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ASBAREZ Online [03-17-2005]

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  • ASBAREZ Online [03-17-2005]


    1) Trials of Writers Symbolize Turkey's Freedom of Expression Problems
    2) PACE Presses Azerbaijan to Free Political Prisoners or Face Consequences
    3) 'Topsy-turvy' Turkish Reports Simply Worn-out Maneuver
    4) OSCE Report on Mountainous Karabagh Strikes down Azeri Allegations of
    5) Armenian-Azeri Talks on Hold

    1) Trials of Writers Symbolize Turkey's Freedom of Expression Problems

    --Publisher Zarakolu Dragged to Court for Printing Jerjian Book

    ISTANBUL (Combined Sources)--The co-founder and owner of Belge Publishing
    Ragip Zarakolu has again been taken to court in Turkey, this time for printing
    a translated version of George Jerjian's book "The Truth Will Set Us Free:
    Armenians and Turks Reconciled." He faces charges of insulting the state and
    defaming the founder of the Republic, Ataturk.
    In his defense, Zarakolu stated that in translating and publishing Jerjian's
    book, he presents to the Turkish reader a book read throughout the world. "The
    Turkish public must know about the existence of such a book, especially these
    days, when there's so much said about Armenian deportations and genocide. The
    reader can choose for himself; if he has opposing views, he can respond,
    creating a forum for debate," said Zarakolu. He also said that the case
    him is in violation of his freedom of expression.
    The judge in the case has postponed the trial until May 12 "in order to
    reaction of people who have read the book." The trail is being closely
    by international human rights organizations, as well as progressive Turkish
    intellectuals. If convicted, Zarakolu faces one-and-a-half to four years
    "The postponement is typical of such trials where hearings take place over
    many months, and sometimes years, causing much inconvenience and financial
    to those involved. Even if the defendant is acquitted of the charge, the long,
    drawn out process can be seen as a form of harassment. The trial itself can
    serve to make others think twice before publishing views that may bring them
    before the courts," writes International PEN, a world-wide organization of
    writers, established in 1921 to fight for the freedom of expression.
    Zarakolu also faces separate charges of "incitement to racial hatred," for
    writing an article critical of Turkey's foreign policy on Kurdish issues.
    charges carry a two-year jail sentence. An investigation was launched for his
    publication of Zulkuf Kisanak's "Lost Villages."
    In a separate case, writer Fikret Baskaya was acquitted of charges of "insult
    to the State, State institutions, and the military," stemming from articles
    published in the early nineties (since republished as a book titled: "Articles
    against the Current") in which he was critical of the Turkish authorities.
    International PEN and The Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA), as well as
    other international NGOs, among them Amnesty International and Human Rights
    Watch, were in Turkey observing the hearings.

    2) PACE Presses Azerbaijan to Free Political Prisoners or Face Consequences

    BAKU (Armenpress)--The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)
    warned Azerbaijan on Wednesday, that it must free its remaining political
    prisoners or face punitive measures.
    The assembly's rapporteur on political prisoners, Malcolm Bruce, said in Baku
    earlier this week that it wanted to see progress by its next meeting in April,
    or it would press for a review of the former Soviet republic's membership in
    the 46-nation Council of Europe.
    Human rights activists in Azerbaijan say some 100 political prisoners remain
    in jail, including more than 40 people arrested in October 2003 in a police
    crackdown on protests that broke out after presidential elections that the
    opposition claimed were rigged.
    Azerbaijan Joined the Council of Europe in 2001.

    3) 'Topsy-turvy' Turkish Reports Simply Worn-out Maneuver

    YEREVAN (Yerevan)--Foreign ministry Hamlet Gasparian on Thursday, called
    Turkish press reports on a speech presented by an Armenian diplomat, simply
    Turkish media reported that Armenia's ambassador to the European Union Vigen
    Chitechian, stated during a meeting of EU-Armenia cooperation commission in
    Strasbourg, that "the problem of the Armenian genocide was created by diaspora
    Gasparian explained that, as a rule, Ambassador Chitechian uses the phrase
    "the diaspora itself was created as a result of the Genocide." He added that
    this is yet another attempt by the Turkish press to mislead the international
    community into thinking that serious disagreements exist between diaspora
    Armenians and those in Armenia.
    "It is a worn-out Turkish trick meant for uninformed people," he added.

    4) OSCE Report on Mountainous Karabagh Strikes down Azeri Allegations of

    (RFE/RL)--Armenia claimed a major diplomatic victory Thursday, when the
    Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OCSE) denied Azerbaijan's
    allegations that Armenia is encouraging and financing a massive
    resettlement of
    Armenians in the Azerbaijani territories around Mountainous Karabagh.
    The Armenian Foreign Ministry released excerpts from a report drawn up by a
    fact-finding OSCE mission that toured those areas early last month. The report
    was officially submitted to the OSCE's governing Permanent Council in Vienna
    earlier on Thursday and has not yet been made public by the organization.
    "The Fact-Finding Mission has seen no evidence of direct involvement by the
    authorities of Armenia in the territories," concludes the report cited by the
    ministry. "There is no clear organized resettlement, no non-voluntary
    resettlement, no recruitment."
    "Overall settlement is quite limited," the OSCE team was quoted as saying,
    adding that there are less than 15,000 Armenians living in all seven districts
    in Azerbaijan proper, and not between 30,000 and 300,000 as was claimed by
    Baku. "The Fact-Finding Mission has concluded that the overwhelming
    majority of
    settlers are displaced persons from various parts of Azerbaijan, notably, from
    Shahumian (Goranboy) Getashen (Chaikent)-now under Azerbaijani control--and
    Sumgait and Baku."
    The Armenian Foreign Ministry welcomed the reported findings of the OSCE
    inspectors led by a senior German diplomat, Emily Haber. "Armenia appreciates
    the diligent, hard work of the Minsk Group co-chairs and the members of the
    Mission," the ministry said in a statement. "We believe that their detailed,
    first-hand, objective report clearly describes the situation on the ground in
    the region."
    "Armenia believes that the most important accomplishment of the Fact Finding
    Mission Report is that it has laid to rest Azerbaijan's charges," read the
    The OSCE inspection was organized as a result of a compromise agreement
    between the conflicting parties and the mediators. The deal prevented a
    vote in
    the UN General Assembly on an Azerbaijani draft resolution condemning the
    decade-long occupation of the Azerbaijani lands. The resolution was
    endorsed by
    many Islamic nations, but the United States, Russia and France warned that it
    would hamper their peace efforts.
    Prior to the completion of the official OSCE report, French mediator Bernard
    Fassier, who was in Karabagh as part of the OSCE monitoring team in January,
    confirmed Karabagh's stance that the borderlands have been settled
    and unevenly, and, in many cases, by itinerant refugees driven from Azerbaijan
    during the war years. Fassier noted, "In many areas there is no electricity
    poverty predominates. I wouldn't say people live. Rather, they are
    surviving in
    half-destroyed walls topped by a tin roof."
    The OSCE team found that the vast majority of Armenian settlers live in the
    Lachin district that serves as the shortest overland link between Armenia and
    Karabagh. The Armenian side has ruled out Lachin's return to Azerbaijan under
    any peace accord. A senior Karabagh official declared last month that
    Stepanakert will continue to populate Lachin. The Armenian Foreign Ministry
    statement said the area is "viewed differently in the negotiation process."
    "This is so because Lachin is Mountainous Karabagh's humanitarian and
    corridor," it explained. "Without it, Mountainous Karabagh would remain an
    isolated enclave."

    5) Armenian-Azeri Talks on Hold

    YEREVAN (RFE/RL)--Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian has come away from a
    with international mediators without an agreement on the next round of
    Armenian-Azerbaijani talks on Mountainous Karabagh, according to officials.
    Oskanian and Azeri Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov had been scheduled to
    take place in Prague on March 2, but were delayed due to Oskanian's bout with
    Oskanian said on March 4 that a new date for the potentially crucial meeting
    will be set "in the coming days." He was in Vienna on Tuesday, discussing the
    peace process with the French, Russian and US co-chairs of the OSCE's Minsk
    "The new dates for the Prague negotiations are still not known," said
    Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hamlet Gasparian.
    Gasparian referred all inquiries regarding reasons for the
    longer-than-expected delay to the Minsk Group. "They are the ones who organize
    the negotiations," he said.
    The canceled meeting was supposed to continue a series of Armenian-Azeri
    held in the Czech capital since last summer. Mammadyarov and Oskanian
    in January the second stage of the "Prague process," raising fresh hopes for
    breaking the deadlock in the Karabagh peace process.

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