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BAKU: Azimov: Armenia & Azerbaijan can come to common denominator

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  • BAKU: Azimov: Armenia & Azerbaijan can come to common denominator

    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    March 31 2006

    [March 31, 2006, 23:08:37]

    On March 30, working visit of the deputy minister of foreign affairs
    of Azerbaijan Araz Azimov to Canada and the USA has come to an end.
    It should be reminded, that Araz Azimov is the co-chairman from the
    Azerbaijan side in the American-Azerbaijan dialogue on safety created
    in 1996. The American co-chairman is John Hillen, Assistant Secretary
    of State on Political-Military Affairs. Annual dialogue envisages
    discussions on cooperation between two countries in military,
    political spheres and in the field of security. At the present stage
    of dialogue, the Azerbaijan party has been presented by delegation of
    high level. Alongside with the deputy minister of foreign affairs, it
    included the deputy minister of national security Fuad Iskenderov,
    the deputy chief of State Frontier Service Farhad Tagizade and the
    commander-in-chief of Navy Shahin Sultanov. The dialogue on safety
    passed within a day on March 9 in the State Department. The agenda
    included such questions, as cooperation in war with global terror,
    prevention of distribution of the weapon of mass destruction,
    strengthening of boundary security, activation of the
    American-Azerbaijan cooperation in the international organizations.

    Araz Azimov, along with participation in the dialogue, has met in
    Washington with representatives of the state structures of the USA.
    In talks with representatives of the Council of National Security,
    Pentagon and Congress, have been considered such themes, as situation
    on Southern Caucasus, ways of settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan,
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The Deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan
    made statement in the Washington Center for Strategic and
    International Studies on the topic "The Diary of Security of

    Araz Azimov has given interview to Washington-based correspondent of
    AzerTAc about results of visit to Northern America.

    -You are the first official representative of Azerbaijan who has made
    visit to Ottawa. At what level is the interest to Azerbaijan in this
    country? What can you tell about the held discussions?

    -Indeed, it is the first visit of the high-ranking delegation of the
    Azerbaijan Republic to Canada. But our dialogue with Canada is going
    for some years. I mean the meetings held Baku, bilateral meetings
    within the multilateral forums. Canada and Azerbaijan are members of
    a number of organizations. We cooperate within the Council of the
    Euro-Atlantic partnership, OSCE. Though Canada geographically is far
    from the Europe, nevertheless, it shows interest to processes
    occurring in region and accepts in them participation. The Canadian
    companies as the companies of the country rich with natural
    resources, take direct participation in global power projects,
    however, their interest to Azerbaijan yet cannot be named wide. For
    this purpose, both parties should undertake mutual steps. First of
    all, it is necessary to develop legal basis of our connections. Now
    we have only one bilateral agreement. As the member of NATO, Canada
    can promote performance of obligations of Azerbaijan in the
    "Partnership for Peace" program. Besides, Canada has achieved
    significant successes in the field of planning natural resources,
    their development, creations of institutes, communications of the
    state structures with private sector, information technologies, and
    this experience can be useful for us.

    Though it was not presented possible within one-day visit to discuss
    all questions, nevertheless, we managed to concern basic problems
    causing our concern. The position of Canada in the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict usually is not shown
    distinctly enough. As a member of OSCE, this country till now
    satisfied with only superficial moral and political support. But
    gradually it is possible further approach of Canada to the given
    question. In our region, there is a number of questions connected
    with Canada causing our concern: for example, participation of some
    Canadian companies in a number of illegal projects in Turkmenistan,
    participation of the Canadian company in development of gold mines in
    the occupied Kalbajar region of Azerbaijan. We have brought it to
    attention of the government of Canada. But the explanations received
    by us have shown, that the government of Canada do not connect itself
    with the given companies and tries not to interfere with these
    questions. We have listened to explanations, but have declared, that
    Azerbaijan will continue to lead up the concern to the government of
    Canada and to ask its help in the said questions. Certainly, simple
    watching from aside will give nothing. Our embassy in Canada has been
    functioning for two years. It managed to recover some of the
    Azerbaijan societies in Canada. All these are the steps undertaken by
    us. Simultaneously, we wait from Canada for reciprocal steps, first
    of all, opening of Canadian embassy in Baku.

    -The American-Azerbaijan dialogue on safety co-chairman of which you
    are, is a frame mechanism. Projects initiated here are lead up to the
    country leaders for reception of the right to realization. With what
    concrete projects you come back in Baku after the present stage of

    -The dialogue of safety - started in 1996 has opened opportunities
    for studying questions in the field of safety between the USA and
    Azerbaijan. Dialogue is necessary for strengthening even more. In
    process of growth of authority and opportunities of Azerbaijan, it
    will grow internationally and the threats for security. Azerbaijan
    should be ready to it. The significant part of cooperation between
    Azerbaijan and the USA concerns military-political sphere, area of
    safety, practical works in the said spheres. Though the support
    rendered by America to Azerbaijan in these fields, is up to the mark,
    nevertheless, we have more requirements. Attitude of America to the
    given requirements testify that it is ready to closer cooperation. As
    a whole, dialogue passes positively. Issues of the agenda also have
    remained unchanged: safety of Azerbaijan at national and regional
    level, relations within NATO, increase of the role of OSCE in ongoing
    processes, settlement of regional conflicts, the relations among the
    Caspian coastal states, military-political situation in the Caspian
    basin. The complex of risks and threats in the Caspian region is
    complicated enough. Elements of war, terrorism, and environment are
    peculiar to it. In this sense, the USA will closely cooperate with
    Azerbaijan. We have achieved some agreements. Some groups of experts
    will arrive in Baku. They will study opportunities of connection of
    Azerbaijan to the initiative on power, sea safety, and also the
    initiative put forward by the "Great 8", against distribution of the
    weapons of mass destruction.

    -Whether you had touched the question connected with Iran?

    -On consideration of the situation in region, discussed was and this
    question. We have informed, that the 130-kilometers site of the said
    border is under occupation. The threats deriving from here should be
    by all means considered. Also has been discussed the conditions in
    the sector of Caspian adjacent with Iran. Some steps undertaken by
    Iran in this area concerns Azerbaijan. We have repeatedly declared,
    that over border of neighboring countries should be peace, it is
    necessary to be respectful to these borders and observe them. We also
    have noted, that we have various connections, trade relations with
    Iran, as with a neighboring country. Many of our compatriots live in
    Iran. In this sense, Azerbaijan with interest and concern watches
    development of situation in Iran. We would not like, that there was a
    crisis. We are for the peace settlement of questions.

    -Recently Vartan Oskanian in his statement in Washington has told,
    that Armenia approaches to the Nagorno-Karabakh question from the
    position of definition of self-government of the mentioned region.
    Azerbaijan repeatedly declared, that has faced in Nagorno Karabakh
    with a separatist regime. Under what of these aspects the United
    States consider the given conflict?

    - The USA directly is engaged in the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict.
    They support the quick settlement of the conflict and ready to make
    active efforts in this direction. Though various expressions are
    used, nevertheless, the situation all the same. It is a question of
    territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, the conflict over the
    Azerbaijani land, its settlement. Azerbaijan supports joint peaceful
    residing of the Armenian and Azerbaijan communities in Nagorno
    Karabakh and granting to them corresponding guarantee. I am
    convinced, that at any stage Azerbaijan will achieve it as we have
    other way. America should understand, and Armenia - to remember, that
    the Azerbaijan state not only will disagree with the partition of the
    lands, but also will prevent it. It should not be perceived as
    toughening of our position. It is a position of principle with which
    Azerbaijan holds from the very beginning, from first day of the
    conflict. We shall remain on this position. We are ready to show
    corresponding flexibility in settlement of conflict. I speak it,
    including addressing to my compatriots, - living in Nagorno Karabakh,
    the Armenian community should be provided by self-government in any
    frameworks. As the Armenians assert, political forces of Azerbaijan
    support proscription of the Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh from this
    region. It is not so. We never objected to residing of Armenians of
    Nagorno Karabakh as citizens of Azerbaijan, in this region. On the
    contrary, we consider, that these people should possess corresponding
    socio-political freedom, which it is necessary to provide with. It
    should not be regarded as weakness of the Azerbaijan side. Azerbaijan
    as the strong, modern, democratic state is ready to provide a normal
    life of each citizen of any ethnic origin. However, from both sides,
    there are extreme points. It is necessary to refuse them and come to
    a common denominator. The extreme position of Armenia consists that
    Nagorno Karabakh never was and will not be a part of Azerbaijan. It
    is necessary to refuse this position. And the Azerbaijan government
    should provide the Armenian population living in Nagorno Karabakh
    with model of self-government. Being based on the European models,
    this model should recognize our territorial integrity, inviolability
    of borders. It is not necessary to forget, that in Nagorno Karabakh
    alongside with the Armenians also lived and the Azerbaijanis. In
    statement of Vardan Oskanian and other politicians of Armenia they
    admit distortions. They approve, that Azerbaijani population of
    Nagorno Karabakh was few in number. First, it so not so, there lived
    about 50-60 thousand Azerbaijanis. Secondly, what is the difference,
    many, or few? Even if the point is of one thousand, value of the
    given question cannot be denied. The Azerbaijani community by all
    means should return to Nagorno Karabakh. We should provide use by
    both communities of the same models of self-government within the
    legislation of Azerbaijan. It is a constructive position of the
    Azerbaijan side. We are ready to pass from such hard line, as
    non-recognition of the rights of the Armenians, to such moderate
    position, as maintenance of their rights. Thus, Armenia and
    Azerbaijan can come to a common denominator. To name it somehow
    definitely is premature, and it is unimportant. The main thing is,
    that territorial integrity of Azerbaijan should be restored with
    assistance of the international community, and it is necessary to
    guarantee the rights of the Armenians living in Nagorno Karabakh.
    This question has been brought to attention of the American side. We
    have discussed it with the co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group from
    the USA Steven Mann. Minister Elmar Mammadyarov, who the next weeks
    will visit Washington, will continue discussions with Mr. Steven

    -Till 2001, one of the objects of discussion of dialogue on safety
    was the 907th section. It has been for some years, as it has become
    invalid, but continuing, nevertheless, to remain an unfair part of
    the American law. Whether the given question on discussions was

    -Yes, the 907th Section is still discussed. But I should tell, that
    when the section held good, owing to the work carried out within the
    dialogue of safety, it was possible for US to render assistance to
    Azerbaijan. Today, nobody considers this Section strong. Very soon it
    will be possible to cancel it completely. But our long efforts,
    political will are necessary for this purpose and comprehensible
    political conditions. Though the canceling of Section is a question
    of principle, nevertheless, it should not interfere with our
    cooperation with the USA. As I have already told, it has become
    invalid. It should serve as a good lesson for the Armenians.

    -As a result of work of dialogue on safety, it became possible
    creation of the American-Azerbaijan working group on economic
    reforms. Whether there are plans of creation in future of working
    groups on other spheres of mutual cooperation?

    -Owing to efforts of dialogue on safety between the USA and
    Azerbaijan, there began our cooperation not only in the field of
    economic reforms, but also have begun regular contacts, meetings in
    the military sphere. Other power structures also closely cooperate.
    Currently, we develop programs of cooperation on the Caspian and the
    basin. For realization of it, it will be possible to create
    corresponding working groups in coming years.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress