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OSCE co-chairs urge Armenians, Azeris to prepare for peace

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  • OSCE co-chairs urge Armenians, Azeris to prepare for peace

    OSCE co-chairs urge Armenians, Azeris to prepare for peace

    Public Television of Armenia, Yerevan
    25 May 06

    [Presenter] The representatives of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chair
    countries made an official joint statement following the Yerevan talks
    few hours ago.

    The Russian deputy foreign minister, the US Assistant Secretary of
    State and the French Foreign Ministry's adviser in their joint
    statements expressed confidence that the sides can achieve a mutually
    acceptable agreement at this stage [of the peace negotiations]. They
    described their talks in Baku and Yerevan as constructive.

    [Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin, in Russian with
    Armenian voice-over] We, the representatives at the deputy minister
    level of the Russian Federation, the United States and France,
    together with the co-chairmen and the personal representative of the
    OSCE chairman-in-office, have arrived [in Yerevan] with this joint
    diplomatic mission to promote the peaceful settlement of the Nagornyy
    Karabakh conflict and because now it is time for the sides to achieve
    agreement on the basic principles of the conflict settlement.

    [US Deputy State Secretary Daniel Freed, in English with Armenian
    voice-over] As we did yesterday in Baku, we have discussed important
    aspects of a future settlement. We worked to create conditions for a
    meeting of the two presidents [Robert Kocharyan and Ilham Aliyev] in
    the near future. We stressed the belief of the international community
    that the conflict can be resolved only by peaceful means. Both
    countries should prepare their people for peace, not war.

    [French Foreign Ministry's Ambassador at Large Pierre Morel, in French
    with Armenian voice-over] A joint mission as this one is a special
    event. It must be taken as a sign of seriousness with which we
    approach the issue and, in particular, of our belief that we are at
    the point when mutually beneficial agreement is achievable. It is up
    to Armenia and Azerbaijan to let it happen. We are leaving with hopes
    and expectations of progress. We are pleased to be in Yerevan and want
    to express our gratitude to President Kocharyan and the people of
    Armenia for receiving us.