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Armenian Nationalist Front calls for efforts to fight xenophobia

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  • Armenian Nationalist Front calls for efforts to fight xenophobia

    Armenian Nationalist Front calls for efforts to fight xenophobia

    11 Mar 05


    "Ethnic minorities comprise only 2 per cent of Armenia's population,
    they have no territorial claims against Armenia and there are no other
    reasons for ethnic conflicts in our republic," the co-chairmen of the
    Armenian Nationalist Front, Gor Tamazyan, Ruben Gevorkyants and Eduard
    Ekfiadzhyan, said in Yerevan today at a round table devoted to
    problems of ethnic minorities.

    Ruben Gevorkyants, for example, is confident that some Armenian
    politicians' anti-Semitic statements are deliberate provocation aimed
    to taint Armenia's international image. "The task of all sound forces
    in Armenia is to nip in the bud provocation by the fifth column of the
    enemies of the Armenian statehood," Gor Tamazyan said.

    The chairman of the Association of Greeks of Armenia and Karabakh,
    Eduard Polatov, was stricter in his assessment: "Armenia is swamped by
    Turkish secret agents, and those who are looking for enemies should
    not forget about this."

    The round table participants adopted a decision to take joint efforts
    to prevent all forms of xenophobia, racism and religious intolerance.