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Remembering a dark chapter in Turkish history

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  • Remembering a dark chapter in Turkish history

    Boston Globe, MA
    March 29 2005

    Remembering a dark chapter in Turkish history
    By Peter S. Canellos, Globe Staff | March 29, 2005

    CAMBRIDGE -- Henry Morgenthau III sits in his living room, surrounded
    by mementos of his family, and speaks of the great goal of his
    grandfather's life: ''He wanted to think of himself as fully

    Morgenthau's immigrant grandfather, who served as US ambassador to
    Turkey between 1913 and 1916, strived to establish the German-Jewish
    Morgenthaus in the American aristocracy almost as assiduously as
    Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. strived to establish his Irish-Catholic family
    in the American pantheon. The Morgenthaus acquired top-notch
    educations, a grand home in the Hudson Valley near the Roosevelts,
    and a seemingly permanent seat at the tables of power.

    The Morgenthaus ascended the way most immigrants did, by
    assimilation. Henry III still remembers his grandfather reciting
    rhymes to try to rid himself of the last vestige of a German accent
    -- his difficulty pronouncing the letters ''th." The first Henry
    Morgenthau distanced himself from Zionism, fearful that it would
    prompt suspicions of dual loyalties among American Jews.

    But while assuming the posture of the Protestant Yankee elites, the
    Morgenthaus never forgot their shared ancestry with the refugees,
    displaced peoples, and immigrants of the world. That is why they
    occupy a unique niche among America's self-made aristocracy: Both
    Henry Morgenthau Sr. and his son Henry Morgenthau Jr. are heroes to
    millions overseas for trying to intervene in the first two genocides
    of the 20th century, the Turkish slaughter of Armenians in 1915 and
    the Nazi extermination of European Jews.

    In the United States, the recent growth of Holocaust studies has cast
    a new spotlight on the accomplishments of both men, especially Henry
    Morgenthau Sr. As the 90th anniversary of the date marking the
    Armenian genocide arrives next month, Armenian-Americans will be
    quoting from the diplomatic cables sent back by Ambassador Morgenthau
    as proof of slaughters of Armenians at the hands of Ottoman Turks
    that the Turkish government has yet to acknowledge.

    In a book written in 1918, Morgenthau sought to separate the killings
    of Armenians from past forms of civil strife, writing of ''the
    massacre of a nation" long before the term genocide was invented.
    Collecting eyewitness accounts from US consuls at various locations
    in the Ottoman Empire, which then included Palestine and Armenia,
    Morgenthau warned of an unceasing campaign of murder by Turks.

    ''The cables that were sent back and forth were very alarming -- a
    graphic, florid description of what was going on -- and the State
    Department's response was just to let him go it alone," explained
    Henry Morgenthau III.

    Henry Morgenthau Sr. never wanted to be ambassador to Turkey, which
    was then the segregated Jewish seat of the diplomatic corps. He had
    higher ambitions.

    Morgenthau had attached his hopes to Woodrow Wilson when the New
    Jersey governor was a long-shot presidential candidate in 1912.
    Morgenthau, who had made his fortune on Wall Street, chaired Wilson's
    campaign finance committee. As a reward, Morgenthau expected nothing
    less than a Cabinet post -- but Wilson did not come through. Instead,
    according to Henry III, Wilson urged Morgenthau to take the post in
    Constantinople, now known as Istanbul, as a way of helping ''your

    Morgenthau did get to help Jews -- funneling American contributions
    to help rescue Jews in Palestine from starvation -- but his greatest
    contribution was calling attention to the plight of the Armenians.
    After serving as ambassador for three years, he went on to found the
    largest private relief organization for surviving Armenians.

    By 1932, when he began raising money for the first presidential run
    of New York Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ambassador Morgenthau's
    ambitions had been channeled into his son, Henry Jr.

    Roosevelt named the younger Morgenthau to be secretary of the
    treasury, a post he held for 11 years, during which time he was
    instrumental in financing the military buildup during World War II.

    But Henry Morgenthau Jr. was also the leading voice calling attention
    to the systematic killing of Jews, when the State Department refused
    to highlight the issue. Morgenthau had his Treasury staff research
    their own report on the Holocaust, declaring ''the acquiescence of
    this government in the murder of the Jews." Without State Department
    approval, he used his personal friendship with Roosevelt to prod the
    president to take action.

    Roosevelt eventually pressured Hungary to halt any transfers of Jews
    to the Nazis, saving 200,000 people, but he did not heed Morgenthau's
    pleas to bomb Auschwitz. Henry Morgenthau Jr. went on to help
    establish Israel, serving as chairman of the United Jewish Appeal,
    among other posts.

    Later generations of immigrants, holding close to their ethnic and
    religious identities, came to view assimilation with suspicion, as
    though those who aspired to Ivy League pedigrees, Dutchess County
    addresses, and fancy New York men's clubs were merely trying to
    disappear into another culture.

    The Morgenthaus disprove that theory. In fact, they were far more
    marked by their religion because they traveled in Protestant circles,
    and their values were strengthened for being challenged every day.
    Henry Morgenthau III, who was close to both his father and
    grandfather, became a public-television pioneer, producing a series
    called ''Prospects of Mankind" featuring his mother's good friend,
    Eleanor Roosevelt. Now in his late 80s, Morgenthau has become the
    family historian.

    His younger brother Robert Morgenthau is the legendary Manhattan
    district attorney, most noteworthy in recent years for refusing to
    seek the death penalty, even where allowed under state law, because
    he believes it is unfairly applied. Now, on the 90th anniversary of
    the Armenian genocide, Henry Morgenthau III is still pressing his
    grandfather's cause, urging the Turks to acknowledge the massacres.

    ''Ninety years after the 1915 genocide, there are no living
    individuals who can be held responsible," Morgenthau said. ''But from
    the standpoint of both nations, Armenia and Turkey, it would be not
    only the right thing but a satisfying thing for those people to
    achieve healing."

    Peter S. Canellos is the Globe's Washington bureau chief. National
    Perspective is his weekly analysis of events in the capital and