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Executive Director Of Kh-Telecom to Guarantee Hi-Quality Connection

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  • Executive Director Of Kh-Telecom to Guarantee Hi-Quality Connection

    AZG Armenian Daily #049



    No Promise Concerning Fees

    Karabakh-Telecom, mobile phone operator that won the contest last year, is
    already importing its equipments to Armenia. Ralf Yeriqian, executive
    director of the company, answers our questions concerning the future
    activities of KH-Telecom.

    - What's the connection between Karabakh-Telecom and KH-Telecom? People
    think it's the same company. Do the companies belong to one owner?

    - The owner of the company operating in Nagorno Karabakh is Pier Fetush but
    he is only a shareholder of KH-Telecom. The other shareholders are also

    - Are there Armenians among them?

    - No

    - Are you only the executive director?

    - Yes. I am not the owner.

    - What will be the company's investment program in Armenia?

    - We have an investment program. I will not go into details but can say that
    we are ready to satisfy all demands.

    - How many subscribers will your company have the most?

    - The whole territory of Armenia will go under the company's coverage
    despite the fact if there is our subscriber in a given area or if there is a
    settlement at all.

    - Do you see it possible that ArmenTel subscribers will trade it with
    KH-Telecom as soon as it starts operating?

    - Everything is possible in a competitive market. It's possible that they
    will turn to us but the opposite is also likely.

    - Are you going to promise better conditions to the consumers?

    - What we can promise is the best modern service. Let's wait a little till
    we set out and you will see the results. Hopefully we can fulfill our

    - Can your future subscribers expect a high-quality connection and available

    - I should say yes to the high-quality connection. But concerning the fees I
    can give neither a positive nor a negative answer. I cannot say anything
    definite before our contract with ArmenTel is signed and we know the terms
    of our agreement. But we guarantee a high-quality connection. The equipments
    we transported lately are not all. They will keep on arriving.

    - Do you mean there will be no difficulty with getting through from the
    first try or with losing connection amid conversation?

    - There will be no such problem. We imported the newest equipment from

    - There is an opinion that the Armenia's political elite has a hand in
    Karabakh-Telecom and KH-Telecom.

    - I told you they are two separate companies. I told you also who the owners
    of Karabakh-Telecom and KH-Telecom are. They are Lebanese. No Armenian
    politician has a share in the company.

    - Let's return to KH-Telecom's talks with ArmenTel. What's the Transport and
    Telecommunications Ministry's stance in this issue?

    - The Ministry is a regulator in this issue. We have turned to the Ministry
    and are sure that it takes necessary steps to come out of this situation.

    - So, do you consider realistic minister's statement that the second
    operator will start its activities from May?

    - I hope so, or perhaps it will set out sooner.

    By Ara Martirosian