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BAKU: Speech of Aliyev to staff of Ministry of National Security

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  • BAKU: Speech of Aliyev to staff of Ministry of National Security

    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    March 16 2005

    [March 16, 2005, 23:04:20]

    Dear staff members of the Ministry of National Security,

    Dear officers,

    A few days ago, as a result of a special operation carried out by the
    staff members of the Ministry of National Security a large criminal
    gang was exposed, and members of the gang were arrested. The public
    was informed on this. There is enough information on the
    developments. I would like to note it was the largest one of the
    crimes happened in Azerbaijan in the latest years. The operation
    implemented by the National Security Ministry was successful and
    significant. These criminals who committed heavy crimes and engaged
    in numerous crimes have lived for many years in Azerbaijan with
    impunity. The public of Azerbaijan was seriously concerned with these
    developments, crimes and murders. This was a hard blow to our common

    The socio-political stability and welfare established in Azerbaijan
    last years is very important for us, and is a major condition for the
    country's successful development.

    Such cruel and pitiless crimes, of course, have negative impact on
    stability in the society. The professionally well-organized operation
    once again showed that the state of Azerbaijan is able to defend its
    citizens. The State of Azerbaijan demonstrated its strength and once
    again all, including the criminals saw that we shall strictly fight
    against any crime and any criminal gang.

    I can tell that all the undertaken measures related to this crime
    have been performed at high level. Both in investigation-inquiry and
    realization processes of the operation, high professionalism was
    demonstrated. In result, the hostage was freed uninjured, and at the
    same time, several other crimes were revealed. I dare to say all the
    measures were taken in high professional level and as a result, the
    public of Azerbaijan, the people of Azerbaijan once again witnessed
    that in fighting the criminals nothing and nobody can impede us.

    I note this to express my personal gratitude to you. As the President
    of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces, on
    behalf of the entire people of Azerbaijan and on my personal behalf I
    extend my gratitude to you. I have no doubt personnel of the National
    Security Ministry will and henceforth serve worthily to Motherland
    and actively take part in maintaining safety of the nation, the

    In general, the national security bodies have many functions in
    Azerbaijan. Taking into account that Azerbaijan is a young
    independent state and as a young independent state has many problems,
    and its geo-political situation, natural resources and the oil-gas
    pipelines across its territory, realization of large energy projects
    in Azerbaijan, we see that Azerbaijan is in the focus of numerous
    forces. We should be ready for this. That is, we should be ready for
    challenges of time, and from this point of view the Ministry of
    National Security has exclusive importance and function. I am very
    pleased that this function is successfully performed and today the
    Ministry demonstrates high professionalism.

    It has been for a year that staff changes happened in the ministry. I
    have appointed Eldar Mahmudov as a new Minister and in this period
    the done works pointed that it was a right choice. Though Eldar
    Mahmudov did not work in the national security bodies until that
    time, however, I knew him. I knew that he is a professional, devoted
    to Motherland and state, and had no doubt that in short time he will
    carry out rearrangements in the Ministry, create new atmosphere and
    undertake necessary measures for our national safety. The life proved

    I would also to tell that the information related to the `Black Belt'
    operation, this criminal gang was available in the past, too. Now,
    the done work proves it. I can tell that still in 2001, the
    Prosecutor General has informed the minister of national security
    Namig Abbasov on this in written form. The person at the head of gang
    was known. Other facts were also present to carry out operation and
    launch investigation. Unfortunately, it was regarded indifferently.
    Nothing was done and in result, we lost four years.

    I have once stated that after this latest fact of kidnap I
    commissioned the investigation to the Ministry of National Security.
    Though it was not your direct function. And in the common cause of
    Azerbaijan, in maintenance of stability and order in the country, of
    national safety in Azerbaijan, there could not be corporative
    interests. All the law-enforcement bodies should assist each other in
    this cause, and jointly work. Should then the Ministry regarded this
    timely and seriously, many crimes would be prevented.

    In short, appointing Eldar Mahmudov to this position I knew it was a
    right choice. I am very pleased that today, the people of Azerbaijan
    and the public see and know it. I deem that the he will perform his
    duties successfully, and do the best for the future of Azerbaijan,
    for its future development, for safety of the Azerbaijani citizens.

    You know that the nationwide leader of Azerbaijan people Heydar
    Aliyev had particular relations towards the Ministry of National
    Security. Long period of his life passed in this Ministry. He was
    promoted from the lowest position in this Ministry to the highest. In
    his further activity, after having been elected as the first
    secretary in Azerbaijan, and later as President of Azerbaijan, he
    always paid due attention to this body. He understood well the
    importance of this body and knew well its activity.

    This attention and today is paid. On my part, I try and shall try to
    create all conditions for activity of the Ministry, to solve all the
    questions related to this Ministry. I shall do it and henceforth. I
    would also to note that the Ministry of National Security, this body
    is very dear and native for me. I have no doubt that we all shall do
    great deeds for future of Azerbaijan.

    The Ministry's material- technical base should be strengthened. We
    have already done certain works in this direction. The Ministry
    should gain modern equipment to prevent any possible threats for

    I reiterate that our country is experiencing important years of its
    history. The ongoing processes, successful development of Azerbaijan,
    successful construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan MEP, construction
    of Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline, of course, all we know that
    will create nice opportunities for Azerbaijan. Our people, the state
    will develop. Material conditions will improve. Also is not a secret
    that there are circles who dislike this. First of all, it is the
    Armenian lobby, Armenia's patrons in the world, who carry our dirty
    campaigns against Azerbaijan. I would also say that last years the
    Ministry of National Security has not carried out any notable
    operation related to the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict. I have given certain instructions to Eldar Mahmudov and on
    this item. He investigated and it appeared that the work in this
    direction was in general very weak. Not a secret that settlement of
    the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is priority for
    Azerbaijan. We want to peacefully solve the problem. But, using all
    other ways - political, diplomatic and etc. we want to find fair
    solution of the question. I consider that today necessary steps are
    being made and in this direction.

    I reiterate that an organized world structure is fighting against us.
    Our country possibly is the only country among the former soviet
    republics that have to fight against purposeful and multilateral

    We know the Armenian lobby has strong positions in the world. They
    have great financial opportunities. Just taking this advantage, they
    direct numerous politicians. We know all this. The anti-Azerbaijan
    campaigns in some foreign mass media is organized and directed just
    by the Armenians. Why? They want to damage image of Azerbaijan,
    misrepresent out country. We know this and struggle against this. We
    also should know that this lobby both politically and economically
    has great influence. But I have no doubt that despite of these, the
    fair cause of Azerbaijan, policy of Azerbaijan and other works done ,
    the steps made in this direction, our approach to this problem will
    lead to fair resolution to the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict. I deem that the works done in this direction and made steps
    will yield fruits. The works to be done by the Ministry of National
    Security in this direction are also of great significance.

    Dear officers,

    I reiterate that many depend on your activity. Azerbaijan is to have
    bright future. Azerbaijan marches confidently, and pursues its policy
    independently. Collaborators of the Ministry of National Security
    make their contributions to the people of Azerbaijan, to
    strengthening of the Azerbaijan statehood. They are professionals,
    devoted to Motherland, the state. I am pleased that as a result of
    the works done in the Ministry, great successes were achieved and
    many vital questions found solution. The gang of criminals that was
    wanted and who threatened the society for many years has been
    neutralized. This is your contribution, your victory, and the victory
    of all of us.

    Today I have issued some Decrees on conferment of staff members of
    the Ministry. I want to present them to you. I have decreed on
    conferring the rank of lieutenant general upon Eldar Mahmudov.

    Chief of the Anti-terror Center Hilal Asadov has been conferred with
    the rank of major general. I have also issued decrees on awarding a
    group of staff members of the Ministry of National Security. The
    Decree runs: `A group of collaborators of the National Security
    Ministry of Azerbaijan Republic is awarded with different state
    awards for expose of criminals engaged in murder, kidnap and
    especially heavy crimes that last days caused serious resonance and
    concern in the society, aimed at breach of rule and social order, for
    high professionalism and courage shown in neutralization of the
    criminals and liberation of hostage'.

    I want to say that the heavy crimes committed by the gang were
    uncovered. One revealed crime led to expose of other crimes of the
    past, and also insidious murders were exposed. It is also important
    that the crime did not remain unpunished. Now, I would begin
    conferment ceremony.


    Then, President of Azerbaijan presented high state awards to a group
    of security personnel.

    At the ceremony, also was speaking Minister of National Security
    Eldar Mahmudov, deputy minister of national security Ali Nagiyev, and

    President of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev summed up the ceremony.