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Newsletter from, date: 15-Mar-2006 to 21-Mar-2006

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  • Newsletter from, date: 15-Mar-2006 to 21-Mar-2006

    Yerevan Press Club of Armenia presents `MediaDialogue" Web Site as a
    Regional Information Hub project.

    As a part of the project web site is maintained,
    featuring the most interesting publications from the press of Armenia,
    Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey on issues of mutual concern. The latest
    updates on the site are weekly delivered to the subscribers.
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    Source: `Akhali Taoba' newspaper [March 19, 2006]
    Author: Georgi Udzilauri

    In the interview to `Azg' Armenian daily, Ambassador Extraordinary and
    Plenipotentiary of Georgia in Armenia, Revaz Gachechiladze stated that
    the construction of Kars-Akhalkalaki railway is allegedly unfavorable
    to Georgia. Gachechiladze holds that there seems to be no need for
    constructing this section of the railway. It would be more efficient
    to launch another railway route `Kars-Gyumri (Armenia)-Tbilisi'.

    This statement of the Georgian diplomat seemed so unlikely that we
    tried to contact both the Georgian Embassy in Yerevan and the Foreign
    Ministry of Georgia. Bringing apologies, the Embassy refused to give
    comments, while the press service of the Foreign Ministry did not even
    do this much, no one answered the phone calls there.

    If the Armenian journalists do not make inventions and Gachechiladze's
    statement is not the product of their imagination, that is the
    Ambassador really criticizes the state plans on the construction of
    `Kars-Akhalkalaki' railway, he is incompetent. Or may be it is the
    Turkish President Ahmed Necdet Sezer, having visited Georgia a week
    ago, that is incompetent. He stated that Turkey is interested and
    keeps working on the project of constructing
    Kars-Akhalkalaki-Tbilisi-Baku railway.

    Almost a year ago, in May 2005 the Presidents of the three countries,
    Georgia, Turkey and Azerbaijan - Sahakashvili, Sezer and Aliev agreed
    on the implementation of Kars-Akhalkalaki-Tbilisi-Baku project and
    stated in particular that the construction of Kars-Akhalkalaki needs
    450 million Euros. They asserted the public that these funds should
    immediately be recalled because of the anti-Georgian interests

    In a normal democracy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs tries to give
    an up-to-date explanation of such absurd situations. However,
    unfortunately our Ministry does not care about the image of the
    Georgian state on such a serious issue. If Gachechiladze confirms his
    statements in the Armenian press, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Gela Bejuashvili, similarly to the Minister of Interior Vano
    Merabishvili, starts defending his staff, the opposition will have the
    right to demand resignation of two Ministers at a time.

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    Source: `Novoye Vremya' newspaper (Armenia) [March 18, 2006]
    Author: Tamara Hovnatanian

    The regional visit of American diplomats Daniel Fried and Steven Mann
    came to an end, developing into a stage of numerous post-comments,
    especially active in Armenia and Azerbaijan. The process will be
    underway until the meeting of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairmen in
    Istanbul, scheduled for March 20. Why on the territory of Turkey in
    particular? The American Co-chairman answered this question as
    follows, `there is no political implication here', simply Istanbul
    appeared to be `a place convenient to all'...

    In Yerevan, the American diplomats were not very
    outspoken. Introducing the purpose of his visit to the region, Daniel
    Fried singled out three main points. In Armenia and Azerbaijan, there
    was a discussion of Karabagh conflict; further on the issue of energy
    security in the face of the January crisis after the explosion of the
    gas pipeline was raised. Finally, attention was centered on the future
    of the South Caucasus. It is when, as Fried put it, `all the current
    conflicts are resolved, the countries of the region enter into a
    period of peace and the authorities can make decisions without
    external pressure". All the other implications of the visit seem to
    keep to the mentioned frames. Also the agenda of the discussions in
    Turkey that Fried preferred avoiding, and the Iranian issue that is
    still to be considered. The press conference, given by Daniel Fried
    and Steven Mann after the meetings with RA President, Foreign Minister
    and the Minister of Defense, as well as the business lunch with the
    representatives of Armenian political parties was extremely brief. The
    diplomats managed to answer only 5-6 questions. The priority is
    Karabagh settlement.

    The current stage of negotiation process was characterized by Daniel
    Fried as `absence of stagnation". "On the basis of the meetings
    between Presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia, we may state with
    confidence that the negotiations will continue", Fried stated.

    On his behalf, Steven Mann noted that both Presidents show interest in
    the progress, and USA is ready to support them by all means. He
    refuted the rumors about the contradictions among the mediators and
    assured the assembled journalists that he acts with the support of all
    members of OSCE Minsk Group, secured in advance.

    Raising the issue of energy security, the assistant to the secretary
    of state said, `In the newly-formed situation of diversification of
    energy sources, the European Union and USA again started discussing
    the prospects of using nuclear energy".

    "For the time being, I cannot really say what conclusions we will make
    on the results of these discussions in general and with reference to
    Armenia in particular. The people I spoke with in Armenia mentioned
    the interest of Yerevan in the new, safe and commercially viable
    sources of nuclear energy. I will take these proposals to Washington
    and we will attentively discuss these issues', Daniel Fried noted.

    Baku reacted to this quite negatively. `Armenians are very smart -
    they are trying to solve the problem of energy supply at the expense
    of Americans', Baku `Zerkalo' writes. `No doubt, it is reasonable
    tactics. If the Americans need conflict settlement and control over
    the South Caucasus so much, why not do good bargaining'...

    The American diplomats had not left Baku before they again took up the
    old record of the military budget growing like mushrooms and the
    `limitless patience of Azerbaijani people'.

    The issue of patience was raised by the President at the 2d congress
    of Azerbaijanis of peace. "Hoping for efficiency of negotiations, we
    participate in the talks, but for how long? This process cannot be
    permanent. The patience of Azerbaijani people cannot be limitless",
    Ilham Aliev stated.

    Taking up the reference to patience, the Azerbaijani press nourished
    it with another, no less disputable thesis on the tolerance of its
    people. At the same time, it expressed discontent with Lord Russell
    Johnson. Making a speech at the recent session of PACE ad hoc
    committee on Karabagh settlement in Paris, he stressed the necessity
    of `refraining from instigation of enmity". "Instead of calling for
    tolerance, he better mind the fact that Armenia is an aggressor
    country", the Baku press, discarding the thesis of tolerance, brings
    its claims to the Lord.

    "We are devoted to the peace process, and our participation shows that
    we want to resolve this issue peacefully, not by war", one more
    quotation of Aliev, who started his speech at the PanAzerbaijani
    congress `to the good health' of the peace process and came up to `a
    bad end' at the finish. `...However, if we see that the process is of
    imitational nature and Armenia is still not sincere at the
    negotiations, continuing its attempts to mislead the international
    community... we will refuse to participate and will try to return our

    "What will happen if we start the war?' the press develops the
    topic. `Naturally, we will not be allowed to have a real war given the
    interference of the international organizations, cochairmen,
    transnational corporations, with a flow of telephone calls from the
    capitals of world powers... In other words, the military operations
    will have to be terminated, probably very quickly. However, if the
    Azerbaijani army is really capable of liberating at least several
    occupied regions, why not starting a little blitzkrieg?"

    "No war will be quick and decisive", Steven Mann stated in
    Baku. However, apparently they did not hear him or pretend not to
    hear, characterizing the regional visit of the representatives of the
    Department of State as a `shuttle visit", in the process of which they
    `will try to reanimate the negotiation process, hopelessly blocked
    after the obvious failure in Rambouillet".

    Under this approach, the talks about the future, mentioned by the
    American diplomats within the visit framework, are left in the fog.

    "Neither now nor in 20 years, the military option will be decisive in
    conflict resolution', these are the words Steven Mann said in Baku,
    just to remind.

    "The resolution of the Karabagh issue by military means is not
    possible either now or in 15-20 years", RA Defense Minister Serj
    Sargsian expressed his agreement on this issue.

    "Neither in 10 nor in 100 years, will we allow secession of
    Mountainous Karabagh", Ilham Aliev responded.

    Still more interesting is the indirect dialogue of RA Foreign Minister
    Vartan Oskanian and AR President Ilham Aliev.

    "I set a target to equalize the military budget of Azerbaijan to the
    Armenian budget in the short term. Armenia will never be able to
    compete with us. The sooner the Armenian authorities realize it, the
    better for them", Aliev stated at the PanAzerbaijani congress, which,
    judging by the reports from Baku, was almost totally devoted to
    Karabagh issue.

    "In the civilized world, the volume of military budget has long ceased
    to be subject of competition between the countries and the peoples',
    RA Foreign Minister stated in the interview to the Second Armenian
    Channel. `For several years, Azerbaijan has daily produced 400
    thousand barrels of oil; however, Armenia is still ahead of its
    neighbor by the volume of GDP per capita".

    "The Mountainous Karabagh has always been historical Azerbaijani land,
    and the Armenians moved to this region in mid XIX century. They came
    as guests and then, having acquired numerical advantage, they
    instigated separatist trends", Ilham Aliev assures the delegates of
    PanAzerbaijani congress.

    "Karabagh is Armenian land. For thousands of years, these lands were
    populated by only Armenians, preserving their sovereignty', Vartan
    Oskanian parries back. `Azerbaijan has no moral right for any claims
    to Mountainous Karabagh, having lost it in the 90s, when several times
    it tried to exert pressure and even start ethnic cleansing. If not for
    the resistance of the Armenians, we would not have Karabagh today", RA
    Foreign Minister emphasized.

    Aliev also referred to the future of the whole region. "Today one of
    our priorities is implementation of the project of constructing
    Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway. It will promote basic cargo transportation
    in the region. This project, similarly to all the other regional
    projects, leaves Armenia out. We will never allow a country, having
    occupied our territories, to have equal cooperation in the
    region. With time, the gap between Azerbaijan and Armenian will keep

    We should note that Aliev spoke about it at the moment when Daniel
    Fried made his speech in Yerevan about the future of the countries of
    the region, `when they leave in peace and make their choice themselves
    - without any external pressure...'

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    Source: `Zerkalo' newspaper (Azerbaijan) [March 18, 2006]
    Author: F. Teymurkhanli

    According to EU Special Representative Peter Semneby, it is possible
    after concrete results on Karabagh issue

    "When the sides arrive at concrete results in Karabagh issue, it is
    possible that the European union will send its peacekeeping forces to
    the region and render assistance in rehabilitation of the war-torn
    territories. EU may carry out a peacekeeping operation both by its own
    efforts and in coalition with other international structures", as
    stated by new Special Representative of EU in the South Caucasus,
    Peter Semneby.

    At the same time, he added that EU does not intend to interfere in the
    mandate of OSCE Minsk Group, acting as mediator in conflict
    settlement. He was also uncertain about the composition and the
    concrete location of the peacekeeping contingent.

    As for the settlement of Karabagh conflict proper and a possible
    `breakthrough' in this issue in 2006 with a variety of statements
    frequently voiced on this issue, P. Semneby said, `I still hope for
    the conflict to be settled peacefully, and not all the possibilities
    are exhausted. None of the sides needs war".

    At the same time, P. Semneby stated that the high claims put by the
    Armenian and Azerbaijani sides prevent reaching a maximum positive
    decision. `Definite amendments are essential in the positions of the
    opposite sides, the important part is to start the process of peaceful
    settlement. In the future, this willingness will help us facilitate
    the final resolution of Karabagh issue', EU Special Representative in
    the South Caucasus emphasized.

    According to P. Semneby, he intends to continue the activity of former
    Special Representative Heike Talvitie, however, his mandate will
    include larger powers. In particular, the European Union intends to
    allot greater attention and resources to resolution of `frozen'
    conflicts in the South Caucasus region.

    Besides, if the headquarters of H. Talvitie were in Finland, the
    office of the new Euro-Parliamentarian will be based in Brussels. The
    new location is not accidental. According to P. Semneby, this
    circumstance will help improve coordination of the activity of various
    European structures.

    Recently, the interest of the European Union in the South Caucasus
    region has considerably increased. As P. Semneby thinks, it is
    conditioned by two basic reasons. First, two South Caucasus countries
    at a time (Georgia and Azerbaijan) aspire to EU membership. Second,
    Turkey, now under negotiations for EU accession, has borders with all
    the three countries of the South Caucasus region. In his opinion, with
    ratification of the European Neighborhood Action Plan, the ties
    between EU and the South Caucasus will be intensified.

    Answering the question of `whether the EU will support the South
    Caucasus countries if they face a tangible threat from the North or
    South", P. Semneby stated that his mandate embraces regional
    cooperation, including the relations of South Caucasus countries with
    the neighboring states. "Naturally, all the emerging problems interest
    EU. However, I am not sure how the EU will act when there is a
    concrete problem in place. In any case, we are interested in the
    regional stability", EU Special Representative stated.

    As for the issue of human rights and democracy in Azerbaijan,
    P. Semneby stated that EU views these aspects as priorities.

    Besides, EU Special Representative stated that on his two-day visit,
    he met the Head of State Ilham Aliev, Parliament Speaker, Prime
    Minister and other officials.

    As reported by `Turan' agency, in the conversation with EU Special
    Representative, I. Aliev wished P. Semneby successful implementation
    of his mission. I. Aliev pointed to a progress in the cooperation
    between Azerbaijan and EU, and expressed hope that these relations
    will be strengthened in the future. On his behalf, P. Semneby noted
    that he started his mission in the region from the visit to
    Azerbaijan. He referred to the growing interest of EU in the South
    Caucasus. P. Semneby expressed confidence that the relations between
    EU and Azerbaijan will be developing in the future as well.

    P. Semneby also met the opposition leaders. During the meetings, they
    discussed the social political situation in Azerbaijan, parliamentary
    elections of November 6 and the post-election period, paths for
    settlement of Karabagh conflict, prospects for developing the
    relations between Azerbaijan and EU.

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    Source: `Milliyet' newspaper (Turkey) [March 15, 2006]

    The article in The Wall Street Journal criticizes the member of the
    governing board of the Turkish Lawyers' Union Kemal Kerincsiz, who
    filed a suit against the organizers of the scientific conference on
    the Armenian issue, and Orhan Pamuk. Bearing the signature of Philip
    Shishkin, Istanbul correspondent of the newspaper, the article
    characterizes Kemal Kerincsiz as a person trying to isolate Turkey
    from the West.

    In his article, Shishkin states that the claims of Kerincsiz to limit
    the freedom of expression reduce to zero Ankara's efforts for raising
    the democratic prestige of Turkey in the period of EU membership

    Shishkin writes that the actions taken by Kerincsiz fit in the
    strategy of nationalistic forces, pursuing the aim of isolating Turkey
    from USA and Europe, and transforming it into a regional superpower,
    similarly to the Ottoman Empire at the time.

    The article stressed that intensive efforts of Kerincsiz have not yet
    brought any effect, since civil society is developing in Turkey and
    people speak about the necessity of rejecting the archaic means of
    accusation in Turkey.

    In the article, Shishkin calls attention to the fact that in the
    process of Turkey-EU negotiations quite a number of laws and
    traditions changed. Overall, the Turks opt for closer relations with
    Europe. So the statement of Kerincsiz that Turkey does not need EU,
    likely to strengthen its positions in the region, does not enjoy the
    support of the majority in the society.

    The article mentions that last year Kerincsiz brought suits against
    two universities that organized `Armenians in Turkey" joint
    conference, writer Orhan Pamuk and Editor of `Agos' newspaper Hrant
    Dink. In particular, the Lawyers' Union brought charges to the
    organizers of the conference and their supporters. Despite all
    obstacles, the conference on the Armenian issue was held on September
    24-25, 2005 at Bilgi University. The organizers asserted that its most
    positive result was `academic freedom". Last year, lawyer Kemal
    Kerincsiz and two other persons in the interview to `Die Welt' German
    newspaper accused Orhan Pamuk of insulting a Turkish soldier. There
    was an attempt to accuse Joost Lagendijk, deputy of European
    Parliament from Netherlands of insulting the Armed Forces of
    Turkey. None of the suits brought the desired result.

    The Wall Street Journal also quotes the statement of the Foreign
    Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Gull that the laws,
    directed against freedom of expression, have a negative impact on the
    image of the country. However, the newspaper writes that the
    government has not yet made any real steps towards supporting freedom
    of expression.

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