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Beirut: Murr Touts Impending Deal On Unity Cabinet

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  • Beirut: Murr Touts Impending Deal On Unity Cabinet

    By Nada Bakri

    The Daily Star, Lebanon
    Nov 9 2006

    BEIRUT: Lebanon's leading politicians are expected to reach a deal
    over a national unity government, a key demand of Hizbullah and
    the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM), during Thursday's consultation
    meeting. According to MP Michel Murr, the official assigned to work
    out a "formula" Wednesday to rescue the country from political crisis,
    the formation of a national unity government was "70 percent" complete.

    "I have so far accomplished 70 percent of my mission, and now I am
    waiting for the last meeting, which is the most important," with
    Parliament majority leader MP Saad Hariri, Murr said early Wednesday

    Murr added that Hariri did not oppose this formula.

    Hariri's office said Wednesday evening that the two officials
    had discussed the new formula, but declined to elaborate. Murr's
    spokesperson was not available for comment.

    Earlier meetings included talks with Speaker Nabih Berri, a close
    Hizbullah ally and sponsor of the national talks, and FPM leader
    Michel Aoun.

    Murr said following his meeting with Berri that all participants during
    the roundtable talks on Monday and Tuesday agreed to a Cabinet that
    includes four ministers from Aoun's bloc.

    He added Aoun wanted to be represented in Siniora's Cabinet - whether
    in its current 24-member form or in an expanded 26-member government.

    Either scenario would see the addition of two FPM ministers and two
    of the party's allies in the Armenian Tashnak Party and the Zahle
    bloc headed by MP Elie Skaff.

    The question is whether two or four current Cabinet members will
    be tossed.

    Hizbullah and the FPM have been demanding a more inclusive government
    since this summer's war with Israel ended on August 14, to correct
    what they argue is a misrepresentation of political power.

    The two parties threatened to take to the streets to force a change if
    the anti-Syrian majority refused to meet their demands by mid-November.

    Sources close to Murr told the Central News Agency that the former
    deputy prime minister is looking to bring "a neutral blocking minority"
    into Siniora's reshaped Cabinet.

    The sources said participants must choose one of three options: Replace
    four ministers with FPM ministers; expand Cabinet to 26 members and
    introduce amendments to certain portfolios; or form a 30-member Cabinet
    which will guarantee a higher likelihood of pleasing all parties.

    Hizbullah and Amal, headed by Berri, have five ministers, pro-Syrian
    President Emile Lahoud has three ministers, including Defense Minister
    Elias Murr, Justice Minister Charles Rizk and Environment Minister
    Yaacoub Sarraf.

    Attaining one-third of Cabinet would allow the opposition to block
    any Cabinet decision it did not support.

    However, media reports said Wednesday that Lahoud will not approve
    any new government that includes Rizk, who has not seen eye to eye
    with the president on key issues as of late.

    Rizk told the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation on Wednesday that he
    has had "differences of opinion" with Lahoud since the formation of
    Siniora's Cabinet on two main issues: judicial appointments and an
    international tribunal to try those accused of the assassination of
    former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

    The Central News Agency quoted sources close to Berri on Wednesday
    as saying that

    a breakthrough might be pos-sible on Thursday "if the right Arab and
    international coverage is available."

    But these sources said it was unlikely that a new government would
    be formed - if a deal is reached Thursday - before November 13,
    the deadline Hizbullah set for a new Cabinet.

    Hizbullah MP Hussein Fadlallah said Wednesday his party insists on
    acquiring greater representation through a national unity government.

    "We hope that the governing majority realizes the importance of this
    opportunity to correct the misrepresentation in power after they have
    violated all the agreements, which were the basis for accepting to
    participate in the current government," Fadlallah said.

    "We will not give up our demand ... We are not seeking to topple the
    government or change it, but we want to participate in power to boost
    the country," he added.