By Petros Keshishian
AZG Armenian Daily
Elisa Manningham-Buller, head of the British MI 5 counterespionage
service, informed that there are at least 200 terrorist groups that
consist of over 1600 members. According to the France Press, she said
that recently, they received information about 30 terrorist act that
were in the preparation stage. The terrorist acts were directed to
murdering people or making huge economic damage.
Mrs. Manninhgam-Buller stated that the threat of terrorist constantly
exists in the country and will always threat to several generation
of the British citizens. At present, the terrorist use self-made
explosive materials, but very soon they may enrich their armory by
purchasing dangerous chemical, bacterial or radioactive materials.
By Petros Keshishian
AZG Armenian Daily
Elisa Manningham-Buller, head of the British MI 5 counterespionage
service, informed that there are at least 200 terrorist groups that
consist of over 1600 members. According to the France Press, she said
that recently, they received information about 30 terrorist act that
were in the preparation stage. The terrorist acts were directed to
murdering people or making huge economic damage.
Mrs. Manninhgam-Buller stated that the threat of terrorist constantly
exists in the country and will always threat to several generation
of the British citizens. At present, the terrorist use self-made
explosive materials, but very soon they may enrich their armory by
purchasing dangerous chemical, bacterial or radioactive materials.