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Armenian Assembly Joins Community Groups In Urging President Bush To

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  • Armenian Assembly Joins Community Groups In Urging President Bush To


    11 March 05

    Washington, DC - The Armenian Assembly today joined together with
    several major Armenian-American organizations to deliver a singular
    message to President Bush - that now is the time to accurately label
    the atrocities of 1915 as the Armenian Genocide as articulated
    by U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Evans and other leading U.S.

    Evans most recently evoked the Armenian Genocide during his first
    stateside visit to Armenian communities across the country. During a
    series of public exchanges with Armenians last week, Evans said, "The
    Armenian Genocide was the first genocide of the twentieth century."

    Community organizations, in turn, sent a letter to President Bush
    today asking that he also use the word Genocide to characterize the
    forced exile and murder of the Armenians by the Ottoman Turks. The
    letter was signed by the Armenian Assembly of America, the Armenian
    Bar Association, the Armenian General Benevolent Union, the Armenian
    Missionary Association of America, the Armenian National Committee,
    the Armenian Relief Society of Eastern USA, the Eastern Diocese of
    the Armenian Church, the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church,
    the Knights of Vartan, the Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic
    Church of North America and the Western Prelacy of the Armenian
    Apostolic Church of North America and said in part:

    "In this the 90th Commemorative Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide,
    we urge that you join President Reagan and so many other leading
    public officials in reaffirming the facts of history you have already
    proclaimed with the correct name - Armenian Genocide.... Just as
    it was when your Administration properly termed the crimes against
    humanity in Darfur as genocide, U.S. leadership is once again needed
    to provide clarity to the crimes against humanity committed by Ottoman
    Turkey against our ancestors under cover of WW I."

    Assembly Board of Trustees Chairman Hirair Hovnanian said that he was
    encouraged by the spirit of cooperation exhibited by the community.
    "Now more than ever, it is imperative for us to unite and strengthen
    our voices as we work towards an inevitable, full and irrevocable
    U.S. reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide," Hovnanian said.

    Also today, the Assembly sent a letter to Congressional Caucus on
    Armenian Issues Co-Chairs Joe Knollenberg (R-MI) and Frank Pallone,
    Jr. (D-NJ), asking for their continued leadership and support to
    rally Congress in support of affirmation of the truth.

    The Assembly additionally sent a "call to action" to thousands of
    its members and activists around the country, encouraging their
    involvement in the campaign for formal U.S recognition of the Genocide.

    For information on how to get involved, log on to the Assembly Web
    site at or send an email to the Assembly's grassroots
    branch ARAMAC at [email protected].

    The Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based
    nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness
    of Armenian issues. It is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt membership

    Editor's Note: Attached is the full text of the pan-Armenian letter
    to President Bush.

    March 2, 2005

    President George Bush

    The White House

    Washington, DC

    Dear Mr. President:

    Ambassador Evans has just completed his first U.S. visit to major
    Armenian-American communities to share his initial impressions of
    Armenia, U.S. programs there and the even greater role that our
    community can play in promoting ever closer U.S./Armenia relations.

    During his public exchanges with our communities throughout the United
    States, Ambassador Evans also properly and repeatedly characterized
    the attempted annihilation of our people by Ottoman Turkey as the
    Armenian Genocide. In so doing, the Ambassador accurately labeled the
    textbook definition of the crime of genocide that you have carefully
    set forth in your successive April 24 statements commenting on this
    crime against humanity. In effect, Ambassador Evans succinctly named
    the policy you have enunciated in these important declarations.

    Mr. President, in this the 90th Commemorative Anniversary of the
    Armenian Genocide, we urge that you join President Ronald Reagan and
    so many other leading American public officials in reaffirming the
    facts of history you have already proclaimed with the correct name -
    Armenian Genocide. Candor on this vital matter will ultimately enhance
    U.S./Turkey and U.S./Armenia relationships. Just as it was when your
    Administration properly termed the crimes against humanity in Darfur
    as genocide, U.S. leadership is once again needed to provide clarity
    to the crimes against humanity committed by Ottoman Turkey against
    our ancestors under cover of WW I.


    Armenian Assembly of America

    Armenian Bar Association

    Armenian General Benevolent Union

    Armenian Missionary Association of America

    Armenian National Committee of America

    Armenian Relief Society of Eastern USA, Inc.

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America - East

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America - West

    Knights of Vartan

    Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of North America - East

    Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of North America - West