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Lenmarker's Report's Free From Atkinson's Principles

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  • Lenmarker's Report's Free From Atkinson's Principles


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
    28 March 05

    The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly reporter on Nagorno Karabakh conflict
    confirmed the fact that the question to be settled first is that of
    the status of Nagorno Karabakh. The rest - territories, refugees,
    etc. - are derivative. The draft report on Nagorno Karabakh by Goran
    Lenmarker states that without the settlement of the problem of status
    the rest will be impossible to solve. Recently the delegates of
    Armenia and Azerbaijan took part in the discussion of the Karabakh
    conflict undertaken by G. Lenmarker at the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
    in Brussels. Later the vice speaker of the National Assembly of
    Armenia Vahan Hovhannissian and Member of Parliament Samvel Nikoyan
    told the journalists that despite the efforts of the Azerbaijani
    delegation the draft report by Goran Lenmarker to be presented to the
    OSCE Parliamentary Assembly did not contain the principles of
    Atkinson's report so dear to the Azerbaijanis. What is more, according
    to NA vice speaker V. Hovhannissian, Lenmarker's report is quite
    balanced, which caused anxiety among their Azerbaijani colleagues.
    According to the member of the Armenian delegation Samvel Nikoyan,
    although throughout the negotiations and meetings the Azerbaijani side
    attempted to withdraw the issue of Nagorno Karabakh from the OSCE,
    they failed because the OSCE realizes that the mandate for settlement
    of the NKR problem belongs to the OSCE only.

    Lenmarker's report will be ready in July and will be presented at the
    OSCE Parliamentary Assembly meeting in Washington. However, before the
    document will be sent out to the parties in order for them to put
    forward suggestions and propose changes. Of course, it is still too
    early to make conclusions on the final variant of the report but it
    should not be excluded either that heated arguments are awaiting the
    adoption of the report by the OSCE PA. Nevertheless, it can be stated
    with careful optimism that the principles of Atkinson's report will
    not underlie Lenmarker's report. Moreover, as the NA vice speaker
    stated, the report will first of all maintain the necessity of
    clarifying the status of Nagorno Karabakh. However, before the
    adoption of the report, as it was mentioned already, hot struggle
    between the conflict parties is expected. Most probably, in the
    expected struggle Azerbaijan will get the support of the Turkish,
    maybe also Georgian and Moldavian delegations. Armenia also has its
    leverages for counteraction about which V. Hovhannissian did not give
    any information for security reasons. The members of the Armenian
    delegation vowed to do their best to prevent unfavourable
    developments. Another report similar to the Atkinson' s would greatly
    complicate the situation. `If the first can be overlooked, the second
    will already be difficult to overlook,' noticed Vahan Hovhannissian.


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress