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The European Neighbourhood Policy and the Euro-Mediterranean ptnshp

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  • The European Neighbourhood Policy and the Euro-Mediterranean ptnshp

    EUROPA (press release), Belgium
    March 14 2005

    Margot Wallström

    Vice President of the European Union responsible for Institutional
    Relations and Communication Strategy

    The European Neighbourhood Policy and the Euro-Mediterranean

    Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly
    Cairo, 14 March 2005

    Mr President,

    Members of the Assembly,

    It is a great honour for me to take part on behalf of the European
    Commission in this first session of the Euro-Mediterranean
    Parliamentary Assembly.

    Mr President,

    Let me first greet you in particular as an Egyptian presiding over
    the work of this first session hosted in Egypt's capital, Cairo.
    These two circumstances are symbolic and reflect your country's
    commitment to the Euro-Mediterranean partnership since its inception.
    This commitment will be illustrated yet again at the upcoming
    inauguration in Alexandria of the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean
    Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures.

    Members of the Assembly,

    There is no need for me to stress the importance the Commission
    attaches to the creation of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary
    Assembly. As you know, the Euro-Mediterranean partnership rests on
    three pillars: political, economic and social, cultural and human.
    Since the launching of the Barcelona process, it has become apparent
    that these pillars were not equally strong and that whereas the
    economic and trade pillar was solid, those supporting the political,
    cultural and social aspects of the partnership were less so. The
    creation of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly, which has
    a political mandate above all (even if it deals with other issues),
    bolsters the Partnership's foundations. The Commission will cooperate
    closely with your Assembly, and of course take account of any
    suggestions, ideas and initiatives that it puts forward.

    The Presidency of the European Union - represented by Mr Nicolas
    Schmit, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg -
    have reviewed the Barcelona process and taken stock of its
    implementation. For my part, I wish to speak to you about a
    relatively new aspect of the EU's foreign policy, namely the European
    Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), or rather spell out the ENP's
    relationship with the Barcelona process, which remains the nucleus of
    relations between the European Union and its southern Mediterranean

    * * *

    What does the European Neighbourhood Policy consist of ? It is based
    on a simple idea formulated by the Copenhagen European Council of
    December 2002 which stated that the Union should seize the
    opportunity offered by its enlargement to enhance relations with the
    neighbouring countries on the basis of shared values and avoid the
    creation of new divides within Europe.

    To that end, the Council called for stronger relations with Ukraine,
    Moldova, Belarus and the countries of the southern Mediterranean.
    This circle of neighbours has been extended to other countries:
    Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The idea of the circle of friendly
    neighbouring countries has taken concrete shape over the last two
    years, notably since the EU Council meeting of 28 June 2003.

    The main features of the Neighbourhood Policy are:

    The new Neighbourhood Policy complements the Barcelona process and
    should not supplant the current framework of the EU's relations with
    its southern Mediterranean partners established in the context of the
    Barcelona process and complemented by association agreements and the
    common strategy.
    The European Neighbourhood Policy has general objectives which are
    similar to the Mediterranean partnership and based on it, namely to
    work together with our partners to reduce poverty, create a space of
    prosperity and shared values, based on free trade, increased economic
    integration, stronger political and cultural ties, greater
    cross-border cooperation and shared responsibilities in the
    prevention and resolution of conflicts.
    These strands overlap with those defined in 1995 in Barcelona but
    with new stress on certain aspects. The most important is the
    prospect of gradual participation in the EU internal market and its
    regulatory structures, including those relating to sustainable
    development (health, consumer and environmental protection), based on
    the approximation of legislation. Whereas the idea underlying
    Barcelona, implemented through association agreements, was trade
    integration which stopped at the borders (notably through tariff
    dismantling), the Neighbourhood Policy goes beyond that and provides
    for greater integration, going beyond borders so to speak by means of
    approximation of legislation. In short, this policy will enable
    partners to share in the European internal market. More emphasis will
    also be put on integrating the two sides of the Mediterranean in
    transport, energy and telecommunications networks.
    Differentiation is at the root of the new EU policy towards its
    neighbours and is implemented by action plans. These action plans
    will become the key instruments of the medium-term policy conducted
    by the Union in its relations with its neighbours. These are policy
    papers based on existing association agreements and clearly setting
    out overall strategic objectives, shared objectives and political and
    economic reference criteria and a timetable for achieving them. This
    is an approach that is more precise, more concrete and better defined
    in its timing than that of the association agreements. As you know,
    action plans were already negotiated in 2004 with Israel, Jordan,
    Moldova, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority and Ukraine. Negotiations
    are planned with Egypt and Lebanon in 2005. An important thing to
    note is that these action plans are drawn up jointly between the
    Union and its partners and adopted by the Association Councils.
    This policy will be financed by a new neighbourhood instrument aimed
    at promoting sustainable economic and social development among the
    neighbouring countries, pursuing regional and transnational and
    cross-border cooperation and ensuring the smooth functioning and
    secure management of frontiers. They will be among the financial
    instruments included in the new financial perspectives beyond 2006.

    I have just outlined the main features of this European Neighbourhood
    Policy. We have to admit that this policy, when it was announced,
    provoked among our Mediterranean partners first surprise, then
    questions and even concern. Will this policy replace the
    Euro-Mediterranean policy, swallow it up or water it down? Would
    there be two policies for the same countries? What would be the
    relationship between the Neighbourhood Policy and the
    Euro-Mediterranean partnership? Some commentators pointed out certain
    contradictions between the Neighbourhood Policy and the
    Euro-Mediterranean policy. I see two main ones:

    On the geo-political level, despite the differences that exist within
    the area, the Euro-Mediterranean partnership encompasses countries
    which geographically the Mediterranean draws closer together more
    than it divides them. Historically, these countries have seen their
    destinies intertwined, even if this was sometimes through conflict.
    The Euro-Mediterranean idea is highly symbolic. As for the
    neighbourhood policy, it has to be admitted that it concerns
    countries which are much more diverse.

    Secondly, whereas the Euro-Mediterranean partnership approach is
    mainly regional, the Neighbourhood Policy is more bilateral and
    differentiates among the partners.

    The few differences I have mentioned can be overcome. As it is a
    regional framework, we have to reiterate that the Barcelona process
    remains key to relations between the European Union and the southern
    Mediterranean. It is not matter of recasting Barcelona but rather
    rereading it, rediscovering it and realising, as certain analysts
    have said, its potential.

    Where the model is concerned, we probably have to go beyond the
    framework of association which was in some respects rather vague. Or
    we might use that framework but apply more specific methods. The idea
    of harmonisation or at least convergence of legislative systems,
    which was embryonic in the association agreements, is spelled out
    more clearly in the Neighbourhood Policy and above all in the action

    But the differences in the Neighbourhood Policy approach should not
    be taken too far. Whilst the action plans already agreed with the
    first signatory Mediterranean countries contain differences, they are
    also bedrock of shared values and objectives which the Commission
    deems indispensable if we are to avoid diverging paths. It is more in
    the pace of progress that the divergences can exist. The ultimate
    objective, participation of those countries in large parts of the
    European internal market, is what those countries are aiming at.

    Mr President, ladies and gentlemen,

    As I have tried to point out, the European Neighbourhood Policy does
    not replace the process launched ten years ago in Barcelona. It
    renews it, clarifies it and breathes fresh life into it.

    Convergence between the two policies will be at the core of the
    Commission's communication ahead of the tenth anniversary of
    Barcelona Declaration. This communication, still in the pipeline,
    will propose for the next five years a limited number of initiatives
    with three main thrusts:

    Continued promotion of political reform, including protection of
    human rights, in the Mediterranean, as reform is the key to security,
    peace and stability in the region.
    Support for the development of education, particularly primary
    education, and vocational training, substantially increasing the
    means of financial cooperation earmarked for them.
    Continued progress on trade liberalisation and economic reform, by
    starting negotiations on balanced liberalisation of services and
    adopting for agriculture an approach combining the opening up of
    markets and cooperation on rural development.
    This does not exclude continuation of activities conducted under the
    Barcelona process on migration, cooperation on energy or transport
    and the environment.

    In conclusion, celebrating Barcelona must not simply be about marking
    the date. Anniversaries are about bringing us closer to events and
    not making them more remote. The European Neighbourhood Policy does
    not make Barcelona more remote, rather it brings it into sharper