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Armenian opposition MP lambastes government, calls for early polls

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  • Armenian opposition MP lambastes government, calls for early polls

    Armenian opposition MP lambastes government, calls for early polls

    1 Mar 05


    The Armenian authorities are in agony, which can be witnessed by
    squabble and showdown within the ruling coalition against a background
    of searching for President Kocharyan's successor, the secretary of the
    opposition Justice bloc, Viktor Dallakyan, told the National Assembly

    The infighting and squabbling in the coalition show that the ruling
    regime which is aware of its failings is attempting to disavow its
    wrongdoing and flee the sinking ship, he said. The Armenian
    authorities' policy caused a domestic and foreign political crisis,
    Dallakyan said. The level of poverty and migration has increased in
    the country over the past years, he noted.

    Dallakyan stressed that a criminal atmosphere has been created in the
    country as a result of the unlawful actions by the "criminal elements
    who swept Robert Kocharyan to power". Corruption, bribery and the
    shadow economy are of immense proportions.

    "The falsified data represented by the authorities on the economic
    growth aim to cover up the illegal activities of the president's clan
    in the lucrative areas of business," Dallakyan said.

    Human rights abuses and lawlessness are rampant, he stressed. Armenia
    has been squeezed out of the regional processes, while the Karabakh
    issue has been deadlocked as a result of the anti-national policy by
    the ruling regime, the MP said, stressing that the only way out of the
    situation is to conduct early presidential and parliamentary

    Not only the opposition forces, but also the forces "for whom the
    culture of a more polite address to each other is still dear" should
    come together in order to change power, the MP said.