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BAKU: Parliament refuses to ratify Convention signed with Canada

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  • BAKU: Parliament refuses to ratify Convention signed with Canada

    Parliament refuses to ratify Convention signed with Canada

    Assa-Irada, Azerbaijan
    March 7 2005

    Baku, March 4, AssA-Irada

    The Milli Majlis (parliament) refused on Friday to ratify the
    Convention ~SOn eliminating double taxation on revenues and property
    taxes and prevention of tax evasion~T signed between the governments
    of Azerbaijan and Canada, as well as a protocol of the Convention.

    The refusal came as protest against attempts by Canadian companies to
    develop the disputed ~SKapaz~T field in the Caspian Sea jointly with
    Turkmenistan and tap gold deposits in the occupied lands of Azerbaijan.

    Samad Seyidov, chairman of the permanent parliamentary commission on
    international relations, said that the Foreign Ministry is scrutinizing
    the issue.

    Parliament speaker Murtuz Alasgarov withdrew the issue from the agenda,
    saying ~Slet the Foreign Ministry notify us of its final decision~T.*

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress