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ASBAREZ Online [06-15-2006]

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  • ASBAREZ Online [06-15-2006]


    1) Committee Adopts Amendment to Block US Subsidy for Armenia Railroad Bypass
    2) Matthew Bryza Appointed US Co-Chair of OSCE Minsk Group
    3) Luxembourg PM Proposes Freezing EU Talks with Turkey
    4) Kocharian to Visit Iran

    1) Committee Adopts Amendment to Block US Subsidy for Armenia Railroad Bypass

    WASHINGTON, DC--The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) welcomed
    Wednesday the vote by a powerful Congressional panel to block US taxpayer
    funding for an unnecessary and costly proposed railroad between Turkey and
    Georgia that would, if built, circumvent Armenia and, in the process,
    the economic viability of the existing Caucasus railroad route through
    With a unanimous voice vote Wednesday, the House Financial Services Committee
    adopted the amendment offered by panel member Joe Crowley (D-NY). The measure
    prohibits the Export-Import Bank from providing any assistance ~Sto develop or
    promote any rail connections or railway-related connections that traverse or
    connect Baku, Azerbaijan; Tbilisi, Georgia; and Kars, Turkey, and that
    specifically exclude cities in Armenia.~T
    Representative Crowley serves as the Chief Deputy Minority Whip. His
    amendment to the Export-Import Bank Reauthorization Act of 2006 was
    by Representatives Ed Royce (R-CA) and Brad Sherman (D-CA).
    ~SWe thank Congressman Crowley, his colleagues Ed Royce and Brad Sherman, and
    all the members of the Financial Services Committee for protecting American
    taxpayers from subsidizing an ill-advised and over-priced railroad project
    that--at the insistence of Turkey and Azerbaijan--has been proposed solely to
    exclude Armenia,~T said Aram Hamparian, Executive Director of the ANCA.
    ~SWith this amendment, we are sending a message to the governments of Turkey
    and Azerbaijan that continually excluding Armenia in regional projects fosters
    instability,~T said Congressman Crowley. ~SBypassing Armenia is just another
    attempt to further suffocate this republic, which has made great strides in
    democratic and economic reforms notwithstanding its neighbors~R hostility. If
    the Caucasus region is to move forward, we must ensure that all countries move
    forward together at the same time.~T
    He added that, ~SThe American taxpayer should not be required to finance a
    project that goes against the interests of the US government in the South
    Caucasus. I thank my colleagues for recognizing the importance of this
    A proposed new Caucasus rail line--at the urging of Turkey and
    Azerbaijan--would circumvent Armenia. Promoters of the project have sought,
    even at the planning stages, to secure US financing for this undertaking,
    prompting Congressional friends of Armenia to preemptively block such
    The Crowley Amendment is similar to the South Caucasus Integration and Open
    Railroads Act of 2006. This measure was introduced in both the House (HR
    3361), by Representative Joe Knollenberg (R-MI), and in the Senate (S 2461) by
    Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA). The House version has 85 cosponsors; the Senate
    version has been cosponsored by Senators Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and Paul Sarbanes
    (D-MD). Both measures stress that US policy should oppose the ~SThe exclusion
    of Armenia from regional economic and commercial undertakings in the South
    Caucasus,~T noting that such actions ~Sundermine the United States policy
    goal of
    promoting a stable and cooperative environment in the region.~T
    Thousands of activists throughout the United States have sent ANCA
    WebFaxes to
    members of Congress in support of this legislation at .
    In October of last year, the European Commission voiced official
    opposition to
    the proposed Caucasus railroad bypass of Armenia. A formal statement by the
    Commission~Rs Directorate General for Transport and Energy noted that its
    construction was both unnecessary and inefficient in light of the existing
    railroad connecting Kars, Gyumri, and Tbilisi.
    The Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) is the official
    export credit agency of the United States. Ex-Im Bank~Rs mission is to assist
    in financing the export of US goods and services to international markets.

    2) Matthew Bryza Appointed US Co-Chair of OSCE Minsk Group

    YEREVAN (Yerkir)--Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and
    Affairs Matthew J. Bryza was appointed the American co-chair of the
    Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Minsk Group, Armenian
    Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian said.
    ~SThe US informed us that Mr. Bryza will replace Steven Mann at the post of
    co-chair. After confirmation in Vienna he will fully engage into the
    process of
    the Nagorno Karabagh conflict settlement.~T
    Bryza is expected to pay a visit to the region to get familiarized with the
    situation and the peace process.
    When news of the replacement was first announced Azeri Foreign Affairs
    Minister Elmar Mamedyarov said that changing the American co-chairman will not
    have a negative impact on negotiations.
    He said that what is important is that the US remains in the regulation
    process. He added that Mann~Rs replacement will be fully involved in the
    within one or two months.

    3) Luxembourg PM Proposes Freezing EU Talks with Turkey

    PARIS (Reuters)--The European Union should freeze membership talks with Turkey
    if Ankara does not open its ports and airports to traffic from Cyprus this
    year, said Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker Thursday.
    It was the clearest signal so far that some leaders will seek a complete halt
    to the negotiations if Turkey does not fulfill its obligation to extend its EU
    customs union to all new member states, including Cyprus, which it does not
    Juncker was asked by the French daily La Croix whether the EU had shown
    weakness by agreeing to conclude the first detailed accession negotiations on
    science and research this week without a move by Turkey on Cyprus.
    "No. European ministers firmly reiterated to the Turks that this condition
    should be applied in 2006," he said.
    "If Turkey were not to implement this condition this year, my view is that
    negotiations will have [to] be postponed."
    Turkey has said it would open air and sea access to Cypriot planes and ships
    if the EU made good on a promise to end the economic isolation of Turkish
    Cypriot northern Cyprus. The EU has rejected any linkage between Ankara's
    treaty obligation and its own political pledge, which Nicosia has so far
    Officially, the EU has not threatened a complete suspension of talks if, as
    expected, Turkey does not meet the condition.
    Foreign Ministers said this week "Failure to implement its obligations in
    will affect the overall progress in the negotiations" without specifying how.
    The executive European Commission is due to review Turkey's performance in a
    report in late October or early November and Enlargement Commissioner Olli
    has warned of a potential "train crash."
    Juncker, a veteran center-right politician close to Germany's governing
    Christian Democrats, suggested the EU would have to reconsider further
    expansion in the light of the defeat of the EU constitution in France and the
    "Anyhow, Croatia aside, I think that it will probably not be possible to
    continue the enlargement process without limits and precautions if we do not
    manage to restore order to European institutions," he told La Croix.
    "A large-scale enlargement does not seem feasible to me on the sole basis of
    the current treaties."

    4) Kocharian to Visit Iran

    YEREVAN (RFE/RL)--President Robert Kocharian will travel to Iran next month
    his first face-to-face talks with the Islamic Republic~Rs President Mahmoud
    Ahmadinejad, his spokesman said on Thursday.
    Victor Soghomonian, the presidential press secretary, said that the official
    visit is tentatively scheduled to take place ~Sin the middle of this summer.~T
    Energy Minister Armen Movsisian was in Tehran late last month and discussed
    with senior Iranian officials details of Kocharian~Rs planned trip, suggesting
    that it will focus on Iranian-Armenian energy projects. According to the
    Iranian Foreign Ministry, Movsisian told his Iranian counterpart, Manouchehr
    Mottaki, that it could ~Sopen a new chapter~T in the close ties between the two
    neighboring states.
    Mottaki, for his part, was quoted as praising ~Scommon interests~T shared by
    Armenia and Iran and calling for a further deepening of their ~Sprofound
    relations.~T The remarks are in line with Ahmadinejad~Rs pledges to continue his
    predecessors~R policy on Armenia, which he made following his election as
    president a year ago.
    Kocharian had already visited Tehran in 2003 to meet with Iran~Rs Supreme
    Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and then President Mohammad Khatami.

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