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BAKU: Interview of Aliyev to journalists after ceremony devoted to13

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  • BAKU: Interview of Aliyev to journalists after ceremony devoted to13

    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    March 12 2005

    [March 12, 2005, 22:22:00]

    Q.: Mr. President, the first question is connected to the incident
    marked by you. It has caused a loud resonance in the society. Whether
    there will be put an end to this investigation, whether the
    management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has played this or
    that role in the occident and what destiny of the management of the
    Ministry of Internal Affairs will be after that incidents?

    A.: Last incident, which has happened on February 10, certainly, has
    very much disturbed all of us, as it was not the first case.
    Certainly, have been given strict instructions on serious
    investigation of the question. Unfortunately, till now the inquiries
    connected to similar questions, the carried out search actions
    remained ineffectual. Therefore, I have made the decision to assign
    the given question to the Ministry of National Security. Though it
    does not enter into their direct functions. Investigation and all
    action had strictly confidential character, and this big criminal
    group has been exposed. It has been informed. You, probably, saw and
    read. Now, there is an investigation. I would not like for to
    outstrip for it. All will be found out. The fact of abduction of 9
    person and 3 murders is already opened. These events have caused very
    loud resonance in Azerbaijan, in the society, and long years remained
    unrevealed. All of us were concerned as our main task consists in
    that people lived easy. I know that after these events in the society
    there was a certain concern. Some people strongly worried, and it is
    natural. All have family, children, and wives. I think, that in the
    modern history of Azerbaijan this operation is the most significant
    and is our success. The Azerbaijan state has shown the force, this
    criminal group has been neutralized and done responsible.

    In the statement I have noted, that it is entrusted to Minister of
    Internal Affairs that the ministry has carried out internal
    investigation. Simultaneously, investigation is carried out by both
    Office of Public Prosecutor, and by each person involved in the
    crime, will be done responsible. The point is as about criminal, and
    the administrative responsibility. Everyone who is involved in this
    crime will be done responsible; other measures will be accepted also.

    Q.: Mr. President, you have noted, that the some people try to take
    advantage from the incident and to undermine the Ministry of Internal
    Affairs. What measures will be accepted that it has not received
    wider scope? In fact, this campaign can be directed on blacking,
    declination of surnames of the management of the Ministry of Internal

    A.: For this reason I have told, that we should not admit this
    campaign. Certainly, it is very sad fact and as I have told, a big
    stain, the Ministry of Internal Affairs should wash off this stain
    and to take serious corrective measures. This person worked in the
    given organization more than 10 years, how could it happen, what
    employees working with him have not replaced all it? How could it
    happen, what the criminal group made these acts within 10 years? Why?
    Because, probably, it was sure that these crimes will stay
    unrevealed. Probably, it was sure in the impunity. Therefore,
    certainly, the point is on the responsibility, and each person should
    realize the responsibility. At the same time, we in any way do not
    allow generalization of the given question and carrying out of
    campaign against Minister of Internal Affairs.

    In the statement I have noted, I want to repeat, that the Ministry of
    Internal Affairs has done huge work on protection of social order in
    Azerbaijan, in fighting criminality. We cannot deny it, and one case
    should not cross out all the done work. All should be on justice, and
    I am the supporter of justice. All guilty will be done responsible.

    Q.: Mr. President, what will face Ramil Usubov? The media says that
    you will send him to resignation.

    A.: I do not know, what media has written that. It is my competence,
    my business, and I have no such idea. I repeat, that the incident
    should not create public excitement. Nobody should use it for the
    sake of political campaign.

    You know, unfortunately, the cases, which have occurred in
    Azerbaijan, some murders, certain dirty forces turn it to campaign on
    maintenance of the interests. Pay attention, as far as some political
    forces in connection with murder of Elmar Huseynov accomplish immoral
    acts. And again should not be admitted any campaign. Keeping Ramil
    Usubov on work or his displacement is my competence, and the happened
    should not play any role. As a whole, I am pleased with work of Ramil
    Usubov. Such events can take place. He does not bear the
    responsibility for each employee. Therefore, do not pay attention to
    the similar materials published in press.

    Q.: Mr. President, there is such opinion, that, as a whole, - in
    Georgia the given variant was used, henceforth, activity of the
    Ministry of Internal Affairs as useful structure, can appear under
    doubt. Whether the variant of association of the Ministry of National
    Security and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and creation of uniform
    structure is possible?

    A.: No, I do not think at all of it. In the past, such practice in
    Soviet Union took place, if I am not mistaken, in my opinion, in the
    time of Khrushchev - but has not justified. I do not believe, that
    this practice can justify itself. It is impossible to unite these two
    ministries. As a whole, they have various functions. On the other
    hand, messages of the various ministries represent great value and
    for my work. That is I cannot receive the information only from one
    source. Both of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministries
    of National Security has its functions, and there cannot be merger of
    these two ministries.

    Q.: Mr. President, the government is going to undertake what new
    steps in connection with obligations of Azerbaijan to the Council of

    A.: Obligations are carried out. As you know, in this direction,
    great work has been done, and all obligations should be fulfilled. We
    have accepted the obligation to perform it. But each obligation has
    the term, time. They are in due time carried out. Somewhere, there is
    a certain delay. That has objective reasons.

    As you know, there is an obligation connected to creation of public
    TV. It is created, and now the material questions are solved. Each
    obligation should be fulfilled. Entering the Council of Europe,
    Azerbaijan has accepted these obligations and will observe them.

    Q.: Mr. President, yesterday in Parliament such ideas have sounded,
    that behind many offensive places in Azerbaijan stand the chiefs of
    police. You have told you gave instruction to Minister of Internal
    Affairs. Whether there was an instruction on carrying out in
    structure of the ministry of serious rearrangements, and whether
    there is a version about this or that connection happened with murder
    of Elmar Huseynov?

    A.: You know, you say that the press writes so. Now, the Parliament.
    Remember, both in press, and in the Parliament the opposition lifts
    this question. Yesterday, at session of parliament the representative
    of opposition has lifted this question. And you say that it was
    lifted by parliament. Or the oppositional press, using it, writes the
    materials, and you say that the press writes. It is not same. As a
    whole, I repeat, that it is impossible to use such questions in
    political ends.

    Indecent places are contained with opposition. The opposition visits
    these places and with a shame leaves there from. Recent events have
    confirmed it. Therefore, it is not necessary to generalize the
    question. Lacks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and of all other
    law enforcement bodies are available. Nobody denies it, and we know
    it. It is necessary to combat these lacks. But in normal conditions
    and in the normal order. I repeat, that I cannot admit any campaign.

    The opposition has already lost all opportunities. For a long time
    has lost trust of people. Barbarous actions after October elections
    have reduced it. The have no any means for aggravation of situation.
    There is one that in Azerbaijan there was any chaos, anarchy, any
    unpleasant events, and they could criticize or accuse authority. And
    it is impossible. Murder of Elmar Huseynov has once again shown their
    immoral acts. Their unworthy statements have not caused in the
    society any resonance. On the contrary, the uncooperative attitude
    towards them in the society has amplified, as they began to speculate
    with tragedy of the person, families. About what morals do you speak?

    Therefore, I think, that we should not generalize this question.
    Lacks are available in each organization, each establishment. The
    strict instruction as soon as possible is given to investigate. And
    not only on this incident. As a whole, in the Ministry of Internal
    Affairs it is necessary to stop the negative facts, to take strict
    measures, to make serious personnel rearrangements. Guilty employees,
    the employees engaged in unworthy affairs, should be exposed and done

    As if to connection happened with murder of Elmar Huseynov, I can
    tell nothing about it. While preliminary investigation has not
    revealed any links. But investigation continues and in the near
    future we shall see.

    Q.: Mr. President how you regard infringement of the ceasefire
    regime? Whether it can, as a whole, be reflected in process of

    A.: I negatively estimate infringement of the ceasefire regime. You
    will not receive another answer. Anyway, violation of ceasefire is
    not the positive fact. In fact, as you know, the position of
    Azerbaijan now became much stronger and if to compare, it is possible
    to be convinced that we have achieved big successes in the cause of
    settlement of the conflict. As diplomatic, political, and other
    successes. Therefore, it is not favorable. It is provocation of the
    Armenians. Probably, try to carry out in such way any purposes. We
    are ready to this if they will disturb ceasefire, will go over to the
    offensive, we shall give due repulse.

    Q.: Mr. President, you undertake certain steps in connection with
    creation of transparency in oil-and-gas, power sector. Gas has risen
    in price. But in the country, there was a serious problem. That is
    people do not have any maintenance, however, they are obliged to pay.
    In this sphere, there are negative facts. In this connection,
    managements of "Azerigas~T, "AZreenergy", "Azersu" result the certain
    examples, that supposedly means are not allocated, therefore, we
    cannot make it. Whether entering by you into this business of any
    innovations, changes are expected?

    A.: First, means for them are allocated. It is allocated 30 billion
    manat that due to these means to establish counters. Second, they
    have also means. As you know, in connection with rise in prices will
    grow also their incomes. It is their duty. As you know, "Azerigas"
    receives at the State Oil Company free-of-charge gas, does not pay
    for it. The oil Company receives gas from abroad and free-of-charge
    transfers it to "Azerigas". All this work should be done due to
    internal opportunities of "Azergas". I repeat, that Azerigas has
    received 30 billion manat. Certainly, counters should be shortly
    established, as people should know, for what they pay. Unfortunately,
    we and in the past did not have counters. In spite of the fact that
    they were in other republics of Soviet Union, in Russia, counters
    everywhere have been established. In Azerbaijan, for some reason and
    in the past this question has remained unresolved. Now, it is
    necessary for us to correct position. This requires large means.
    Nevertheless, I think, that solvent people should get counters. In
    apartments of insolvent people, which do not have money, certainly,
    counters will be established by state. But as it can be, that the man
    of means who, for example, has bought in new buildings an apartment
    for 100 thousand dollars, cannot get the counter. Let buy and

    Q.: Mr. President, according to the Armenian sources, in the near
    future is expected the next meeting of Presidents. Whether are
    specified, as a whole, a place and date of this meeting?

    A.: Offers on carrying out of the meeting are available. I do not
    object, but on condition that the meeting will be devoted to the
    certain theme. We already repeatedly met. It is possible to tell, all
    questions have been discussed, and the positions are stated. In our
    position, there cannot be any changes. On what compromise we can go,
    what we have taken from them to return? Therefore, about mutual
    compromises cannot be and speeches. It from the very beginning was
    only the thesis, that supposedly the conflict should be settled on
    the basis of mutual compromises. Someone has put forward it, and, as
    they say, this thesis lived some time. I think, that we have nothing
    to go on the compromise. The unique step is possible - I have not
    named the compromise, - safety of living in Nagorno Karabakh of the
    Armenians and Azerbaijanis who there will come back. On this, we, as
    they say, can work, and here there are themes for negotiations. Any
    other compromises are not present.

    As to the meeting, probably, the meetings of Ministers of Foreign
    Affairs should create ground for this purpose. If on these
    negotiations, if Armenia will hold constructive position and, at
    last, will understand, that the given question can find its solution
    only on the basis of norms of international law, and the meeting of
    Ministers of Foreign Affairs will be fruitful, in this case, possible
    will be the meeting of Presidents.

    Q.: Mr. President, in the US Congress, under the initiative of
    congressmen in the center of attention will be the project about
    promotion of democracy. It regard as process of distribution of
    "velvet" revolutions, in particular, in the former Soviet republics.
    Some political scientists assert, that the next revolution will take
    place in Azerbaijan. Whether expects, as a whole, the President of
    Azerbaijan such danger?

    A.: You expect such danger?

    Q.: I cannot answer.

    A: You always refer to any political scientists. No, I do not expect
    such danger. Azerbaijan cannot face such threat. Revolutions occur
    where between the people and the authority exists a precipice,
    mistrust when the authority is not supported. In Azerbaijan, the
    situation completely is other. Pay attention to the interrogations
    which have been carried out by opposition or any independent, if so,
    it is possible to tell, foreign funds. Look at the rating of
    authority, including the President. He is at the highest level. I
    even can tell, that after presidential elections he has reached,
    probably, the highest level. That is, I say it not to praise myself.
    It is the truth. If you have not asked, I would not begin to speak
    about this reality. Probably, to speak about it somehow it is not so
    good, but it is true. The authority of Azerbaijan serves people. All
    work done by us pursues one purpose: That our country became even
    stronger, that rose the authority of Azerbaijan, that the conflict
    with Armenia has been settled in our favor. And that we became even
    stronger, and have strengthened our army, and have solved social
    questions. In such conditions, revolutions, usually, do not occur.
    Revolutions occur where the economic situation worsens, the social
    status worsens, either the authority undertakes those or other steps,
    which are negatively perceived by people. In Azerbaijan, anything
    such is not present and will not be. I shall try and to work
    henceforth so that people always supported me. Thanks.