Hermiz Shahen Secretary, Assyrian Universal Alliance-Australian Chapter
Assyrian International News Agency
May 31 2006
(AINA) -- In a private members business session on Monday, 29 May 2006,
in the house of representative of the Australian Federal Parliament
and under the title of religious minorities Mr Allen Cadman MP.,
member for Mitchel raised a motion with reference to the Republic of
Turkey and its relations with the different Christian minorities in the
area. Mr Cadman commended the Australian of Greek and Turkish origin
for the peaceful and harmonious relationship they have established in
Australia which is an example to all communities coming from older
cultures, he requested the Turkish government as it moves towards
joining the European Union as a full member to return private property
to minority groups of all religious backgrounds, to permit r-opening
of the Greek Orthodox Theological College on the island of Halke and
to permit Christian denominations to operate seminaries of their own,
wether Greek, Armenian or Syriac.
Mr. Chris Bowen MP, member for prospect who raised the Assyrian
Universal Alliance petition in the Australian Federal Parliament
on May last year, calling on the Australian Government to urge the
Iraqi Government to create a 'protected administrative region for the
Assyrians', seconded the above motion and added his concerns about the
rights of Christians in Iraq which he have spoken about previously in
the house. Mr Bowen said, " It is hard to conceive that the position of
Christians in Iraq has actually deteriorated since the fall of Saddam
Hussein. As a member of the coalition of the willing, this government
has an obligation to speak up for Christians in Iraq. I am sorry
to say that the government's response has been less than adequate,
and I used the forum of this motion to again call on the Minister
for Foreign Affairs to make representations at the highest possible
level to insure the protection of Assyrians, Chaldeans and Mandians
in Iraq. The government also needs to be doing more in relation to
providing save heaven for Christians who have left Iraq. I again call
on the Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs to review
the way her department handles applications for refugee status from
Christians and Mandeans who have fled Iraq".
On the Turkish issue Mr Bowen added, " It is also important for
the future that the wrongs of the past are acknowledged. I believe
the Assyrian people, among others, have a legitimate concern to
insure that the terrible event of 1915 are properly acknowledged and
commemorated. The Turkish people and the Assyrian people could then
join together in the acknowledgement that we must all work together to
insure that such event can never happen again-just as the Turkish and
Australian people joined together in friendship after Gallipoli,..."
To read the whole motion please click here. In the House of
Representatives Hansard page choose 29 May 2006-05-31, and then go
to page 23 "Private Members Business" Religious Minorities.
On behalf of the Assyrian Universal Alliance-Australia Chapter and
the Assyrian Australian community we would like to thank Mr. Chris
Bowen MP, member for prospect for raising the Assyrian issue with
the Australian Government, for his great determination, sincerity
and outstanding effort to support the indigenous Assyrian rights in
Iraq and for his dedication in serving the people of his electorate,
which give us as Assyrians the citizens of this country; despite
being citizen of many countries of the Middle East the pride to be
known as Australians.
Hermiz Shahen Secretary, Assyrian Universal Alliance-Australian Chapter
Assyrian International News Agency
May 31 2006
(AINA) -- In a private members business session on Monday, 29 May 2006,
in the house of representative of the Australian Federal Parliament
and under the title of religious minorities Mr Allen Cadman MP.,
member for Mitchel raised a motion with reference to the Republic of
Turkey and its relations with the different Christian minorities in the
area. Mr Cadman commended the Australian of Greek and Turkish origin
for the peaceful and harmonious relationship they have established in
Australia which is an example to all communities coming from older
cultures, he requested the Turkish government as it moves towards
joining the European Union as a full member to return private property
to minority groups of all religious backgrounds, to permit r-opening
of the Greek Orthodox Theological College on the island of Halke and
to permit Christian denominations to operate seminaries of their own,
wether Greek, Armenian or Syriac.
Mr. Chris Bowen MP, member for prospect who raised the Assyrian
Universal Alliance petition in the Australian Federal Parliament
on May last year, calling on the Australian Government to urge the
Iraqi Government to create a 'protected administrative region for the
Assyrians', seconded the above motion and added his concerns about the
rights of Christians in Iraq which he have spoken about previously in
the house. Mr Bowen said, " It is hard to conceive that the position of
Christians in Iraq has actually deteriorated since the fall of Saddam
Hussein. As a member of the coalition of the willing, this government
has an obligation to speak up for Christians in Iraq. I am sorry
to say that the government's response has been less than adequate,
and I used the forum of this motion to again call on the Minister
for Foreign Affairs to make representations at the highest possible
level to insure the protection of Assyrians, Chaldeans and Mandians
in Iraq. The government also needs to be doing more in relation to
providing save heaven for Christians who have left Iraq. I again call
on the Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs to review
the way her department handles applications for refugee status from
Christians and Mandeans who have fled Iraq".
On the Turkish issue Mr Bowen added, " It is also important for
the future that the wrongs of the past are acknowledged. I believe
the Assyrian people, among others, have a legitimate concern to
insure that the terrible event of 1915 are properly acknowledged and
commemorated. The Turkish people and the Assyrian people could then
join together in the acknowledgement that we must all work together to
insure that such event can never happen again-just as the Turkish and
Australian people joined together in friendship after Gallipoli,..."
To read the whole motion please click here. In the House of
Representatives Hansard page choose 29 May 2006-05-31, and then go
to page 23 "Private Members Business" Religious Minorities.
On behalf of the Assyrian Universal Alliance-Australia Chapter and
the Assyrian Australian community we would like to thank Mr. Chris
Bowen MP, member for prospect for raising the Assyrian issue with
the Australian Government, for his great determination, sincerity
and outstanding effort to support the indigenous Assyrian rights in
Iraq and for his dedication in serving the people of his electorate,
which give us as Assyrians the citizens of this country; despite
being citizen of many countries of the Middle East the pride to be
known as Australians.