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NKR: Language An Important Factor Of Statehood

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  • NKR: Language An Important Factor Of Statehood


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
    15 March 05

    Since January 1, 2005 the department for language has been operating
    under the NKR Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. We had a talk
    with the head of the department Lernik Hakobian about the functions,
    problems and prospects of the department. `Mr. Hakobian, it is certain
    that the use of language as a public phenomenon must be controlled. We
    would not like to dwell on the problems connected with language
    frequently covered in press. First we would like to find out the main
    functions and responsibilities of the department.' L.H.: ` The main
    function of the department is implementation of a common policy on
    language, administration of the NKR law on language and state language
    policy, standardization of the literary Armenian language and its use
    in all the spheres of life, organization of scientific conferences,
    consultation, etc. devotedto the language policy. The department will
    inspect the implementation of the state language policy by the state
    governmental and local governmental bodies, meeting the demand for
    Armenian language competence of state officials and people involved in
    the sphere of service, use of the Armenian language in education,
    admittance exams and teaching, paperwork, signs, postal stamps and
    envelopes, street advertisement, seals, and if necessary, use of other
    languages along with the Armenian. The department will control the use
    of Armenian in documents of foreign governmental bodies and companies
    liable to governmental control, obligatory teaching of the Armenian
    language in ethnic communities, conducting their documentation and
    keeping seals in Armenian along with their own language.' S.K.: `What
    measures will you take in case of a breach of the law on language?'
    L.H.: `The department has sanctions; according to the civil code,
    violation of the law on language is liable to a fine. Generally, there
    is punishment for violation of any law. Why should the breach of the
    law on language remain unpunished? By the way, the size of the fine is
    considerably large.' S.K.: `Probably, the department will undertake
    propaganda among thepopulation.' L.H.: `Certainly. People, for
    example, are not acquainted enough with the law on language, the
    requirements of the state language policy. One of the most important
    tasks of the department is to work with the population through the
    mass media, by way of meetings, discussion of their applications and
    suggestions. Thus, the citizens may consult the department for making
    signslater to avoid problems. The survey we conducted in such a short
    period of time showed that the relevant body allows installing
    advertisement hoardings guided by the law on advertisement neglecting
    the law on language. Often, the two laws are breached at the same
    time. Similar mistakes happen in other spheres of life. To prevent
    this kind of controversies it is necessary to cooperate with the
    relevant bodies fulfilling those functions.' S.K.: `In whatform are
    you going to administer control?' L.H.: `Control will be administered
    bythe department in accordance with the relevant laws, the regulations
    of the ministry and other legal acts. Time to time we shall inspect
    offices to find out whether paperwork is conducted in Armenian. We
    shall visit public places to find out if the signs and advertisements
    correspond to the law on language. The department will check the
    language of the mass media, publications, official speech, education
    and culture, the system of foreign languages teaching, etc.' S.K.:`Do
    you have relationships with the similar organization in the Republic
    of Armenia?' L.H.: `So far we have had exchange of experience. The RA
    State Language Department formed a consulting group aimed to work with
    similar departments. Soon the group will be invited to Artsakh.'
