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The Unifying force behind Hai Dat

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  • The Unifying force behind Hai Dat

    The Unifying force behind Hai Dat

    11 March 05

    A fundraising dinner devoted to the foreign policy activities of the
    Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Bureau and more generally to
    the activities of Hai Dat was held in Paris on February 26. This was
    not the first dinner of this kind. The dinner was a successful
    initiative and became a promising precedent for similar events in the

    The first such dinner was organized by the ARF Bureau in Geneva four
    years ago. One million dollars raised during the dinner in 2001 served
    to establish and finance ARF's Hai Dat European office in Brussels.
    1.8 million dollars raised during the second fundraising dinner held
    in Paris this year came to prove that the activities of ARF's Hai Dat
    that have recently gained new momentum in Europe have greatly inspired
    the people whobelieve in ARF's political mission. The funds raised at
    the dinner show these people' s commitment and willingness to help
    achieve ARF Bureau's task of reaching new horizons for Hai Dat

    The success of the fundraising event in Paris fills all of us with
    pride and self-confidence since not only a significant amount of money
    was raised but also the social, political and geographic distribution
    of people who contributed to the fundraising has expanded in three
    directions thus expanding the limits of Hai Dat activities.

    The first direction is no doubt the contribution of Armenians from
    Armenia to the Paris fundraising event. The participation of Armenians
    from Armenia was very inspiring both in terms of the number of
    participants and the amount of the contributions they made.

    In other words, the practice of donating funds for Hai Dat activities
    that used to be more of a Diaspora tradition has now started to
    establish itselfin Armenia as well thus unifying and strengthening the
    national-political potential of Hai Dat activities.

    This development is especially inspiring since the Armenian
    participants of the fundraising effort, National Assembly deputies and
    businessmen, included not only ARF members but also representatives of
    various political forces in Armenia.

    The second accomplishment of the Paris fundraising dinner was the
    impressive effort of national unification to support the Hai Dat
    activities. Catholicos of the Great Cilicia Diocese Aram I was
    sponsoring the fundraising dinners both in Geneva and in Paris.

    He attended the dinner and blessed the event devoted to the Hai Dat
    activities. The Paris fundraising became a precedent for attracting
    Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II's support - a high level
    delegation representing the Catholicos attended the dinner.

    In a speech delivered on behalf of the delegation, Archbishop Vache
    Hovsepian welcomed ARF's Hai Dat activities and conveyed the blessings
    of the Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II.

    The official Armenian authorities were represented at the dinner at
    the level of ambassadors. The Armenian foreign minister could not
    attend the event because of health problems. The chief of AGBU's
    Central Board sent a note of support and appreciation of Hai Dat
    activities. Deputy Levon Chamakhchian presented an official note on
    the part of the Russian State Duma.

    The Armenians of Russia were represented at the dinner by Armenian
    businessmen supporting the mission of Hai Dat and ARF. President of
    Armenian Global Congress Ara Abrahamian contributed $200,000. This
    contribution is sufficient to show the national unification that has
    emerged around the Hai Dat activities.

    Finally, the third significant improvement of the Paris fundraising
    dinner was the inspiringly large number of people who contributed
    money. The fundraising effort in Geneva was marked by a significant
    number of people who contributed large amounts of money.

    Meanwhile, the Paris event was marked by a large number of
    participants which proves that the scope and popularity of the circles
    supporting Hai Dat activities have increased. The challenges ARF's
    political activities are facing make both types of contributions very
    valuable and important. The most important thing is that our Hai Dat
    struggle enjoys the support of all Armenian circles.

    The contribution of the Armenians from Lebanon was very significant in
    this respect. Despite the severe political crisis that has occurred in
    Lebanon, the Lebanon Armenians once again restated their commitment to
    unconditional support of Hai Dat activities and ARF's mission. The
    relatively increased participation of Armenians from Iran, Kuwait and
    United Arab Emirates was equally encouraging and inspiring.

    February 26, 2005 became an unforgettable day of success for Hai Dat
    struggle and ARF's foreign policy activities. The fundraising dinner
    organized by ARF' s Bureau in Paris came to prove that struggle for
    restoration of the Armenian nation's national-political rights can
    unify different segments of the nation thus laying the ground for
    national unification.

    Droshak, March 2005