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Struggle Of Interests In The South Caucasus (Analysis)

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  • Struggle Of Interests In The South Caucasus (Analysis)

    Armen Manvelyan

    12.04.2006 14:42

    The South Caucasus region has always enjoyed the special attention
    of the superpowers. The reason of such "honor" is the geographical
    location of the region, which has never changed; therefore, the
    attitude of the superpowers has not altered, either. We can say that
    this important crossroad linking the North and the South, as well
    as the Easy and the West of Eurasia continues to remain a ground of
    competition for today's heavy powers, which consider their geopolitical
    interests in this region from the point of view of extending their
    influence. Such attention towards the South Caucasus in its turn
    influences the peoples and the relations between the state units of
    the region.

    If we try to evaluate the extent of the influence of heavy powers
    in our region, we should say that number one superpower in the
    world, the US, holds a primary position in the region, as it was
    expected. Implementation of a more or less serious interstate
    project in the South Caucasus is impossible today without US
    support. Washington is somehow involved in any economic or political
    program; the US is introduced in all negotiation formats formed for the
    settlement of all conflicts in the region. We can say that there are
    several reasons why the US is interested in the South Caucasus. First
    of all it is an opportunity to enter central Asia and the Caspian
    Region. Analysts of the official Washington do not even conceal that
    exercising control over the central regions of Eurasia is of strategic
    importance for the United Sates, and the shortest path towards this
    center passes through the South Caucasus. Political scientists note
    that the South Caucasus is just another Panama Channel for the US,
    which it uses for its political aims. For the European Union this
    region is just an unwanted neighbor of this constantly enlarging
    union, which it is obliged to include in its famous New Neighbors
    Program. The reason of such position is that the Europeans consider
    this region a non-stable one and conceive it as a threat to their
    political and economic interests. However, those in Brussels realize
    pretty well that without inclusion of the South Caucasus in the New
    Neighbors Program the chain around Eurasia will not close up.

    For Russia our region is a traditional zone of influence, the
    struggle for which it has started still in the 18th century, first
    fighting against Persian Shahs and later against Turkish Sultans. It
    is clear that current Russia is not the USSR, but it is not going to
    refuse form its political interests and influence, considering also
    that similarity of economic, political and cultural ties has been
    shaped in the course of the centuries, which provides Moscow with
    the opportunity to keep its level of influence in the region. Besides
    the countries mentioned, Turkey and Iran also have interests in the
    region The individual ambitions of these countries make them compete
    not only with each other but also with the world powers.

    Thus, we can state that it is these countries that directly or
    indirectly impose the rules of the game and make the countries of
    the region follow these.

    It is understandable that in their relations Armenia, Georgia and
    Azerbaijan have to consider these interests of the key powers and
    accept the rules of the game imposed by them. This situation cannot
    keep from having an impact on the politics of the countries of the
    region, both within the countries and in the relations with each
    other. Thus, we can say that the maintenance of this situation does
    not only hinder the settlement of conflicts existing in the South
    Caucasus, but doest not allow to establish more or less normal
    relations to resolve the bilateral disagreements, either.