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UPI Hears ...

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  • UPI Hears ...

    Washington Times, DC
    March 18 2005

    UPI hears

    It is undoubtedly only coincidence, but Chinese President Hu Jintao
    told visiting Azeri President Ilham Aliyev that China backs
    Azerbaijan's territorial integrity within the framework of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. In turn, Alieyev assured Hu that
    Azerbaijan supports Beijing on the issue of settling the Taiwan
    "problem." Their meeting was followed by the signing of 13 documents,
    ranging from the Chinese Foreign Ministry providing technical
    assistance to agreements on cooperation between the two countries'
    state television channels, national Olympic committees and justice
    ministries. Other agreements dealt with communications and
    information technologies, trade, economic, technical and cultural
    collaboration, as well as on eliminating double taxation. Aliyev
    walked away with a joint declaration supporting Azeri initiatives to
    solve its intransigent Nargorno-Karabakh conflict with Armenia and an
    agreement covering military cooperation. And the Chinese? Well, they
    did discuss bilateral trade, and the $300 million that China has
    invested in Azerbaijan's energy sector. Low-sulfur Azeri crude has
    hit record prices in the world market; according to Azerbaijan's
    state oil company, SOCAR, Azeri light oil peaked earlier this week at
    $54.81 per barrel.
    From: Baghdasarian