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Secessionist Leaders Parade in Moscow

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  • Secessionist Leaders Parade in Moscow

    Jamestown Foundation
    March 18 2005


    By Vladimir Socor

    Sergei Bagapsh, Eduard Kokoiti, and Arkady Gukasian, leaders
    respectively of Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and Karabakh, spent most of
    this week meeting with Russian officials in Moscow. They also held a
    publicly reported meeting there among themselves on March 16.
    Transnistria leader Igor Smirnov was expected in Moscow for the March
    16 meeting, but was advised at the last moment to delay his arrival.
    His public appearance in that meeting would have provided Moldovan
    President Vladimir Voronin with political ammunition against Russia's
    "centrist" and leftist allies in Chisinau, who intend to unseat
    Voronin and force repeat elections when the new parliament convenes
    next week.

    The three participating leaders made public a decision to convene a
    "summit" of the leaders of Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and
    Karabakh in April in Sukhumi. They cited "the tense situation around
    Transnistria and South Ossetia" as a justification for holding such
    meetings at this time. Bagapsh, Kokoiti, and Gukasian also met
    separately with the Russian presidential administration, government,
    military, and Duma officials without publicity.

    Bagapsh, on his first visit to Moscow as leader of Abkhazia,
    reiterated the previous Abkhaz leadership's position that economic
    cooperation issues must be resolved between Tbilisi and Sukhumi as a
    precondition to discussing any political issues; and that "Abkhazia's
    political status can not and will not be a topic of discussion with
    Georgia," because Abkhazia has already defined its status for itself,
    as Bagapsh told a news conference. (Interfax, March 16). Responding
    to Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili's offer to meet with
    Bagapsh in Tbilisi or in Sukhumi, Bagapsh insisted that economic
    agreements would have to be prepared in advance for signing at such a
    meeting. Such emphasis on concluding economic agreements is a
    shortcut toward de facto equality of status between Tbilisi and
    Sukhumi while avoiding political negotiations.

    Calling for reconstruction of the Abkhazia stretch of the railroad
    that runs from Russia via Georgia to Armenia, as envisaged by the
    2003 Sochi agreements, Bagapsh ignored the Abkhaz authorities'
    commitments under those agreements, which stipulated "synchronizing"
    railroad reconstruction with the organized and safe return of
    Georgian refugees. Furthermore, he announced that the process of
    handing over Russian citizenship to Abkhazia's population would
    continue; and that returning Georgians would have to accept Abkhaz
    internal passports, with "dual Georgian-Abkhaz citizenship," a
    possibility to be discussed. Bagapsh himself has "Russian citizenship
    and Abkhaz citizenship," he said.

    Abkhazia would "not allow any peacekeeping troops other than Russian
    to be deployed;" and, should Georgia exercise its legal right to ask
    the Russian "peacekeepers" to leave, an Abkhaz force would instantly
    be forward-deployed in their place," Bagapsh warned. He also invited
    Russia to use the Gudauta military base permanently as an
    "anti-terrorist center." (Russia has unilaterally re-designated
    Gudauta a base for "peacekeepers.") During Bagapsh's Moscow visit,
    the Abkhaz authorities announced that their coastal guard vessels had
    chased a Georgian cutter out of "Abkhazia's territorial waters" and
    escorted a Turkish cargo ship safely to Sukhumi.

    Bagapsh's hard line is not necessarily his last word. He may have
    felt under pressure to please Moscow on his first visit there as
    Abkhaz leader --- a position he owes to one faction of Russian
    intelligence services. While in Moscow he was flanked by his more
    hardline deputy and rival, Raul Khajimba, who is the favorite of
    another faction in Russia's intelligence services. Moreover, Bagapsh
    was speaking in the wake of the assassination attempt on his ally,
    Alexander Ankvab, who is a moderate among Abkhaz leaders.

    The Kremlin timed the secessionist leaders' visit deliberately to
    overlap with Georgian-South Ossetian talks, held on March 16-17 in
    Moscow in the framework of the Joint Control Commission (JCC) under
    Russia's "mediation." The timing appeared designed to demonstrate
    that Russia can now overtly pursue a duplicitous policy -- "mediator"
    in conflicts, as well as protector of secessionists -- with impunity.

    Georgia's State Minister and representative to the JCC, Giorgi
    Khaindrava, was reduced to commenting plaintively about the
    secessionist leaders' meeting, "What can I say about the creation of
    a separatist movement? I feel sad that this policy is being persisted
    with, and I don't think that it would be to Russia's benefit." He
    went on to express concern that the holding of the secessionists'
    summit in Sukhumi "could bring the negotiating processes close to
    collapse." Nevertheless, Khaindrava promised not to bring up this
    issue in the JCC meeting. Although failure to bring up this issue in
    the JCC rewards the Russian "mediators' " duplicity, South Ossetian
    representative Boris Chochiev repaid Khaindrava's restraint by
    accusing him of "interfering in the internal affairs of sovereign

    Throughout the week, Russian government officials from Prime Minister
    Mikhail Fradkov on down (with German Gref dissenting) warned that the
    government is considering imposing economic sanctions on Moldova, in
    response to the Duma's two recent resolutions accusing Moldova of
    hostile actions against Transnistria.

    Source: Jamestown Foundation, 18 March 2005