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BAKU: Azerbaijan interested in developing of relations with Russia

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan interested in developing of relations with Russia

    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    March 29 2005

    [March 29, 2005, 19:10:52]

    Murtuz Alaskarov, chairman of the Azerbaijani Parliament (Milli
    Majlis) met on March 29 Sergey Stepashin, chairman of the Audit
    Chamber of the Russian Federation, reported AzerTAj correspondent.

    Speaker of the Parliament said the joint efforts made by Russia's and
    Azerbaijan Presidents has given a renewed impetus to the strategic
    partnership between two countries. Speaking of expanding economical
    cooperation he noted that commodity turnover between Azerbaijan and
    Russia has been achieved $1 billion for the last year. Azerbaijan is
    intersted in developing relations with Russia and today there were
    over 500 schools and 1 University where are teaching in Russian. It
    is an allegation of the great interest in our country to Russian
    language and culture.

    Murtuz Alaskarov has informed the guest on Armenian-Azerbaijan,
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. He said that Azerbaijan is backing the
    peasful settlement of the conflict on the base of international laws.
    We hope that Russia as member of the OSCE Minsk group to be play an
    active role in a settlement process. Armenians were resettle in
    Nagorno-Karabakh after the Russian-Iranian War, and a new book in
    that will be published soon, said Murtuz Alaskarov.

    The Russia's Audit Chamber chief said that Russia is also interested
    in expanding of relations with Azerbaijan. He noted that stability
    which has been created in Azerbaijan by the great historic figure
    Heydar Aliyev it is sucessfully saving at present too. It is also
    allegation that President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has suitably
    been continued the line of policy by Heydar Aliyev.

    Then Sergey Stepashin speaking of sucessfull cooperation between the
    Audit Chambers.

    Touching upon the problem over Nagorno-Karabakh, Sergey Stepashin
    said the conflict has given a concern for all countries in the
    region, `and we has been supported a peacefull and equitable solution
    of the conflict. I think the parliaments will be intensify its
    efforts on that'.