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ANKARA: Mehmet Ali Birand: Go to Damascus,but also decide on =?UNKNO

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  • ANKARA: Mehmet Ali Birand: Go to Damascus,but also decide on =?UNKNO

    Turkish Daily News

    Today is Tuesday, March 22 2005 12:39 pm GMT+2 updated at 12:00 P.M.

    Mehmet Ali Birand: Go to Damascus, but also decide on Żncirlik
    Tuesday, March 22, 2005

    I will be in the United States this week. I was invited by the famous Emory
    University. I will make a few speeches, while listening to Americans. In
    other words, I will be sharing with you my impressions of America. However,
    I need to say that all does not seem well

    Mehmet Ali BIRAND
    I left Istanbul last weekend. I visited New York and then went to Atlanta.
    I was invited by one of the most respected universities in America, the
    Emory University. I will attend conferences for four days. Turkey will be
    the dominating topic in meetings held with academics and students. I will of
    course also meet with a friend from CNN in Atlanta.

    I will not be the only one who will talk, but I also intend to get a sense
    of what Americans are thinking.

    As you know U.S.-Turkish relations are experiencing some trouble again.

    The state of affairs is not that good. The time of "misunderstandings" is
    over. As Milliyet daily's Sami Kohen, who recently returned from Washington,
    wrote, Turkey is no longer the "trusted and loyal ally." Kohen has the best
    sense in these matters. He does not exaggerate and always tries to put a
    positive spin on the issues.

    The tension in bilateral relations is not one sided. Both Ankara and
    Washington are to blame. Let's first look at Turkey.

    Disagreeing with Washington and not doing what we are told may gain one
    some domestic credibility, or even sympathy. But if this is kept up for too
    long and the necessary precautions are not taken, we will be forced to pay a

    If it continues unchecked, all of a sudden we come to realize that our
    relations with the IMF are not like it used to be. One sees that they are
    not as forgiving as they were and international banks charge higher interest
    rates for loans.

    The time comes and one notices that the White House is not as enthusiastic
    in defending Turkey when the Armenian bill is submitted to the U.S.
    Congress. If the Armenian genocide allegations are passed by the Congress,
    Turkey's power to resist these claims decreases significantly.

    You may also see that you are pushed out from all the developments going
    on in the Middle East. You realize that everywhere you go you are the
    outsider and the unwanted guest, whose advice is not wanted.

    Turkey does not need to do acquiescence to every U.S. wish. This is not a
    debate about "submissiveness or revolt."

    The problem we are faced with is Ankara's failure to display the necessary
    sensitivity on matters important to Washington. This failure may be
    intentional. Unfortunate statements, unnecessary comments and strange
    stances are angering the George W. Bush administration and the State

    The U.S. Ambassador to Turkey Eric Edelman coming out and making a
    statement that implies, "It would be good for President Ahmet Necdet Sezer
    to cancel his trip to Syria," is no coincidence. The ambassador making it
    clear that he is uncomfortable with the anti-American statements made by
    high officials, especially politicians, does not happen every day. We
    shouldn't be surprised to see American journalists, who were briefed by the
    U.S. Embassy in Ankara, writing harsh articles.

    What all this means is that the relations are deteriorating rapidly and if
    the necessary precautions are not taken, the situation can become very

    It's easy to resolve this problem:

    If we are willing to put a stop to this vicious circle, it is very easy to
    repair relations between the two countries. A little more sympathy and
    caution may be enough.

    Americans are saying that it's about time Turkey chose one side.

    When the Turkish government accuses Israel of conducting state terrorism,
    delays issuing friendly warnings to Damascus to withdraw from Lebanon and
    even then tries to use covert means to do that, supports Iran and alleges
    that American troops in Iraq are guilty of genocide, Washington naturally is
    up in arms.

    They don't want Turkey to be too friendly with such countries. They want
    good relations with Turkey to continue and for it to become a force for good
    in the region. However, Ankara fails to do either.

    Make up your mind on Żncirlik:

    The state of the Żncirlik military base is often cited as an example.

    For the past few months, Turkey has been asked to broaden the use of
    Żncirlik for humanitarian reasons. Ankara has failed to make up its mind.
    The government says the military is in charge, while the military says it is
    the government's responsibility. No one seems to be able to do something due
    to doubts felt against the United States.

    The tension mounts while nothing is being done.

    However, we need to do something soon.

    If the president is to go to Damascus, let him. However, his stance there
    needs to reflect a policy. The Żncirlik issue should not be pushed to the
    sidelines. It is also important for the members of the ruling Justice and
    Development Party (AKP), from the very top to the very bottom, to learn to
    keep their tongues in check.

    We don't have any other option but to choose a side and initiate our
    policies. In other words, some fine tuning is called for.

    However, as I said earlier in the article, Ankara is not the only side to
    blame. The Bush administration is also to blame for the current state of
    affairs. I will write about that tomorrow.

    Let's not forget that the clock is ticking.


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress