The National Citizens' Initiative
75 Yerznkian Street
Yerevan 375033, Armenia
Tel.: (+374 - 10) 27.16.00, 27.00.03
Fax: (+374 - 10) 52.48.46
March 16, 2006
NCI: Armenia's First Ombudswoman Presented Her Special Report
Yerevan--The National Citizens' Initiative (NCI) today convened a
roundtable on "What Armenia's Citizens Gained and Lost in 2005." The
meeting brought together political and social activists, human rights
advocates, analysts, experts, and media representatives.
NCI coordinator Hovsep Khurshudian welcomed the audience with opening
remarks, "The authorities had declared the constitutional referendum
of 2005 as a crucial step toward the establishment of democracy
and legitimacy in Armenia. However, after the immediate 'passing'
of the constitutional amendments, human and civil rights not only
deteriorated, but repression including unlawful arrests against
politically active citizens continued, followed by similar violations,
this time against political parties. A vivid illustration of this is
the illegal closure of the Heritage Party's headquarters. Moreover,
the first Ombudswoman of the Republic of Armenia Larisa Alaverdian
was dismissed for performing her designated duty."
Prior to discussing her special report, Larisa Alaverdian expressed
dismay that the public had lost the ability to read and comprehend
written texts of political or legal nature. Subsequently, she briefly
presented her 20-page special account on the situation of human
rights in Armenia in the year past. Unfortunately, she was not
allowed to present this report to the National Assembly. "I would
like to call this report also 'An Infringement Upon the Right of
Effective Legal Protection,' an entitlement set forth by Article 13
of the European Convention," Alaverdian noted. With respect to the
large-scale encroachment upon the property rights of the residents
of the Northern Avenue and Biuzand Street in downtown Yerevan,
Mrs. Alaverdian observed that in democratic countries, for the sake
of state interests, private assets of people at times are alienated,
but with proper compensation. Yet in this case, compensation was not
only unforthcoming, but people through the courts were forced to sign
purchase agreements and on top be subjected to state and income taxes.
Larisa Alaverdian had made an appeal to President Robert Kocharian
and Prime Minister Andranik Margarian concerning this matter. She
had even addressed a formal letter to the President with respect
to the widespread violation of human rights. Yet, she received a
response in which she was charged for breaching Section 5 of Armenia's
Constitution, that is for misusing her official power.
The next speaker, Heritage Party's political secretary Vardan
Khachatrian, gave his assessments of the constitutional referendum of
2005. According to him, "As a result of the ruling clique's methods of
'passing' the constitution and 'establishing' democracy, the notions
of 'state,' 'constitution,' and 'democracy' have been discredited in
the eyes of the majority of the people who draw a perfect parallel
between the current authorities and the unlawfulness which is reigning
in the country."
Khachatrian pointed that the way out of this situation is carrying
out a fundamental transformation, but not ruling out the prospect
for a peaceful revolution.
The remainder of the session was devoted to exchanges of views and
policy recommendations among the public figures and policy specialists
in attendance. Also noteworthy were interventions by Rafael Ghazarian
and Vahan Shirkhanian from the Forum of Intellectuals of Armenia;
MPs Tatul Manaserian, Manuk Gasparian, Hrant Khachatrian, and Arshak
Sadoyan; deputy chairman of the National Unity Party Gagik Tadevosian;
chairman of the Democratic Motherland Party Petros Makeyan; "18+1"
election observers' mission chief Vahagn Khachatrian; Republic Party
member Rafik Mkrtchian; deputy chairman of the National Rebirth
Party Armen Mkrtchian; deputy chairman of the Liberal Progressive
Party Edward Antinian; director of the Heritage Party's main office
Gevorg Kalenchian; chairman of the Social-Ecological Party Armen
Dovlatian; deputy chairman of the "Victims of State Needs" NGO Sedrak
Baghdasarian; and many others.
In the ensuing discussion Academician Rafael Ghazarian blamed the
opposition leaders for pursuing their personal ambitions instead of
bringing the nation out of this situation in unity.
In Dr. Tatul Manaserian's opinion the reasons for the current situation
should be searched within ourselves since the public has become very
apathetic as to the future of the country.
Manuk Gasparian called upon the participants to work together in
getting at least one or two independent television channels to
reopen so that people can come out of the informational blockade
and be informed of the illegalities of the ruling powers and what is
happening in the country.
Avetik Ishkhanian of the Helsinki Committee was in concurrence with Mr.
Gasparian and added that the public's apathy was due to the suppression
of freedom of speech and that our citizens' first real defeat came
when A1+ and Noyan Tapan were closed down.
Gagik Tadevosian's question as to the validity of the conclusion that
the falsification of the constitutional amendments had resulted in more
illegalities by the government was answered in the affirmative by Mrs.
Alaverdian. She agreed that the ruling administration's declaration
according to which 93 percent had said "Yes" to the new constitution
was a disgrace and that the very same powers were very much aware of
this fact.
In his turn, Avetik Ishkhanian stated that in line with confidential
information ascertained from fairly high state echelons, with the
exception of military servicemen, only 7 percent of eligible voters
had actually cast ballots in the constitutional referendum. Vardan
Khachatrian added that he had received information about a mere 6.5
percent voter turnout.
In his closing remarks, NCI coordinator Hovsep Khurshudian noted
the fact that Armenia's public elite calls attention to ideological
discussions and the search for the roots of and solutions to the
problems facing the country. And in the words of Khurshudian, this
roundtable is its proof.
The National Citizens' Initiative is a public non-profit association
founded in December 2001 by Raffi K. Hovannisian, his colleagues,
and fellow citizens with the purpose of realizing the rule of law
and overall improvements in the state of the state, society, and
public institutions.
The National Citizens' Initiative is guided by a Coordinating
Council, which includes individual citizens and representatives of
various public, scientific, and educational establishments. Five
commissions on Law and State Administration, Socioeconomic Issues,
Foreign Policy, Spiritual and Cultural Challenges, and the Youth
constitute the vehicles for the Initiative's work and outreach.
For further information, please call (37410) 27-16-00 or 27-00-03;
fax (37410) 52-48-46; email; or visit
The National Citizens' Initiative
75 Yerznkian Street
Yerevan 375033, Armenia
Tel.: (+374 - 10) 27.16.00, 27.00.03
Fax: (+374 - 10) 52.48.46
March 16, 2006
NCI: Armenia's First Ombudswoman Presented Her Special Report
Yerevan--The National Citizens' Initiative (NCI) today convened a
roundtable on "What Armenia's Citizens Gained and Lost in 2005." The
meeting brought together political and social activists, human rights
advocates, analysts, experts, and media representatives.
NCI coordinator Hovsep Khurshudian welcomed the audience with opening
remarks, "The authorities had declared the constitutional referendum
of 2005 as a crucial step toward the establishment of democracy
and legitimacy in Armenia. However, after the immediate 'passing'
of the constitutional amendments, human and civil rights not only
deteriorated, but repression including unlawful arrests against
politically active citizens continued, followed by similar violations,
this time against political parties. A vivid illustration of this is
the illegal closure of the Heritage Party's headquarters. Moreover,
the first Ombudswoman of the Republic of Armenia Larisa Alaverdian
was dismissed for performing her designated duty."
Prior to discussing her special report, Larisa Alaverdian expressed
dismay that the public had lost the ability to read and comprehend
written texts of political or legal nature. Subsequently, she briefly
presented her 20-page special account on the situation of human
rights in Armenia in the year past. Unfortunately, she was not
allowed to present this report to the National Assembly. "I would
like to call this report also 'An Infringement Upon the Right of
Effective Legal Protection,' an entitlement set forth by Article 13
of the European Convention," Alaverdian noted. With respect to the
large-scale encroachment upon the property rights of the residents
of the Northern Avenue and Biuzand Street in downtown Yerevan,
Mrs. Alaverdian observed that in democratic countries, for the sake
of state interests, private assets of people at times are alienated,
but with proper compensation. Yet in this case, compensation was not
only unforthcoming, but people through the courts were forced to sign
purchase agreements and on top be subjected to state and income taxes.
Larisa Alaverdian had made an appeal to President Robert Kocharian
and Prime Minister Andranik Margarian concerning this matter. She
had even addressed a formal letter to the President with respect
to the widespread violation of human rights. Yet, she received a
response in which she was charged for breaching Section 5 of Armenia's
Constitution, that is for misusing her official power.
The next speaker, Heritage Party's political secretary Vardan
Khachatrian, gave his assessments of the constitutional referendum of
2005. According to him, "As a result of the ruling clique's methods of
'passing' the constitution and 'establishing' democracy, the notions
of 'state,' 'constitution,' and 'democracy' have been discredited in
the eyes of the majority of the people who draw a perfect parallel
between the current authorities and the unlawfulness which is reigning
in the country."
Khachatrian pointed that the way out of this situation is carrying
out a fundamental transformation, but not ruling out the prospect
for a peaceful revolution.
The remainder of the session was devoted to exchanges of views and
policy recommendations among the public figures and policy specialists
in attendance. Also noteworthy were interventions by Rafael Ghazarian
and Vahan Shirkhanian from the Forum of Intellectuals of Armenia;
MPs Tatul Manaserian, Manuk Gasparian, Hrant Khachatrian, and Arshak
Sadoyan; deputy chairman of the National Unity Party Gagik Tadevosian;
chairman of the Democratic Motherland Party Petros Makeyan; "18+1"
election observers' mission chief Vahagn Khachatrian; Republic Party
member Rafik Mkrtchian; deputy chairman of the National Rebirth
Party Armen Mkrtchian; deputy chairman of the Liberal Progressive
Party Edward Antinian; director of the Heritage Party's main office
Gevorg Kalenchian; chairman of the Social-Ecological Party Armen
Dovlatian; deputy chairman of the "Victims of State Needs" NGO Sedrak
Baghdasarian; and many others.
In the ensuing discussion Academician Rafael Ghazarian blamed the
opposition leaders for pursuing their personal ambitions instead of
bringing the nation out of this situation in unity.
In Dr. Tatul Manaserian's opinion the reasons for the current situation
should be searched within ourselves since the public has become very
apathetic as to the future of the country.
Manuk Gasparian called upon the participants to work together in
getting at least one or two independent television channels to
reopen so that people can come out of the informational blockade
and be informed of the illegalities of the ruling powers and what is
happening in the country.
Avetik Ishkhanian of the Helsinki Committee was in concurrence with Mr.
Gasparian and added that the public's apathy was due to the suppression
of freedom of speech and that our citizens' first real defeat came
when A1+ and Noyan Tapan were closed down.
Gagik Tadevosian's question as to the validity of the conclusion that
the falsification of the constitutional amendments had resulted in more
illegalities by the government was answered in the affirmative by Mrs.
Alaverdian. She agreed that the ruling administration's declaration
according to which 93 percent had said "Yes" to the new constitution
was a disgrace and that the very same powers were very much aware of
this fact.
In his turn, Avetik Ishkhanian stated that in line with confidential
information ascertained from fairly high state echelons, with the
exception of military servicemen, only 7 percent of eligible voters
had actually cast ballots in the constitutional referendum. Vardan
Khachatrian added that he had received information about a mere 6.5
percent voter turnout.
In his closing remarks, NCI coordinator Hovsep Khurshudian noted
the fact that Armenia's public elite calls attention to ideological
discussions and the search for the roots of and solutions to the
problems facing the country. And in the words of Khurshudian, this
roundtable is its proof.
The National Citizens' Initiative is a public non-profit association
founded in December 2001 by Raffi K. Hovannisian, his colleagues,
and fellow citizens with the purpose of realizing the rule of law
and overall improvements in the state of the state, society, and
public institutions.
The National Citizens' Initiative is guided by a Coordinating
Council, which includes individual citizens and representatives of
various public, scientific, and educational establishments. Five
commissions on Law and State Administration, Socioeconomic Issues,
Foreign Policy, Spiritual and Cultural Challenges, and the Youth
constitute the vehicles for the Initiative's work and outreach.
For further information, please call (37410) 27-16-00 or 27-00-03;
fax (37410) 52-48-46; email; or visit