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Saudi leadership discusses with Aliyev the bases & future ofcooperat

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  • Saudi leadership discusses with Aliyev the bases & future ofcooperat

    Ain Al-Yaqeen, Saudi Arabia
    March 11 2005



    The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz
    received at his office at Al Yamamah palace in Riyadh Azerbaijan's
    President Ilham Aliyev and accompanying delegation.

    At the outset of the meeting, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques
    welcomed President Aliyev, wishing him a good stay in his second
    country: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    Then President Aliyev awarded the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques
    Azerbaijan's Independence medal, the country's most prestigious
    honorary decoration, in recognition of the king's noble services for
    Islam and Muslims and his continuous support for the Republic of

    On his part, King Fahd decorated President Aliyev with King Abdul
    Aziz decoration in recognition of his efforts in enhancing the
    relations between the two countries.

    Then they discussed the overall situations at the Islamic and
    international arenas in addition to the aspects of cooperation
    between the two countries and ways of enhancing them in all fields.

    On the Saudi side, the meeting was attended by Prince Ahmed Ibn Abdul
    Aziz, Deputy Minister of Interior; Prince Abdul Aziz Ibn Bandar Ibn
    Abdul Aziz, Assistant Chief of General Intelligence; Prince Abdul
    Aziz Ibn Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz, Minister of State, Member of the
    Cabinet and Chief of the Court of the Cabinet's Presidency; Prince
    Faisal Ibn Turki Ibn Abdullah; ministers; senior protocol officials
    and Saudi Ambassador to Azerbaijan Ali bin Hasan Jaafar.

    On the Azerbaijani side, it was attended by the First Deputy of the
    Prime Minister Jacob Ayoobov; Foreign Minister Elmar Mohammed Yarov;
    Azerbaijan's Ambassador to the Kingdom Alman Arasli and senior

    Crown Prince Abdullah Ibn Abdul Aziz, the Deputy Prime Minister and
    Commander of the National Guard, and Azerbaijan's President Ilham
    Aliyev held a meeting at the crown prince's palace in Riyadh.

    At the outset of the meeting, President Aliyev awarded the Crown
    Prince Azerbaijan's Independence medal, the country's most
    prestigious honorary decoration, in recognition of the Crown Prince's
    distinguished role in expanding the economic and cultural relations
    between the Kingdom and Azerbaijan.

    Aliyev also lauded the efforts of Crown Prince Abdullah for the
    service of Islam and Muslims all over the world.

    On his part, Crown Prince Abdullah thanked President Aliyev, praising
    the firm relations binding the two countries and peoples.

    Then they discussed the overall developments at the Islamic and
    international arenas in addition to the aspects of cooperation
    between the two countries and ways of enhancing them in all fields.

    On the Saudi side, the meeting was attended by Prince Mishaal Ibn
    Abdul Aziz; Prince Mit'eb Ibn Abdul Aziz, Minister of Municipal and
    Rural Affairs; Prince Sattam Ibn Abdul Aziz, Vice Governor of Riyadh
    Region; Prince Abdul Aziz Ibn Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz, Minister of State,
    Member of the Cabinet and Chief of the Court of the Cabinet's
    Presidency; ministers; senior protocol officials and Saudi Ambassador
    to Azerbaijan Ali Ibn Hasan Jaafar.

    On the Azerbaijani side, it was attended by the First Deputy of the
    Prime Minister Jacob Ayoobov; Foreign Minister Elmar Mohammed Yarov;
    Azerbaijan's Ambassador to the Kingdom Alman Arasli and senior

    Crown Prince Abdullah and the Azeri President Ilham Aliyev held
    wide-ranging talks that focused on regional and international issues.
    Special areas of discussion were Saudi-Azeri cooperation in
    political, commercial and cultural fields. The talks were followed by
    the signing of three major agreements between Saudi Arabia and the
    Muslim-majority Azeri republic.

    President Aliyev, during his three-day official trip, witnessed the
    signing of an SR67.5 million loan agreement with the Saudi Fund for
    Development (SFD), said Azeri diplomat Naghi Jaabbarov. There are
    other agreements on boosting cooperation in education and investment

    In the talks, the two leaders shared common views, visions and
    approaches on a number of bilateral and international issues. New
    developments in the Arab world including Syria and Iraq, the Middle
    East peace process, terrorism threats and the status of Azerbaijan's
    conflict with Armenia were high on the agenda.

    The talks comes within the framework of the mandate of an MoU signed
    by Riyadh and Baku early this year which calls for holding periodic
    political consultations.

    Azerbaijan seeks to develop ties with Saudi Arabia in the fields of
    economy, trade, tourism and health care.

    Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev, who witnessed the signing of two
    bilateral economic agreements, called for intensifying efforts to
    boost political, commercial and cultural relations with Saudi Arabia.

    The call was made during his meeting with Saudi businessmen at the
    Riyadh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI) following his talks
    with Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahd, Crown Prince
    Abdullah and a host of Saudi officials.

    Aliyev said that "Baku is looking to Saudi Arabia to support its
    regional interests politically and commercially". He reiterated that
    "the Kingdom is, in fact, supporting the Azeri position, at a time
    when we have been wrestling with a geopolitical dilemma created
    because of the conflict with Armenia".

    The Azeri leader witnessed the signing of an investment protection
    agreement prior to his meeting at RCCI. Another agreement for SR67.5
    million credit line facility granted by Saudi Fund for Development
    (SFD) to Azerbaijan was also signed in the presence of the president.

    On behalf of Saudi Arabia, the accords were inked by Finance Minister
    Dr. Ibrahim Al-Assaf. Later, Aliyev participated in the RCCI meeting,
    which was also attended by Minister of Commerce and Industry Dr.
    Hashim Abdullah Yamani.

    Azeri diplomat Naghi Jaabbarov said that "two credit agreements will
    also be signed by the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and Azerbaijan
    in Jeddah".

    IDB has agreed to grant $10.4 million credit facility for a road
    construction project and another $10.1 million credit for a tunnel
    project in that former Soviet republic. Referring to the
    progressively growing Riyadh-Baku relations following the meeting of
    businessmen at RCCI, Saad ibn Ibrahim Al-Mojel, RCCI's vice chairman,
    said that "the two sides are discussing as how to set up direct
    transportation links between the two countries. There is neither a
    direct flight to Baku nor a port in the Azeri capital, which are
    hampering our business plans and relations".

    "President Aliyev has promised to look into the possibility of
    setting set up direct air link to boost tourism and pilgrimage
    traffic", he said. Al-Mojel said that "there is a lot of potential to
    forge closer relations in all sectors".

    He said that "the Armenian problem and the geopolitical dilemma with
    which Azerbaijan is faced with will not discourage the Saudi leaders
    and businessmen".

    Jaabbarov said that the funds will be used for building and expanding
    infrastructure in that country.

    Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev has reaffirmed the strength of
    Saudi-Azeri relationships indicating that his current visit is part
    of the constant efforts aimed at enhancing the bilateral trade
    exchange and developing economic ties.

    In an interview with Saudi Television, President Aliyev praised the
    Saudi, to his country which helped in overcoming numerous crises.

    He said his talks with Saudi leadership had focused on the bilateral
    relations, adding that these talks had been "highly successful."

    He pointed out that the political relations with the Kingdom of Saudi
    Arabia are at high levels but the economic ones are not at par with
    those of the political ties.

    "There is a government joint committee which has been working for
    years to enhance the economic and trade ties and this committee is
    now working to study and analyze these facilities and opportunities,"
    Aliyev said.

    "In my point of view, the opening of direct flights between the two
    countries will help in strengthening the economic ties," he added.

    Answering a question about the call of Crown Prince Abdullah Ibn
    Abdul Aziz, the Deputy Prime Minister and Commander of the National
    Guard, to convene an Islamic Summit in Makkah, Aliyev said that the
    main thing which concern him is the negative social opinion about
    Islam in addition to wars and conflicts inside Muslim countries.

    "We support this call which will discuss many issues and may handle a
    program for future activities and procedures to confront these
    challenges," Aliyev said.

    Crown Prince Abdullah Ibn Abdul Aziz, the Deputy Prime Minister and
    Commander of the National Guard, gave a banquet in honor of
    Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev and accompanying delegation.

    The function was attended by Prince Mishaal Ibn Abdul Aziz; Prince
    Mit'eb Ibn Abdul Aziz, the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs;
    Prince Sattam Ibn Abdul Aziz, the Vice Governor of Riyadh Region;
    other princes; ministers and senior civil and military officials.

    Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev arrived in Riyadh for a visit to
    the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    At Riyadh air base, he was received by Crown Prince Abdullah Ibn
    Abdul Aziz, the Deputy Prime Minister and Commander of the National
    Guard; Prince Mit'eb Ibn Abdul Aziz, the Minister of Municipal and
    Rural Affairs; Prince Sattam Ibn Abdul Aziz, the Vice Governor of
    Riyadh Region; Prince Khalid Ibn Sultan Ibn Abdul Aziz, Assistant
    Minister of Defense and Aviation and Inspector General for Military
    Affairs; Prince Abdul Aziz Ibn Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz, Assistant Chief
    of General Intelligence; Prince Abdul Aziz Ibn Abdullah Ibn Abdul
    Aziz, Advisor at the Crown Prince's Court; Prince Dr. Abdul Aziz Ibn
    Mohammed Ibn Ayyaf Al Miqrin, Mayor of the city of Riyadh; Dr. Hashim
    Ibn Abdullah Yamani, Minister of Commerce and Industry; senior
    protocol officials and Azerbaijan's Ambassador to the Kingdom Alman
    Hamied Arasli.

    Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev met with members of board of
    directors of Riyadh Chamber of Commerce and a number of Saudi

    Addressing the meeting, Azerbaijan's President commended the strong
    relations between the two countries especially in economic and
    investment fields.

    Dr Salih Al-Namlah, the Undersecretary of the Culture and Information
    Ministry for Foreign Information, met with a delegation comprising a
    number of Azerbaijani media men.

    They reviewed, at the meeting attended by Saudi ambassador to
    Azerbaijan Ali Hassan Jaffar, aspects of information cooperation
    between the Kingdom and Azerbaijan.

    Meanwhile, the members of the delegation who were briefed on the
    development achievements attained in the Kingdom in the various
    domains, highlighted the great services being extended by the Kingdom
    to Islam and Muslims throughout the world.

    Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev left Riyadh for Jeddah on his way
    to Makkah to perform Umrah rituals.

    At Riyadh airbase, he was seen off by Prince Sattam Ibn Abdul Aziz,
    Deputy Governor of Riyadh region, a number princes and senior

    Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev and his accompanying delegation
    performed Umrah rituals.

    Upon arrival at the Grand Mosque, they were received by a number of

    Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev arrived in Jeddah to perform
    Umrah rituals.

    He was received at King Abdul Aziz international airport by Prince
    Mishaal Ibn Majed Ibn Abdul Aziz, Governor of Jeddah and a number of

    Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev visited the headquarters of the
    Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) in Jeddah.

    During the visit, he expressed his country's support to Islamic
    issues praising the steps of reforms undertaken by the OIC to develop
    its performance.

    He also hailed the OIC's role to strengthening the economic and
    technological cooperation between member states.

    Aliyev was accompanied by Minister of Commerce and Industry Hashem
    Yamani, who is also the Escorting Minister.

    Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev left the Kingdom after a brief
    visit to Saudi Arabia.

    At Prince Mohammad Ibn Abdul Aziz Airport in Al Madinah Al
    Munawarrah, he was seen off by Dr. Hashim Yamani, Minister of
    Commerce and Industry, and senior civil and military officials.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress