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BAKU: Czechia enough aware of Nagorno Karabakh conflict

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  • BAKU: Czechia enough aware of Nagorno Karabakh conflict

    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    March 18 2005

    [March 18, 2005, 23:13:26]

    Defense minister of Azerbaijan, colonel-general Safar Abiyev on March
    18 has met with the delegation headed by the chairman of the defense
    and safety affairs standing committee of the Czech parliament Ian

    The defense minister spoke of the independent years of Azerbaijan, on
    the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict, and destruction of
    the infrastructure at the areas occupied by the Armenians armed
    forces, and stated that though Azerbaijan takes active part in a
    number of regional ad European projects, the mentioned conflict
    seriously impedes realization of these projects.

    Colonel-general Abiyev updated the guest on the history of the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict, on creation of the `Armenian province'
    by Russia in 1828 in the lands of Azerbaijan.

    The defense minister of Azerbaijan also informed on the United
    Nations' four resolutions, as well as resolution adopted by the
    Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly naming Armenia as an
    aggressor state, however, Armenia ignores these documents up to date.
    `We are deeply concerned why the world community do not name the
    aggressor. This aspires Armenia to new aggressions. I would like the
    Czech Republic knew the question comprehensively and has fairly
    regarded', Mr. Abiyev emphasized.

    Mr. Ian Vidim thanked for provided information and warm meeting,
    saying we have received enough information on the reasons of the
    conflict during our meetings in Baku. Czechia often accepts the OSCE
    Minsk Group co-chairs. Unfortunately, the Minsk Group acts

    He spoke of the reforms in the armed forces in his country, also
    expressed satisfaction that the head of the Azerbaijan state adheres
    peaceful settlement of the conflict.

    Minister Safar Abiyev updated the guest on creation of the national
    Armed Forces. He said today's position of Minsk Group favors the
    Armenia side. It resettles the Armenians in the occupied territories
    of Azerbaijan. It promotes annexation by Armenia the lands of

    Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Azerbaijan Joseph Vrabets took
    part at the meeting.