YEREVAN, MAY 26, NOYAN TAPAN. States should effectively contribute to
realization of rights of citizens belonging to national or ethnic,
religious or language minorities to use their own culture and profess
their religion. Apply about this is voiced in the resolution adopted
at the international conference "Tolerance, Struggle against
Discrimination and Xenophobia in the Context of Struggle against
International Terrorism" held on May 24-25 in Yerevan. The conference
participants also call on to contribute to free and unimpeded use of
mother tongue by the above-mentioned category of citizens in private
and public life, their active participation in country's cultural,
social, economic and political life. The conference participants also
ask all states to protect human rights and main freedoms of all
migrants in accordance with the General Declaration of Human Rights,
to provide humane treatment of migrants. The conference was organized
by RA Ombudsperson's Staff and UNESCO.
YEREVAN, MAY 26, NOYAN TAPAN. States should effectively contribute to
realization of rights of citizens belonging to national or ethnic,
religious or language minorities to use their own culture and profess
their religion. Apply about this is voiced in the resolution adopted
at the international conference "Tolerance, Struggle against
Discrimination and Xenophobia in the Context of Struggle against
International Terrorism" held on May 24-25 in Yerevan. The conference
participants also call on to contribute to free and unimpeded use of
mother tongue by the above-mentioned category of citizens in private
and public life, their active participation in country's cultural,
social, economic and political life. The conference participants also
ask all states to protect human rights and main freedoms of all
migrants in accordance with the General Declaration of Human Rights,
to provide humane treatment of migrants. The conference was organized
by RA Ombudsperson's Staff and UNESCO.