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Statement Of The Heritage Party

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  • Statement Of The Heritage Party

    The Heritage Party
    Yerevan 0033, Armenia
    Tel.: (+374 - 10) 58.08.77, 52.22.38
    Fax: (+374 - 10) 54.38.97
    Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

    July 19, 2006


    Yerevan -- The illegal actions of the management of the Paronian
    Theater deprived Mr. Raffi K. Hovannisian, on March 4, 2006, of the
    right of access to his lawfully leased offices at 7 Vazgen Sargsian

    On April 11, Mr. Hovannisian filed with the Court of First Instance
    of Yerevan's Central and Nork-Marash communities an official claim
    against the theater's management, demanding that his right to use
    the property for its intended purposes be restored. Hovannisian
    simultaneously submitted a petition to enjoin the defendant theater
    from blocking his right of access to his belongings.

    On April 14, the Court issued an injunction prohibiting the defendant
    theater from taking any restrictive action against the office in
    question and the usage of the property located in it, and forwarded its
    ruling to the Service for Mandatory Execution of Judicial Acts (SMEJA).

    The Court's April 14 injunction, which was to be enforced immediately,
    was for moot reasons implemented only a full month and a half later,
    on May 29, as the marshals of SMEJA reopened the office doors. That
    same day, the theater's director issued a written statement confirming
    that the rights of occupancy would not be violated and consequently
    allowing the resumption of normal office operations.

    On the very next day, May 30, however, the very same agents of SMEJA,
    accompanied by the commando-clad "chief evicter" of Yerevan, carried
    out an extra-legal "directive from above" to vacate the premises by
    force, evicting Hovannisian and his staff from the Heritage Party's
    headquarters. All office doors were again sealed. Ironically, the
    only formal instruction given to SMEJA required, in clear language,
    the protection of Hovannisian's property from the theater's management,
    which the marshals had carried out properly the day before.

    Article 5 of the Armenian Constitution stipulates that state authority
    shall be exercised in accordance with the Constitution and laws based
    on the principle of the separation of its legislative, executive,
    and judicial branches. National and local bodies and public officials
    may execute only such acts as are authorized by the Constitution and
    relevant legislation.

    This means the SMEJA marshals in fact took measures for which they
    had no authority whatsoever. Thus, the second illegal action against
    Raffi Hovannisian was committed by SMEJA itself.

    With respect to the unlawful actions of the theater's management,
    Judge Edward Avetisian ruled on June 26 that the forcible closure of
    the Heritage office was illegal, and thus the SMEJA seals placed on the
    doors of the office had effectively expired. While the Court instructed
    the plaintiff to pay certain installments on the contract, it held
    the defendant and its negligent conduct to be solely responsible on
    this score, thus constructively validating the five-year real-estate
    lease that had been signed between Hovannisian and the government's
    agent in September 2002.

    Today, there have entered into force binding judicial documents that
    find the actions of the Paronian Theater's management and subsequently
    of the SMEJA officers to be illegal.

    These rulings notwithstanding, when the Heritage Party reenters the
    premises rented by Mr. Raffi Hovannisian, it is uncertain whether
    the state officials will discontinue their mode of operations that
    have no basis in law.