, social and political reforms will
    drag on as long as the conflicts have not been resolved. From this
    point of view, the frozen conflicts should have been resolved a long
    time ago.

    The USA will be more insistent on this policy. This insistence will
    manifest itself in various spheres. I think that the USA will be
    active in its policy on the countries of the region, as well as

    Correspondent Do you expect any activity in the settlement of the
    South Caucasus conflicts in the near future?

    Zulfuqarov The Azerbaijani government has made it clear that the main
    issue hampering the development of the country is the Armenian
    occupation of Nagornyy Karabakh. Work has been carried out in this
    direction. Now the situation is more favourable for these statements
    to yield results. Naturally, our policy will also become more active
    after the Bratislava meeting, because one can sense the desire of the
    centres of power to resolve the problems.