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University of Notre Dame selects '05 grad speaker

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  • University of Notre Dame selects '05 grad speaker

    Observer Online, IN
    March 16 2005

    University selects '05 grad speaker
    By Eileen Duffy

    The President of the United States won't be speaking to Notre Dame's
    2005 graduates, but a man who has held three presidencies in his life
    The University announced Tuesday that Vartan Gregorian, president of
    the Carnegie Corporation and former president of Brown University and
    the New York Public Library, will be the principal speaker at its
    160th commencement exercises on May 15.
    Gregorian has held high-ranking positions in a wide variety of
    fields, making him an ideal selection, University President Father
    Edward Malloy said in a press release.
    "In all his many roles in public life, Dr. Gregorian has displayed
    extraordinary leadership," Malloy said. "I know that his remarks will
    be an ideal capstone for [our graduates'] educational experiences on
    our campus."
    Gregorian has served at the helm of New York's Carnegie Corporation
    since 1997. The corporation, which was founded in 1911, seeks to
    carry out founder Andrew Carnegie's vision of philanthropy, which
    Carnegie said should aim "to do real and permanent good in the
    world." Awarding grants in four areas (education, international peace
    and security, international development and strengthening U.S.
    democracy), the corporation expects its fiscal year 2004-2005 grants
    to total over $80 million.
    >From 1989 to 1997, Gregorian served as the president of Brown
    University, where he taught freshman and senior history seminars and
    a course on Alexis de Tocqueville. In addition, he led capital
    campaigns that helped triple the endowment there.
    Prior to that, Gregorian served for eight years as president of the
    New York Public Library - no small task, considering that this system
    has four research libraries and 83 circulating libraries. He is
    credited with pulling the library out of financial crisis.
    Gregorian was born to Armenian parents in Tabriz, Iran. After
    receiving his elementary education there and his secondary education
    in Lebanon, he enrolled at Stanford University in 1956. He graduated
    with honors just two years later.
    In 1964, he earned a doctorate in history and the humanities, also
    from Stanford.
    Gregorian taught European and Middle Eastern history for eight years
    at San Francisco State College, the University of California at Los
    Angeles and the University of Texas. He then joined the University of
    Pennsylvania faculty. In 1972, he became the founding dean of the
    Faculty of Arts and Sciences there; in 1972, he became the provost.
    Senior Erin Mai said she is "excited and proud" of Notre Dame's
    decision to bring someone with a "different perspective."
    "This is a Catholic university, but it's still important for people
    to be exposed to different ideas and different religions," she said.
    "[Gregorian] seems to know a lot about Islam, and I think that could
    bring a lot to his speech."
    Senior Galen Loughrey agreed, calling the University's choice of
    Gregorian a "great change" from the past commencement speakers.
    "I would hope [Gregorian] would bring a unique perspective, given his
    international experience, that might not be at Notre Dame," he said.
    Gregorian has received myriad accolades and grants during his career.
    Currently serving as a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and
    Sciences, Gregorian has received fellowships from the John Smith
    Guggenheim Foundation, the American Council of Learned Societies, the
    Social Science Research Council and the American Philosophical
    He received the National Ethnic Coalition of Organization's Ellis
    Island Medal of Honor in 1986, which is annually presented to
    "Americans of diverse origins for their outstanding contributions to
    their own ethnic groups and to American society," according to that
    organization's Web site.
    He has also been honored by U.S. presidents. In 1998, President Bill
    Clinton awarded Gregorian with the National Humanities Medal; last
    year, President George W. Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of
    freedom, the nation's highest civilian award.
    Gregorian is the author of "Emergence of Modern Afghanistan: Politics
    of Reform and Modernization, 1880-1946;" "Islam: A Mosaic, Not a
    Monolith;" and his autobiography, "The Road to Home."