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Easter, the 'Light of Christ', from Jerusalem to the Jordan

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  • Easter, the 'Light of Christ', from Jerusalem to the Jordan

    Easter, the 'Light of Christ', from Jerusalem to the Jordan
    by Hana Mouasher, Italy
    March 22 2005

    Amman (AsiaNews) - For Easter, the 'Light of Jesus' comes directly
    from Jerusalem. Paschal tradition in this predominantly Muslim country
    demands in fact that candles be lighted on the eve of Easter Sunday
    with a lighted candle brought by the archbishop who celebrated mass
    in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.

    Brought to the shores of the Jordan river, the lighted candle is used
    to light other candles that are taken across the country.

    This year, Jordanian Christians have to wait till May 1, Easter
    Sunday according to the old Julian calendar. The country's Council of
    Churches, which joins Copts, Catholics, Greek and Armenian Orthodox,
    and Protestants, decided that Christmas would be celebrated according
    to the Gregorian calendar and Easter according to the Julian calendar;
    hence, Lent has just started.

    Fasting is widely observed; Catholics abstain from food especially
    on Fridays when they go to church to pray and take part in the Via
    Crucis. People also abstain from eating meat and turn to traditional
    dishes based on vegetables and grains cooked in olive oil.

    Palm Sunday is celebrated with enthusiasm. The faithful arrive in
    church with palm branches decorated in a multitude of flowers. During
    mass, the priest leads a large procession of people around the church,
    following the large cross carried by a group of church boys, with
    everyone joining in the prayers and hymns. A great bundle of olive
    tree branches are blessed and sprayed with holy water and distributed
    at the end.

    Then begins the final week of Lent when Palm Sunday rejoicing is
    replaced by a more sombre mood.

    On Good Thursday, evening mass is jam-packed-twelve people chosen
    for the ritual washing of the feet. Churches stay open all night for
    worshippers who come to pray before the open tabernacle.

    On Good Friday, worshippers pass around a statue of the dead Jesus
    lying on a wooden bed. With a train of flowers following the statue
    is laid before the altar, blessed, ready to be kissed by all those

    On the afternoon of Good Saturday, confession impels people to come
    to church in great numbers. When midnight mass begins churches are
    crowded-many faithful forced to stand in churchyards and streets;
    others following the liturgy from giant TV screens set up in parish

    Lights remained dimmed until church bells ring; then they are turned
    up. Candles are lit and blessed and passed around with people greeting
    each other with "the Light of Christ".

    Holy Week is also a time when families boil and colour eggs for Easter
    Day, a statutory holiday in Jordan.

    On Easter, churches are again jammed with worshippers. Afterwards,
    people break their fast, offer and eat Kaak and Maamoul, a popular
    sweet usually made at home using special dough stuffed with date
    paste or walnuts.

    Kaak is doughnut-shaped with ragged edges resembling the crown of
    thorns that Jesus wore on the Cross. Maamoul is a small, round piece
    of dough that represents the sponge which was dipped in vinegar and
    offered to the Lord when He asked for water whilst on the cross.

    Jordan has a population of 5.6 million people, 92 per cent Sunni
    Muslim, 6 per cent Christian and 2 per cent Shiite Muslim.