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Georgia: Russia Calls Parliamentary Resolution On Bases'Counterprodu

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  • Georgia: Russia Calls Parliamentary Resolution On Bases'Counterprodu

    Radio Free Europe, Czech Rep.
    March 11 2005

    Georgia: Russia Calls Parliamentary Resolution On Bases
    By Valentinas Mite

    The Russian Defense Ministry has criticized as "counterproductive" a
    unanimous vote by the Georgian parliament pressuring Moscow to close
    two Russian military bases in Georgia. The nonbinding resolution,
    passed yesterday, demands that Russia agree a timetable by 15 May for
    vacating the bases and withdrawing some 4,000 troops. Should Russia
    fail to do that, the Georgian lawmakers have vowed to outlaw any
    Russian military presence in their country from 1 January 2006. The
    dispute is at the heart of ongoing bilateral negotiations. But the
    Georgian side appears convinced that the Kremlin's heart is not
    really in those talks.

    Prague, 11 March 2005 (RFE/RL) -- The Georgian parliament is trying
    to force Russia to remove its bases from the country.

    Yesterday's move carries a threat of sharp curbs on Russian troop
    movements from January. Those steps would effectively render the
    Russian bases in western and southern Georgia nonfunctional.

    Georgian lawmaker Giga Bokeria said after the parliamentary vote
    yesterday: "In this statement, we are giving more time for diplomacy
    despite the fact that Russian diplomacy has proved time and time
    again that there is not yet the political will in Russia to withdraw
    its bases -- which remain here as an echo of Soviet rule and which
    are here against the will of the Georgian people."

    Georgian parliamentarians say that if Russia fails to meet the
    deadline, its bases will be declared illegal and the Georgian
    government will stop issuing entry visas to Russian troops. The
    measures also include strict curbs on the movement of vehicles and

    Moscow had warned that the resolution would obstruct discussions
    aimed at forging a compromise on the pullout. Once it passed, the
    Russian Defense Ministry described the Georgian resolution as
    counterproductive. Ministry spokesman Vyacheslav Sedov told ITAR-TASS
    that the "Georgian parliamentary deputies lost their sense of
    reality." He added that the problem cannot be resolved through

    Konstantin Zatulin, chairman of the Russian State Duma's CIS Affairs
    Committee, took a tougher stance. He said Russia would respond by
    pressing Georgia to pay higher prices for energy supplies and
    "toughening its position regarding the Georgian-Ossetian and
    Georgian-Abkhaz conflicts," where the Georgian government is facing
    local pressure for independence or autonomy.

    So why are Russian troops still in Georgia, more than a decade after
    that country gained independence from the Soviet Union?

    Aleksandr Goltz, a Russian military expert, explained: "To tell the
    truth, these two basis in Georgia are more designed to safeguard
    [weapons]. Different kinds of military equipment are stocked there,
    and [the equipment] is rather outdated, I must stress. Some 4,000
    soldiers are based there. Their main task is to somehow safeguard
    that equipment."

    Goltz said the Soviet withdrawal from Eastern Europe was an economic
    disaster -- with soldiers having no place to return to live in
    Russia. That was accompanied by the widespread theft of military
    equipment. He said eliminating the bases in Georgia would be easy in
    technical terms, since many people who serve on the bases are locals,
    and the biggest task would be transporting the military equipment to

    Goltz said the main problem is not a logistical one but a political
    one. The Kremlin, he suggests, is simply not sufficiently interested
    in removing its military presence in Georgia. "The main thing here is
    Russia's desire to show its military might, a wish to show that it is
    ready and able to act -- especially in such a complicated place as
    the Caucasus," he said.

    On the other hand, Goltz said, there is no doubt that, for Russia,
    the ethnically mixed and restive Caucasus region is a headache.
    Moscow clearly wants to avoid armed conflict in the Caucasus. A war
    in Chechnya, which borders Georgia, has contributed significantly to
    Moscow's concerns in the region.

    Goltz stressed, however, that Russia should seek permission from
    Georgia to further its goals when related actions concern Georgian

    Russia agreed to remove its Soviet-era military bases in 1998. But
    since then, Moscow has repeatedly extended the deadline, saying it
    needs years and millions of dollars to remove its troops.

    Moscow has come under increased pressure recently -- not only from
    Tbilisi but also from Washington, which supports Georgia's demand for
    a Russian withdrawal.

    Russia has military bases in Armenia, but Armenia's ongoing conflict
    with neighboring Azerbaijan has meant that the country welcomes the
    Russian military presence.