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We Go On The Way of Development

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  • We Go On The Way of Development


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
    03 March 05

    Last year on December 16 at the republic consultation NKR president
    Arkady Ghukassian announced that he would visit Artsakh State
    University. On February 27 the visit took place. The NKR president was
    accompanied by the minister of education, culture and sport A. Ghulian
    and other members of the government. Opening the meeting the rector
    of the university H. Grigorian thanked the NKR government for
    attending to the university. In his turn A. Ghukassian stressed the
    importance of getting mutual benefit from similar meetings on the way
    of democratization of the country. The main point of meeting with the
    people is for the government to clarify their line of activity, feel
    the developments in the country and take them into account during
    their work. According to the president, the place of the meeting was
    not accidental as it is here that the youth is prepared for carrying
    on their shoulders the future of Karabakh. According to him, our main
    achievement is that we created an international image for our country,
    which differs from other unrecognized countries. The president thinks
    this is an important circumstance as unrecognized countries are far
    more vulnerable than the recognized ones. We managed to lay the
    foundations of democracy. The president mentioned that it is early to
    say that we have established a democratic state but we have achieved
    considerable success. It is the imperative of life to build a
    democratic state because only in this way is it possible to adopt the
    values accepted in Europe and civilized countries, although there is
    no guarantee that this will result in the recognition of NKR. But it
    is the only way. It is evident that the world cannot recognize a
    totalitarian Nagorni Karabakh. Both the people who are democratic
    inherently and those who have nothing to do with democracy must
    realize that we have no alternative;we must become a democratic
    country and appear to the world as a state which lives in accordance
    with international standards. Then the head of state touched upon the
    achievements of the country in the sphere of economy. None of the
    former members of the USSR is able to develop without the aid of the
    international community in the form of loans, subsidies and
    investments. We had to solve a very important problem: provide
    conditions for investments that would attract both local and foreign
    businessmen. A country must have a rich economy and be able to solve
    social and economic problems in order to be considered a rich
    country. This was much more difficult in the sense that the country
    was to overcome the post-war syndrome. A. Ghukassian mentioned that we
    have achieved progress in the sphere of investments. Presently
    investors from the USA, France, Australia, Switzerland, Italy, Spain,
    Russia, Armenia and other countries work in NKR. It was difficult to
    come to this because with the present geopolitical developments making
    investments in Karabakh is risky. Business based on mere patriotism
    cannot be productive. The aim was set to create conditions in which
    the investor would be sure that his activity would be protected by
    law. According to the NKR president, we managed to prove to foreign
    investors that their guarantor is the law and not a person, as it once
    used to be the reality in Karabakh. By maintaining 5 per cent
    taxation, which is the lowest in the post-Soviet territory, the danger
    of tax avoidance was eliminated. Owing tothis budget revenues exceeded
    the level when the taxes were higher. A. Ghukassian mentioned that the
    present budget of NKR cannot be compared to that of the past five
    years and even the previous year. Perhaps this is the reason why
    Azerbaijan has become more aggressive. From the point of view of
    Azerbaijan Karabakh with decayed economy will one day creep to
    Azerbaijan asking for help. However, day by day they become convinced
    that the rates of economic growth in Karabakh do not fall back from
    Azerbaijan which is far richer in resources. The president mentioned
    that we must be able to prove to the world that we have the right for
    being an independent and civilized country because we are economically
    self-sufficient and are able to live in accordance with the law,
    building democracy. These are the standards of the international
    community. The NKR president also touched upon the talks for the
    settlement of the Karabakh conflict. Karabakh was left out of the
    negotiations though mediators continue visiting Karabakh, because
    everybody understands that without regarding the opinion of the people
    and authorities of Karabakh it is impossible to achieve the settlement
    of the Karabakh conflict. It is Azerbaijan's fault that the
    negotiation process is not going on within the framework of the Minsk
    Group, as Azerbaijan refuses to negotiate with Karabakh. And if the
    talks are resumed, the president of the country assured that they will
    not go on without Karabakh. A. Ghukassian mentioned that we are
    interested in the rapid settlement of the problem because innumerable
    problems get accumulated in the country which is not recognized. On
    the other hand, we understand that the problem cannot be solved at
    just any price. We must do everything to prevent another war on this
    land. And in this question the international community is on our
    side. He denied rumours about returning territories. The people of
    Karabakh know the standpoint of the government in reference to the
    Karabakh problem. The NKR president stated that it will not change
    because they got this mandate from the people. A. Ghukassian ensured
    that they will not take steps which may harm the interests of
    people. He stated, `We shall not accept unilateral compromise and will
    not give up our independence.' As to the home political life, the head
    of the country stressed the importance of pursuing the way of
    democracy, which is irrevocable. Opposition and free press is
    developing in the country. Fortunately, we do not have the hatred
    existing in other countries. In this reference he is hopeful that we
    shall not get over the barrier. It is another thing that the
    authorities want the opposition to be constructive, and problems to be
    solved in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and not hostile
    moods. `Home political stability is very important for us,' said
    A. Ghukassian, `and naturally we shall not allow any attempt of
    destabilizing the country.' In the second part of the meeting the head
    of the country answered the questions of the professors and students
    referring to the foreign and home policies, social and economic state
    of the country and the problems of the university.
