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OSCE FFM Reaffirms Karabakh's Being Conflicting Party

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  • OSCE FFM Reaffirms Karabakh's Being Conflicting Party


    YEREVAN, MARCH 25. ARMINFO. The OSCE Fact-Finding Mission has proved
    once again that Nagorny Karabakh is a conflicting party and the
    Nagorny Karabakh conflict cannot be settled without its involvement
    in the settlement talks, former Russian co-chair of OSCE Minsk Group
    Vladimir Kazimirov says in an interview to Regnum.

    The idea of the monitoring was a deviation from real settlement - one
    more trick not to approach the negotiating table which is fraught with
    inevitable concessions. But there is no settlement without concessions.

    Kazimirov is not surprised at the results of the monitoring. "I have
    repeatedly been to those parts and the FFM has reported exactly what
    it saw."

    The initiators of the idea is trying hard to hide its disappointment
    as the other side is already demanding a monitoring of the districts
    controlled by Azerbaijan. The present negotiating process does
    not reflect the importance of the conflict and does not meet the
    expectations of the region's peoples. Commenting on Azerbaijan's
    bellicose statements Kazimirov says that the position of a defeated
    party is always controversial.

    It was staking on force and neglecting UN resolutions that brought
    Azerbaijan to the present situation ten years ago. The international
    community should not be indifferent to the stalemate in the negotiating
    process and especially to such bellicose statements. Both PACE and OSCE
    are strangely tolerant to the current war propaganda. They would not
    tolerate such a situation somewhere in Western Europe. There is no
    such situation there exactly because they would not have tolerated it,
    says Kazimirov.