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Turkey Urges France To Block Armenian Genocide Bill

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  • Turkey Urges France To Block Armenian Genocide Bill


    Agence France Presse -- English
    May 10, 2006 Wednesday

    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday called
    on France to block a French parliamentary bill that would make it a
    punishable offence to deny that the World War I massacres of Armenians
    were genocide, and warned that such a move would hurt bilateral ties.

    "Ties between Turkey and France are not ordinary relations. They go
    back to the 19th century and French firms currently rank first among
    companies investing in Turkey," Erdogan told reporters here.

    "I believe the French parliament will probably not insert the so-called
    Armenian genocide like a virus between two countries that have such
    important ties. I believe common sense will prevail," he added.

    Erdogan was speaking before his departure to Vienna to attend the
    EU-Latin American (EU-LAC) summit on Thursday, where he said he
    expected to meet French leaders to discuss the issue.

    Turkey, which categorically denies the Armenians were the victims of a
    genocide, is warily watching the developments in the French National
    Assembly and announced Monday that it had called back its ambassador
    to Paris for consultations.

    If approved, the bill would provide for one year in prison and a
    45,000-euro (57,000-dollar) fine for any person who denies that the
    1915-1917 massacres of Armenians were genocide.

    The bill, which follows a 2001 French law officially recognising the
    massacres as genocide, was proposed by members of the opposition
    Socialist Party (PS) and will have its first reading before the
    Assembly on May 18.

    Armenians claim up to 1.5 million of their kin were slaughtered in
    orchestrated killings between 1915 and 1917, as the Ottoman Empire,
    modern Turkey's predecessor, was falling apart.

    Turkey rejects the claims, saying 300,000 Armenians and at least
    as many Turks died in civil strife when the Armenians took up arms
    for independence in eastern Anatolia and sided with Russian troops
    invading Ottoman soil.